» Romance » For Now, Charlotte Graham [reading tree .TXT] 📗

Book online «For Now, Charlotte Graham [reading tree .TXT] 📗». Author Charlotte Graham

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leave your most cozy room and face your idiotic cousin.” I said with a smile “And I now have a chance to get to know you even better.”


The book slowly closed and a sigh erupted from his lips. “I know that you really don’t want to know me better. I may just be like my cousin since we grew up in the same household.”


“No, believe me you’re nothing like your cousin. I’ve seen into his horrid mind as I have seen into yours. You are two totally different people. One of elegance and culture and one of whore filled fantasies. I refuse to be one of those whores in your cousin’s fantasy thank you very much” I told him angrily.


“You’ve been in my mind?” He asked and moved away from me.


“Only for a quick peak I didn’t go snooping around or anything. I just had to see what your intentions where nothing more nothing less.” I said and got up off the bed.


“It takes great power to do that Heather” He said and stood on the opposite side of the bed to me.


“It is nothing but a parlour trick” I said with a look of sheer confusion.


“How powerful are you?” He asked with a raises eyebrow.


“I don’t know what you’re speaking of.” I said as I turned around so I didn’t have to face him. “I am a very common angel like you are…Actually even more so because my eyes are blue not of you crystallized green.”


“You are more extraordinary aren’t you? You’re hiding something and I’m going to find out what it is.”


“You will forever be in the dark if it where up to me.” I told him as I felt his hot breath racing down my neck.


“For now I am in the dark. But there will be a time when all secrets come to the light.”


“Unless they are lost into the darkness” I replied as I turned around to be paralyzed by those pale green eyes.

Chapter 5

My mind was clouded and I had no thoughts running through it. All but two. Kiss HIM and RUN.


“No one’s picked me over my cousin before.” He murmured more to himself then to me. I gently pecked his lips before saying


“If I had a choice, it would be you.” When I had realized what I had said I stormed out the door. I may be wearing an angels colouring but, I am a demon and we can never be together. I ran into my room and slammed the door thinking ‘I need too get out of this place!’



A week had past and I have not spoken to Dominic since. We had shared a few awkward glances and then looking away. In my uncles plan I was to “fall in love” with Dominic’s cousin Aaron I have not yet fallen in love with him but, apparently he has fallen head over heels for me and we are to be married next year. Of course that will never happen and we will be up and gone by then.

Dominic does not know of this plan. `It`s not his concern` I told myself in my mind. `It could be his concern though` I rested my head upon the bookshelf I was leaning against, I could not think this way of an angel considering my rank and my beliefs. The library`s door opened and slammed harshly against its wooden frame. My eyes snapped open and I looked towards the entrance. Of course it had to be Dominic. Oh how fate hates me. I picked up a random book off the shelf’s and pretended to be reading. Now at this moment in time I hated being a reader because I just started reading and forgot that Dominic was still in the room.


The book was ripped out of my hands with such force that I could hear the pages rip I look up and said ``was that really necessary``


“To get your attention yes it was” He replied with a huff. He tossed the book over his shoulder and glared down at me. “Why him?” he asked be with sadness drenched in his strong features.


“It was not of my choosing believe me of that. `” I said with a dark frown. “I would rather be home”


“So let me guess you have a lover at home?” Dominic asked bitterly.


“No nothing like that. At home I wasn’t controlled by anyone I did what I please and, here my uncle rules. My power no longer exists.” I complained as I got up. And straightened out this wretched dress.


Dominic handed me back my book which I put back on the shelf. He sighed and looked me directly in the eyes and demanded “Look into my head right now and see what I am thinking of.”


I slipped past his mental barriers and found myself looking through his eyes at me just after I kissed him. All I could hear him thinking was `she would chose me!!!!!` I pulled out of his mind and stumbled back. At this moment I could not look him in the eyes. Why did he have to be an angel? I can’t love him……unless.


“Let’s play a little game you’re going to give me 10 min and I’m going too hid in the forest. If you find me I’ll tell you something that will change your perspective on me and if you don’t you have to try and let me go. ‘I bargained knowing that there is an 89.3% chance that he won’t find me in there.


He sighed and nodded just before saying “I don’t think the last part can happen. You have 10 min go now.”


That’s when I ran out the doors of the library through the house and into the woods. I was dead centre in the woods when I knew my time is up. All I could think was “Please let him find me. Even though you can’t love him unless you leave this world.”


I saw a figure in the distance appearing and reappearing. “Of course hes a transporter hes probably good at navigation to.” I thought bitterly with a smile I wanted him to find me yet at the same time I didn’t. My word is strong as steel.


I felt Dominic hot breath along my neck I took my knife out and spun around placing it on his neck. I knew it was him but i hated being sneaked up upon My blade was drawing blood but, his face stayed the same straight as ever. “As i promised do you know of somewhere we can talk privately?” I asked him as i removed my blade slowly from the black liquid gushing from that small cut. “I must have damaged the external carotid artery. Here” I said as i put my hand upon his wound and let a small surge of power to heal it.


“Yes follow me” He said as he gently touched his neck and jumped off the tree branch. I followed to a deeper part of the forest in silence.  We came upon a cave and he led me to the man cavern, there was a small light coming from the top of the cavern. “Is this good?” He asked.

I nodded “I fear that i may not bear the best of news for you, its better off for me to show you anyways.” I looked him dead in the eyes and let my true wings and eye colour. I had midnight wings and dark crimson eyes. I had long talons and fangs. I was in my true from in front of Dominic.


“Your a demon? A royal one to?” He choked out with a small waver to his voice.


“Yes” I answered and let my form return to the one he knows.


“Why are you here? Why are you tormenting me?” He demanded angrily.


“Your uncle has plans on attacking my people. I need to stop him to spare any lives i can.” I said truthfully and turned around so I didn’t have to see his face. “I don’t know why I feel like this around you but I do. Dominic I am developing feelings for you and I can’t help myself.”




Publication Date: 12-09-2013

All Rights Reserved

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