» Romance » A Love To Last, Katie [reading fiction txt] 📗

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pressure of his hands holding her up around her waist. She let her hands go upon themselves and travel up and around his neck, playing with the hair just above his neck. It felt like silk in her hands. His lips never let up as the time seemed to go on, he never once tried to deepen the kiss, which at the time frustrated her, and his hands never left her waist, but she could feel him everywhere.

When he finally let her go and ended the kiss, Elizabeth was breathless. Speechless even. Josh sat her back down where she was, kissed her forehead and slowly left her secret little area, left her alone. She did need him. If he could make her feel this way with just a simple kiss, she needed him more than she knew. The one thing she couldn't let herself admit was just how right he was with her wanting him just as much. She didn't fully understand what it meant to really want somebody, not in the way he meant, but she would soon enough. All she could think about doing at that very second was sitting there smiling, tracing her lips with her finger, and think about Mr. Josh Chisum and the things she knew he would bring into her life, whether she wanted them or not.

Chapter Three

Elizabeth not once stopped thinking of the way Josh's lips felt on hers. They were smooth, soft, and tasted faintly like mint. It was the most incredible kiss she ever had, the only kiss she had ever had. As she brushed her hair, she tried to remember other details, but failed once she thought back to how his hair felt in her fingers. Just like silk. It was this she was thinking of when her mother walked into her room.

"Lizzie, Scott's here,he said you made plans for a walk this morning." She studied her daughter. There was a change in her. A permanent blush almost. She almost glowed. It only enhanced her beauty that much more. She waited for Elizabeth to nod before she left and went downstairs to Scott. "She's fixing her hair and will be down shortly." She smiled at Scott and wondered what it was that he could have done or said to Elizabeth for her to be so smitten.

"Thank you ma'am. We won't be long, i only have a few minutes before i need to return to work." He paused as Elizabeth came down the stairs and he took in all of her elegant unmeditated beauty. She was the most striking woman he had ever had the pleasure of courting, and he was sure she was to be his soon.

"Sorry i kept you waiting Scott." She smiled sweetly as she looked at Scott trying to forget Josh. She owed Scott enough to at least try and focus on him. She allowed him to take her hand and loop it threw his arm as they reached the sidewalk. They walked in silence for quite some distance. It was fine with her, she figured she could focus on not thinking of Josh more that way.

"Elizabeth, you look absolutely beautiful today. It is no effort at all for you to be so breath taking." They had stopped and he swept a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She felt her heart speed slightly. How was it that Scott, could be so charming. He could take the simplest things to say and make them sound so amazing. She didn't want to be charmed though. Not by Scott, did she? Sure he was everything that she should want, everything that her mother and father wanted for her. Her heart pulled in a different direction though...

"Thank you Scott. You really are too kind to me. I am sure you know plenty of beautiful women." Even as she said the words she knew them to be plenty true and that he would deny them no matter what she said. His hand brushed her cheek and she suddenly felt like she needed to get out, or start moving again, or something she didn't want to happen was going to happen.

"Elizabeth, i know it may seem sudden, but you already know how i feel about you. I want to have your hand. I want to know I'm the only man on your thoughts." As Scott made his speech Elizabeth wanted to tell him he would never be the only man on her mind. He may be there briefly, but he will never be the only one for her. Maybe she couldn't explain it correctly, but no matter what she was thinking of, or what she was doing, it seemed Josh was always there.

"Scott,-" She lost all her words as Scott cupped her face and seemed to be coming towards her. She went absolutely still, not knowing what else to do. She didn't want him to kiss her. Didn't want him to think it was what she wanted. What had she done to make him think that was at all what she wanted from him. Maybe she should stop him. Oh, how she wished that Josh would show up at that exact second and stop Scott before his lips could reach hers. Stop him from touching the lips that belonged to Josh already.

"Excuse me, you're Scott Haring correct? My banker?" He is heaven sent. How did he know? Josh saved her. Josh kept her his, for now. Scott seemed to be very irritated as he dropped his hands and saw the relief wash over Elizabeth at the interruption. As he turned and saw Mr. Chisum, he quickly dropped his sour attitude. He didn't want to be on his wrong side. Even if Mr. Chisum did take away his chance to finally have a small taste of Elizabeth.

