» Romance » The Paranormal Mystics, Savannah Jackson [interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Paranormal Mystics, Savannah Jackson [interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author Savannah Jackson

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Chapter Eight

(Aaron's P.O.V)


I sighed, my arms tightening around my mate. It broke my heart, seeing her like this, so and in soo much pain. She looked up into my eyes and I could have sworn my heart shattered right there when I saw the pain in her eyes, they left me breathless from the intensity of them. I gave her a weak smile and we both leaned in, closing the space between our lips.

The kiss, explosions went off, as if there were fireworks being shot up into the sky. There was so much emotion put into it, it's like she's pushing all of her pain and sadness into this kiss. There was also a bit of salt too, I was tasting her tears. My tongue flicked across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, when she would not give it to me, I squeezed her ass, causing her to gasp, giving me entrance. I could feel her hands going up my shirt and tracing my abs, causing me to shiver and moan into her mouth.

She suddenly pulled away and looked down, a shy smile on her face, I could feel a smile creeping onto my face. She spoke, breathing hard, "I...I haven't felt this way in a...a long time....I don't think I...I've felt this w...way....ever." My wolf was going crazy at the sound of her voice, all breathless-like from our kiss. I answered, "I won't ever, ever hurt you Nunki, ever. I haven't felt that way ever, that is, until now. Please, please be mine Nunki, you have no idea how badly I want you." She laughed a musical laugh, her cheeks turning redder and redder with each minute, man does she have a beautiful laugh, I wanted to just sit here and listen to it all night...possibly all year, every single day. She replied, "You don't have to say that Aaron, now I know, I know that I...I can trust you with my heart, the kiss showed me that...I don't know how, but I literally felt what you were feeling while we were kissing...anyways back to the subject, it'll take me a while to...completely trust you, but at least you have some of my trust. My trust is extremely hard to get...especially with what happened in my past. I...I can't believe I...I'm saying this...b....but I...I...I love you." She started chewing on her bottom lip, uncertain of herself.


Chapter Nine

(Nunki's P.O.V)

I suddenly heard slow clapping coming from the far corner and I looked up to the direction along with Aaron and a sharp gasp escaped me and I cowered into Aaron. My eyes were wide, probably as wide a deer about to get hit on the road. My breath came in short gasps as my fear of him took over me, curling up at the pit of my stomach, I didn't even feel like I was here.

I must have been making scaredy noises or something because Myra and Arriane came bursting into the backyard, along with the rest of the gang. It took one look at the situation, seeing him, and Arriane bursted into angry shouts, "YOU!" Myra half yelled half snarled, jumping after him, well, more like on him. "WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK YOUR SORRY ASS UP AND LEAVE!!! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!" She yelled, tearing at his hair, scaring me. I whimpered, cowering into Aaron even more. He held me tightly at first, watching the scene, then he let go of me, kissing the top of my head, causing me to whimper from fright, I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to be near someone, especially when the guy who hurt me badly is around. 

"Hey, it's alright Nunki, I won't let anyone get you." He said to me, then looked up and spoke sharp orders to the other guys, "Sebastian, Deacan, keep close to Nunki, and don't either of y'all get any ideas," They nodded and he turned around, pulling Myra and the guy, Ty, apart, "Who are you and what the hell is going on?!" He snarled at Ty. Myra answered for him, "That guy there is Ty freaking bastard Willis, the guy who damaged your mate so badly she can barely, just barely trust guys!"

When I saw his face, he had a look of such rage, so much that it wasn't even possible. He looked down at Ty and let Myra go, he growled, then spoke again, "You. Are. Never. EVER going to come back here. Ever. Not for one reason, if you're the whatever delivery guy, get someone else to deliver the food to this address," He dropped Ty, purposefully. Ty just stood there like, 'what the hell?' "GO!" Aaron roared at him and he scrambled away hurridely.

Aaron looked over at me and walked to me, as he walked to me, his face softened. His hair is shaggy and dirty-blonde. He has gorgeous blue/green eyes that said the owner of those eyes would move the world for me, his skin is tan. He looked into my eyes and I gasped at the intensity of them, I swallowed hard and got up, putting my arms around his waist and hugging him tightly, he tensed sligthly at first, then relaxed, hugging me back. I whispered, "T...Thank you f...for making him go away." I could sense a smile creeping onto his face, then I saw the smile when he put his fingers under my chin, lifting it, to get me to look into his eyes, "Anything for you my little Luna." He whispered back and kissed me, I kissed him back.

Chapter Ten

I heard wolf-whistles and people saying, "Get a room!!" I blushed and quickly pulled away, looking down. Aaron chuckled and I yawned, a wave of exhaustion washing over me. "I'm tired...I want to take a nap." I muttered to him, quitely. "Okay, I'll take you upstiars." He said and I nodded, "Okay." Suddenly, I felt myself getting lifted into the air and I shrieked as he put me in bridal-style carrying position. I put my hand over my heart and breathed fast, "Dude!!! I'm short!!! I'm not good with heights! AT ALL!!!!" I screamed, looking down to the ground, then quickly looked back up. He must be at least 6 feet something! He chuckled and replied, "Oops, sorry, didn't know." I glared at him and he just shrugged, then started his way up the stairs and towards his room.

"WAIT A SEC!" I yelled, Aaron looked at me with a confused look, "What??" I looked at him with a pointed look and he rolled his eyes, "I'm not gonna try anything okay!?" I sighed, he would not let me get out of this anyway, so I just let him take me to his room. His room had white walls with another two doors in it, much like the ones in my room, he had a dresser and a bed in it. The bedspreads were all sorts of colors, orange, green, dark blue, black, you name it. The dresser had three drawers, like mine.

He pulled back the blankets and put me in bed, that is, after my shoes were taken off, then he stripped down to his boxers and laid down next to me, putting his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him until my back touched his chest. I sighed and closed my eyes after murmuring, "Love you." I faintly heard him saying, "Love you too."

Chapter Eleven

When I woke up, it was dark in the room, meaning it was night time. Wow, that is one long nap, I thought and looked around. When I tried to move, something around my waist restricted me, I looked down, then behind me and saw Aaron. I sighed and stayed still, not wanting to wake him up, but I did turn around so I was facing his chest. I absent-mindely placed my hand on his chest and traced the markings on him, they were an intricate design, probably tribal-style. He shivered and grabbed my wrist, looking down at me. Woops. I woke him up. "Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you up Aaron." I said sheepishly, his eyes fluttered when I said his name. "Say my name Nunki." I gave him a confused look, but I still did as he said, "Aaron....why?"

Suddenly, he pressed his lips on mine roughly, "Mmmm." I said from shock and kissed him back, moving my lips along with his. He nipped my bottom lip, asking for entrance, teasing him, I did not open my mouth so he squeezed my ass, causing me to gasp, he took the advantage and stuck his tongue right in. Our tongues explored each other's mouth as he attempted to lift up my shirt, note the word, attempted, I pulled away and stopped his hand, shaking my head.

He looked into my eyes and studied me closely, after a moment, he spoke, "You're hiding something. What are you hiding?" I bit my bottom lip and shook my head, "I....It's n-n-nothing." I said, fully aware of how bad a liar I am. His eyes darkened and he growled, "Tell me Nunki." I shook my head again and he growled again, pushing up my shirt. He lost control of himself and began growling and snarling and yelling, "What the hell happened?! Why

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