» Romance » The Vampire Girl, Sam Ale [tharntype novel english txt] 📗

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is the place where me and my father played before he died.” I whispered back hoarsely. He tilted my chin so that he could look into my eyes. Then softly his lips brushed mine it was so soft and so quick I thought I imagined it, but I didn’t it was plain on his face. His eyes sparkled. There was color in his cheeks. He began to lean back when I slid my hand around his neck and kissed him lightly. He was surprised at first then slowly his lips melted with mine. It was like eating the most delicate chocolate. I never wanted to stop kissing him but all to soon he pulled back. I looked at him and immediately I could tell why he stopped. He was out of breath. I chuckled and laid down on the soft grass. I looked up at his flushed face. His grin put the sun to shame. I looked at him with so much love I knew it shined in my eyes. I could feel it. He stared back at me the exact same way. He laid down beside me. His arm wrapped around my waist. “I never want to leave you Ange. I swear I’ll do anything to make you happy.” he whispered into my hair. I smiled and turned my head. “I know. What are we going to do though. We can’t be together you know that. I’m not good for you.” It hurt saying these words and he knew it hurt me more saying them then him hearing them. He brushed away the stray tear that trailed down my face. “You wont hurt me.” He said it with so much confidence that I almost believed him. But I knew the truth. I can kill anything that crosses my path. “I can though. I can’t take that chance with your life Adrian, your all I have.” I smiled sadly. He knew this. He knew the risk of his life. But he is here. Isn’t he? He kisses me softly. You know that I’ve come to far with you to give up now.” I sigh deeply knowing that he won’t give up. “Why do you have to be so determined?” He chuckled softly. “I’m only this stubborn when what I want wants to walk away.” He smiled down at me. His eyes shimmered. They were so beautiful, a deep rich chocolaty brown. I could just fall in his eyes forever. They promised a soft landing with his strong arms to catch me. His lips brushed against mine again. I closed my eyes. The feeling was as close to heaven as I would get. Then I jump up, sending him flying backward. He looked up at me confused. “I hear something.” I said. I turn in a slow circle. “I know your out there! Come out where I can see you!” I shout toward the woods. At first nothing happens then slowly a shadowy figure emerges from the woods. The stranger is tall, fair haired, and very pale. There was one other thing, he was a vampire.

Chapter 10

I stand close to Adrian, showing the other vampire he is mine and not to touch him. “Relax.” calls the stranger. “I won’t hurt him.” He quickly approaches us. Adrian looks at me with questions. I silently tell him to be quiet. He lowers himself to the ground. I stand up to the stranger. “Why do you enter my territory?” I ask him. He steps closer holding out his hand, I stand my ground. He stops about a foot from me “I am Vince. I mean no harm. I didn’t realize this land was taken.” He looks at Adrian “Or that this human belonged to you. The vampires are mating so young these days.” He said so low that only I could hear. I stared at him. “This human doesn’t belong to me. He is free as any other though I would prefer if you left my land immediately. Please don’t bring harm to the people here.” I then look down at Adrian. He is looking nervous. I hear a slight rustle behind me. Vince is a few feet away. He whispers “If this human is so free why don’t I take a bite. I won’t hurt him.” Vince moves to be closer to Adrian when I jump and pull him back my fangs unsheathed. “Don’t touch the human. Or things will get ugly.” Vince slowly backs away then disappears but, I know he will be back.

Text: Sam Ale
Images: Sam Ale
Editing: Me and anyone who readds and comments
Translation: Bookrix
Publication Date: 12-17-2011

All Rights Reserved

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