"Uh, yes sir. That is me. What can i do for you?" Scott tried his best to stay sounding as upbeat as he could. He let his hands drop to his pockets and stepped away from Elizabeth. Not wanting to seem unprofessional to his biggest client yet.

Elizabeth felt nothing but relief as Scott stepped away from her. She sent Josh a smile and when he returned it and winked at her she felt the fast approaching blush from her toes up to her cheeks. He couldn't have come at a better time.

"Well, they sent me out to find you, you are needed at the bank. They didn't say why or what for, just that you are needed," Josh seemed so at ease and not at all angry that he had just witnessed Scott almost kissing me. Perhaps it was because he saw that i didn't want him to kiss me. Josh ran a hand threw his hair before he continued. "As for Lizzie, don't worry, i will see to it that she gets home in one piece, you should hurry along though, don't want to keep them waiting on you sir." Josh smiled as Scott merely nodded and walked away towards the bank. Once Scott was out of sight Josh took my hand and began leading me towards the woods path and finally to my secret area.

"I want to thank you. I didn't know what to say or do to stop him from proceeding and kissing me, but i assure you i did not want him to kiss me, i haven't been able to stop thinking of you. Haven't been able to stop thinking of your ki,-" He silenced her again with just a single finger and pulled her to the ground next to him. He was smiling as he watched her. He had never before seen a woman that with just a single touch could be undone. He felt the power he had over her, and liked it. He knew he was what she thought of. Knew that she had been dreaming of him and have been dreaming of the kiss they shared. God knows he had been. He just knew that once she knew the truth about him, she would run right into that undeserving Scott Haring's arms. He wanted to remember her this way. All undone and wind blown and beautiful.

"I like this spot. And not only just because this is where we shared that kiss. The same kiss that has overcome my thoughts as well, Lizzie," Her heart skipped a beat as he began to trace her lips, and run a finger down her neck to her collarbone and back up to her lips. "You really must know that i want you. I need you Elizabeth. I can't explain it, not now anyway, but you are the only light in my world. The only reason i have had for changing. I want you to know that." His words sent chills down her spine. There was a certain way he had spoken the words that she believed him. She knew with everything that she had that he meant every word he had said.

"I don't know what to say Josh. I really don't." And she didn't it was like with him touching her, he took away her ability to talk, or think. As he traced his finger over her skin leaving a tingling trail behind, that was all she had the ability to think about or to want.

"well, why don't you just try to tell me what you want, what you are thinking about Lizzie." As he said it he leaned in closer to her until they were no more than an inch away from each other and all her eyes could focus on were his eyes.

"I am thinking i like the way my skin tingles when you touch it. And i want to feel, what i felt when you kissed me." She barely finished her sentence before Josh kissed her again. It started out as sweet as it was the first time, but it changed as she tangled her fingers in his hair and he deepened the kiss. There was something in the way he kissed Elizabeth that had her wanting to take a breath even as she thought this he let his lips leave hers and trail down her neck, causing her to take a sharp breath. She knew it was wrong, she knew she should stop him, but she didn't want him to. She felt that same need inside her as he did inside him. She felt that same insane wanting as he did. Did that make this right? Did that make it ok to let him bring his lips back to hers and lay her back on the soft grass. Should she really be pulling him even closer to her, needing to feel him everywhere. Needing to have the weight and pressure of his body on hers. When she thought she just might explode with the needs and wants she had, he pushed up and off her and was on his feet pacing before she could even process him gone.

"I'm so sorry Lizzie. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I have no right. I just can't explain it. I forget everything when i kiss you, forget what i am, what i can do to you. You deserve so much better, you deserve Scott Haring, not me, that's why i waited two years Elizabeth, don't you see? You can't ever be happy with me like you can be with him. But i can't bare to think of you being with anybody else but me. Don't you understand? Can't you hear what i am saying? Can't you see that we can't happen, we just cant Lizzie, i am so sorry. I need to go." He was gone faster than she thought possible, leaving her nothing but the memory of his kiss and the way he

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