» Romance » Owlings and Demons, T. Richardson [best large ebook reader TXT] 📗

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my hand now,” I said.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry just a little scared.”
“Go on walk in,” I said. He nodded.
I watched him walk in and I heard my teacher say, “Look we have a new student, what’s your name?” I walked in after him and grabbed a seat. He began getting all of this unwanted attention. I think I even heard some girls mutter, “He’s hot.” I laughed. “Pick a seat wherever you’d like sweetie,” said the teacher.
As I thought, he sat next to me. The next moment while the teacher was writing on the chalk board two girls about 15 years old, those idiots, started cat fighting. “What’s going on girls!?” yelled the teacher.
One of the girls looked towards the teacher and said, “Well, I asked Chelsea if she ever got a chance with the new kid, would she ask him on a date, and guess what! She said yes!”
Chelsea said, “Well Kelsey asked me and I answered. Who would you rather go out with, new kid?”
Jonathan probably had no idea what to say and I was afraid he might hesitate but instead he said, “None of you.” They both gasped and slapped him in his face. His eyes turned red. As soon as I noticed this I covered his mouth and held him against my chest and I stood up. “Excuse me for a moment please.” I said. “Uh… sure.” The teacher said trying to catch a glimpse of his eyes. I walked out of the door, and let go of him.
“Gosh!” yeah gosh

was right.
“I don’t know what’s happening to me!” he yelled. “I have never experienced such anger before.” I crossed my arms and listened. “What about you? Have you ever felt this way before?” I shook my head. “Have you ever seen your eyes change color?” I shook my head. “Well I have, ok! I have seen them turn from light brown to-to, to violet purple and it’s really freakin' scary! Are my

eyes frightening?”
I nodded. “Wait,” I said. “When have you seen my eyes change color?”
He gasped. “Well, whenever you’re at Kelly’s house talking to her family or even her!”
“Have you been stalking me?” I asked.
“I practically take a bike ride pass her house every day and I am very surprised no one has ever noticed.”
I nodded. “Well okay, bringing you here is harder than I thought but we can make this work.” I said. “Calm down, ok?” I walked back into class leaving Jonathan outside sitting. “Umm…” I began then the bell rang. Kids ran out into the halls looking at Johnny cover his eyes.
A woman bent down and asked him, “Are you ok?” Jonathan uncovered his red eyes.
“Excuse me” I said while taking his hands. “Please if you don’t mind, can you step away?” The teacher walked away quickly looking behind her watching Johnny watch her. I watched as this slowly continued. I slapped his face, and his eyes became a darker shade of red.
He looked directly at me. “You’re scaring people with that stupid glare. You are scaring me

