» Romance » 내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang, Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu [little bear else holmelund minarik txt] 📗

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crazy, he’s from the ghetto and he would probably knock some sense into me. I’m not ready to come out in the papers for such a scandal,” Alan took another dreamy glance before he was invited to help the chairperson of Barclays hand over the cheque and award medals to the winning team.

“…And the CEO of FEB Insurance Brokers, give them a round of applause as they come up to hand over the prize to Ihlathi High School!” Shuvai felt as if she was dreaming when all of this was being said. The boys were lined up in their tiny bodies receiving the medals and displaying everlasting smiles which made it more dramatic. The man who was staring at her before turned out to be an important guest after all and he looked better at a closer range. After the boys were given the trophy and Themba had received the special scholarship to study in Europe it was time for her to receive the cheque. “And now to collect the cheque for the school and an honorary medal for her impressive work, the coach of the Ihlathi team Miss Gutu!” Shuvai smiled shyly as she made her way to the stage. Slowly, she approached the special guests who shook her hand enthusiastically as she passed until she got to the FEB CEO who gave her the medal. “I’m impressed,” he put the medal over her neck slowly, his eyes gleaming never leaving her face. After a long moment, he looked away and left the Barclays chairman to give her the cheque.

“Everyone is hysterical about your work Shuvai. The whole school has decided to throw a party in honor of you,” the headmaster spoke excitedly over the phone. The whole event was over and they were now getting ready to leave. “I’ll be honored sir, thank you sir,” she returned the excitement as she ended the conversation. “Excuse me,” she was stopped in her tracks all of a sudden as she made her way to the bus. When she turned to see who it was, she was surprised to see that it was the FEB CEO. “Hello sir,” she said shyly in her usual deep voice. “Oh no, please don’t call me that. Alan is my name and you?” he stretched out his elegant hand. “Shuvai is my name,” she shook it. “Say Shuvai, I was impressed by the way your boys played. It must have been tough training them,” he began in a very casual way. “You have to understand them first before you bark commands at them. Most of them didn’t like me but some how they managed to listen,” she answered back nervously. “Well I like you; I mean you strike me as an interesting person. I can see you are running late now so why don’t I take you out for lunch tomorrow afternoon? I hope you don’t have any plans,” he smiled taking out his cell phone. “Sure, I’d love to if you’ll have me that is,” she accepted the invitation. “Take this phone, I’ll call you about tomorrow’s arrangements,” he put it into her palm and strolled off. “What could he possibly want from me?” Shuvai asked herself.
















Chapter Three

“August has been composing a song for you over the past week. I could play a few notes for you but he’s so touchy about his work,” David said as he led Nyarai into his studio, a room in the big Langley family house. They lived on a hill in Burnside and Nyarai could see what August meant when he said there was so much fresh air. If he could also see, he could have also told her about the beauty of the landscape. “I hope that magazine didn’t cause much trouble for you at school or even at home,” David spoke in a sympathetic voice. His blue eyes melting with concern and comprehension as he motioned for her to take a seat. “The good thing is that I didn’t die from it. I always heard voices as people recognized my face from the tabloid and others even had the courage to walk up to me and ask if I was the girl in the magazine. School was horrible as the headmistress summoned me to her officer and threatened to suspend me as I was allegedly tarnishing the school’s image. The teachers, you can imagine the disgusted looks. I was a real outcast,” she admitted her pain.

“August, how has his mother been about the whole issue?” she looked up at him as he brushed off his long blond hair from his face. “Alice? She’s been a real lion that woman, overprotective for sure. The very reason why I think it’s better for me to pick you up from school and bring you back here so that you can chat. I can’t drive him to the park anymore because John will come for him if Alice can’t make it here. It’s so ridiculous if you ask me but what can I possibly do in this dilemma,” he answered her question honestly. “My brother hasn’t been easy either,” she managed a small smile. “It’s so ironic that we are still seeing each other after all the drama that has been taking place, I don’t know why but I just want to be with him,” she looked down at her hands. “That’s how love is. No need to fell guilty,” David said softly.

“Are you talking about me in there?” A familiar voice by the door inquired humorously. “What is there to discuss about you?” David scoffed off. “Come in and stop talking to the walls over there,” he watched as the door slowly pitched open.

Nyarai looked at the handsome face which accommodated a smile which lit the entire universe and felt relief and emotion flood her deep inside. How she had longed to see her angel again and now he was there in front of her like a dream. “August!” she ran into his open arms and embraced him. “I missed you so much,” August whispered kissing the top of her head. “I guess I should leave you two to your daily rituals. Call if you need anything,” David created his own cue to leave.

“Don’t ever disappear like that again!” Nyarai hit him hard on the chest. “I was afraid I wouldn’t see you again,” she sobbed. “I promise,” he soothed her. “I would never fantasize of such a thing because without you I would be lost. I know this might sound crazy but I have no doubts about it, I’m in love with you Nyarai.”


“If my ears don’t deceive me, I heard Alan crying on the phone the other day. What could have been wrong?” Alice enquired as Josh returned to their table after taking a call from Alan. Josh froze for a moment; his face turning a pale white as the color left him. Yes, he remembered the unsettling phone call alright! Alan had begun having cold feet about Shuvai and was now begging him to reconsider their ‘special’ arrangement. Josh analyzed Alice’s facial expression and recognized concern registered on it. She probably didn’t suspect a thing; anyway it was a month ago.

“Do you mean Mr. A Chakwana? That must be some kind of a joke because these days he’s over the moon!” Josh swept the idea under the carpet. “Is he finally in the team? I thought he was still recovering from that leg injury,” Alice spoke in a passive uninterested voice. “Even better than formula one darling, the boy has finally gotten himself a girlfriend. Tell me, why would he be devastated about that? He’s probably screaming for advice from the romance oozing machine, me,” Josh made fun of the issue. “Careful, if your boss heard you say such a thing he would fire you or demote you from your position of chief consultant,” Alice warned playfully. “That would be taking his right hand off, remember that I will be partner soon,” he ridiculed. “So tell me, who’s the lucky girl?” Alice asked eagerly. “You mean the girl in the high tower trapped by Alan the witch? Oops! I mean Mr. Chakwana the wizard,” Josh enjoyed the sight of Alice’s impatient face. “Yes, what’s her name?” Alice smiled sweetly. “Shuvai, but Alan likes to call her Miss Gorgeous,” Josh took a long sip of the orange juice on the table. “Is she really all that?” Alice put on a cheeky smile. “Yes, not compared to you of course my dear, but she is a work of art in a contemporary kind of way. Most people wouldn’t understand why he isn’t after the classic beauties but Shuvai isn’t that much of a disappointment. She’s like a Picasso, only appreciated by a true artist,” Josh spoke as if he was enclosed by a heavenly body. “Very convincing, I think you should sell paintings in an art gallery,” Alice pretended to be impressed. “This whole thing about Alan and Miss Gorgeous gives me an idea. I think we should double date some time before the wedding!” she said excitedly. “I don’t know about that,” Josh hesitated. “What? You think I’m going to laugh at your friend’s Picasso girlfriend? You know I’d never do such a thing,” Alice sounded hurt by Josh’s insecurity. “Ok, but I’m not guaranteeing you anything. I’ll have to ask him first,” he settled the matter quickly.

“So, how’s St August these days? I haven’t seen him in a while,” he quickly changed the subject. “What does it matter to you? I thought you couldn’t bear the sight of him,” Alice hadn’t cooled down yet. “Well if Monica isn’t jumping around and punching him that makes it a great deal for me. She told me that August doesn’t want to see her anymore and I’d like to ask about the root of the problem,” Josh put on a stern voice. “Monica is five years old and August is twenty-five, do they appear like the perfect playmates to you?” Alice sounded irritated. “Yes, as long as they both call you mommy and live under the same roof! What did you do to him to make him so callous?” Josh demanded. “I told David not to drive him to the park anymore so that he doesn’t meet with that gold digger. From now on John will pick him up from the Langley residence and drive him straight home,” Alice said coldly. “So you’ve decided to play the witch in this whole tale? How does August feel about your harsh decision?” he asked softly this time. “He hates me of course! He says that I have no right to tell him what to do because he can make his own choices now and that he will have to move out if he has to. He believes that he’s fallen in love with that girl and that I’m ruining his chances of happiness,” tears slowly slid down her eyes. “Has this girl ever given you a reason to doubt her besides the fact that she is still in school?” Josh looked her in the eyes as he wiped away her tears with his hanky. “Not yet, but it will be a matter of time before I point out her goals. People have hidden agendas and I have a reputation to keep in society. I have spent all my time trying to encourage August to get acquainted with the beautiful, kind starlets I’ve chosen for him and this girl ruins everything I have worked hard for,” Alice spoke spiteful. “May be the reason why these dates never work out is because August wanted to meet someone on his own. As much as he is blind, he has his pride as a man and what you did made him feel insufficient in his role of getting a mate. I’m not judging you but I think August should make his choices from now on,” he advised her. “He will

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