. It’s frightening that you are angry with me. I may not like the people here but I have a respect for all of them unlike you."
“Can’t you feel it?” he asked.
“Feel what?” I asked.
“Your eyes changing color,” he replied. I walked away very angrily. “Better be careful of people seeing that!” he yelled. “If they do we will no longer be the only two left.”
Wait what? I turned around. “What do you mean only two left?” he laughed, but by the look of his eyes he still wanted to shred me to pieces, and so did I.
“Well Erica we are the only two in America left, I’m actually very happy I even met you, even though you are mentally killing me but, you know.”
“Come on.” I said. “We are walking home; bus transportation is too much money.”
“Skipping class huh?” said the dean. We turned around with our eyes being our normal color.
“Uh- we really need to leave.”
The dean’s eyes widened. “Oh I know,” he said. “Owlings and Demons should not co-exist in the same world right? I hope you know that we are going to have to execute you. Oh and don’t worry, we will make this a very silent death for you Jonathan, as for you Erica a detention for trying to cut class, and go to class this is none of your business.”
I hesitated. “B-But I also-”
“Go! Now.” Johnny said.
“But if you must watch Erica,” said the dean. “Come in my room.”
I entered. Jonathan was soon hooked to an unmovable office chair.
I gulped. “Uh…” I muttered. I could finally feel my eyes turn color from bottom to top. But even more unexpectedly, my nails grew five inches longer; my hair grew at least to my thighs. My teeth sharpened, piercing into my tongue, and my skin was a beautiful pail color while my lips were naturally red. Johnny took a startling look at me and then said, "What---what just happened?"
Then the dean was ready to kill Johnny, and then he looked at me. He dropped his dagger he was carrying. “You are a demon? And you look human? And you are fully developed? At age 16?” this was everything that the dean had popping out of his mouth. “I'll never be able to kill you," he muttered underneath his breath. "I can always kill you, Johnny, boy.”
"Don’t bother,” Jonathan said. “Since she is what we call a 'Demon', I will let the truth out; I have been fully developed since the age of three.” I was surprised by this, well not that much, his anger was terrible and he couldn’t control himself, his hair was always beautiful and straight.
His nails always did kind of look like a woman’s. And he looked pail whenever he was angry making it seem as though that whenever he wasn’t angry the paleness feature was gone. “I will let you stay here for two weeks and I will see if you two keep your act together, and you will be able to stay.”
We walked out of his office. “Look at you!” he yelled as soon as we escaped the air-clamped rooms. “Whatever demon you held inside of you was gorgeous. This is what you actually look like. I am so happy to see the real you. That was actually the only thing I liked about being a demon, other than that, you'll feel like the rest is a world of trash piled… over… you?”
He began to feel insane for the happiness of what I’ve become but he also realized that what just happened ruined his life and will also ruin mine. “At least we will be able to understand each other better, now that you know what I am going through.” I didn’t talk; he said this would happen when I was seventy. I was hoping that I’d die a little before seventy so that I would not end up like this and have to live forever. “Want to walk home?” he asked.
“Yes.” I replied.

A Small Kiss

As predicted, my attitude towards things was to change. I was angry at everything, especially Kelly and even angrier at Jonathan. I didn’t like my hair, every time I tried to cut it, it would grow back to the exact same length in two seconds flat.

My mother hadn’t come home in weeks; she was too upset that her thousand dollar shoes broke. School was starting again and I had to be there on time because if I wasn’t there for exactly two weeks I would have no chance on getting an education at all. I began walking to my bus stop again and met with Johnny on the way there in his car.

“Want to come in?” he asked with sun glasses on blocking his red eyes from the sun. I shook my head; I really did not want to talk to him. “Please…” he pleaded. I shook my head again. “Please…” I stepped into the front seat and avoided eye contact with him.
“I was wondering,” I began. “What are Owlings?”
He thought for a second. “Well they are just blind angels, well not blind,” he explained. “Just can’t notice what is sitting right in front of them. Like someone very sweet and perfect, and someone needed. Demons on the other hand see value in people. Believe they can do anything and change. Owlings are make-believe angels. We were the ones who were supposed to be the angels, but when we messed up, they didn’t want to give us a second chance.”
I smiled. “So we're not bad?” I asked.
He shook his head. “We are just hot tempered because of those stupid Owlings ruining our lives to connect with god.” I didn't know how true that was.
Once we made it to school, people from all directions were looking at us and then Kelly pulled me from my spot light. “What are you doing walking around with him?” she asked me.
“He’s my friend.” I replied sheepishly. “He’s more of a friend then you will ever be.” I walked away. I was starting to think that people thought we were a thing. I had to say it, but he was not

bad looking.
Then Chelsea and Kelsey approached me. “We wanted him first!” they both said as they slapped me across the face. Idiots

, I thought. Being approached by such people as them was like being slapped in the face altogether.
“Whoa!” Johnny said. “I was never taken.” Girls one by one came to him toppling over him like he was some kind of prize to be won. I walked to my next class that was filled with all boys, except one and a bunch of girls were missing too. I wonder why

, I thought being sarcastic with myself. Johnny came in the class room with lipstick marks all over him, and then he sat

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