» Romance » Välkommen Till Hästen Hus, Shånnon Marie [to read list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Välkommen Till Hästen Hus, Shånnon Marie [to read list .TXT] 📗». Author Shånnon Marie

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one eyebrow raised in a condescending fashion. "Are you really going to play innocent?"
"What do you mean?!" She sputtered, exasperated.
"When you fell against me earlier, in Annike's office? You weren't just using that as an excuse to land in my arms? Because so many girls have used that tactic it's beyond ridiculous."
Anastasia couldn't believe her ears. This guy was unbelievable! "!"
"Devilishly handsome animal?" Ryan gave a conceited smile. "Thank you. I know I am."
"Well, at least he smiles," Anastasia mumbled under her breath.
"When you're as beautiful as I am, it's hard not to smile when you think about yourself."
Anastasia frowned and pursed her lips in thought. Was this guy for real?

Anastasia spun around, inspecting her stylish outfit in the mirror.
"Not bad," Ryan's sudden appearance made her jump, and she blushed as he inspected her. "But I'm still prettier."
Anastasia snorted. "Oh, please. You're not half

as good as you think you are. Why, I wouldn't date you if you were the last man on Earth!"
Ryan gave an amused smile, and then he crossed over to her in long, purposeful strides. He came right up behind her, rested his hands on her waist, and put his lips by her ear. "Oh, really?" he said, his voice deep and seductive. She shuddered as his breath sent tingles down her spine. "I'll bet I can get you to kiss me before the end of the night."
Anastasia gave a startled gasp, cheeks burning.
Ryan chuckled. "I thought so."
Anastasia shook her head, gave a huff, and shoved him away. "You're full of it."
"Full of what?" he grinned.
"Yourself!" Anastasia stuck out her tongue.
"Are you suggesting a tongue war?" Ryan waggled his eyebrows.
"No!" she squealed, blushing again when he laughed.
"Admit it, flicka

, you think I'm hot." A lazy smile played across his face.
Anastasia rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Just because you're physically attractive doesn't mean the rest of you is likable."
"Then explain this," Ryan said as he pulled her against him and brought his lips temptingly close to hers.
"Explain what?" Anastasia gulped.
"Your way your body responds when I hold you close. Your rapid breathing, your shaky hands, you're eyes that beg for more."
"I...uh...I..." Anastasia tried to respond, but couldn't.
Ryan bent his head and lightly brushed his lips against hers.
"What about Svea?" Anastasia whispered in a last effort to overcome him.
"What about her?" Ryan frowned.
"Wouldn't she mind you kissing other girls?"
"What do you know about-oh. Kyle told you that Svea and I are together?"
Ryan muttered something in Swedish that Anastasia didn't understand, but she could tell it wasn't nice. Then he cupped Anastasia's face in his hands. "She doesn't have to know," he said, as he claimed her mouth with his own.
Anastasia trembled as his kiss heated every inch of her body. Her knees became to wobbly to hold her up, so she leaned into him for support. He took this as an invitation for more, and took the kiss deeper. His arms tightened around her, pressing her firmly against his body, and Anastasia nearly screamed out in ecstasy when his tongue touched hers.
Then, common sense returned. He had a girlfriend! And he didn't have any problem kissing other girls behind her back! Sexy or not, this guy was bad, and she wasn't about to become his play toy.
With iron like determination, she wrenched free of his passionate embrace.
He stepped away and frowned at her.
Anastasia stared right back at him, breathing heavily. When she finally regained control, she crossed her arms and said, "You are the most despicable man on this planet! I made a mistake letting you kiss me. I made a mistake letting you get near

me! Even if she's got issues, Svea's your girlfriend, and that fact that you're so nonchalant about cheating on her speaks volumes

about your character- or, in this case, your lack there-of. I'm not attracted to you, I don't like you, and I never will."
Ryan stood still as stone the whole time she spoke, his blank expression unwavering. When she'd finished, he shifted his weight to one leg, crossed his arms, and allowed the cold, cocky expression on his face to return. "Good. I'm glad we're on the same page. Because I don't like you either. I was just proving a point. Thanks for the pleasure. It was fun."
Tears flooded Anastasia's eyes. "I hate you!" she hissed, and then she stormed out of the building. After walking a few blocks, she realized that she now had no way to get home. She sat down on a bench and began to sob.
She remained on that bench long after she'd cried herself out, staring listlessly at a crack in the sidewalk. A car horn jolted her from her thoughts. She glanced up.
Kyle grinned at her from inside his jet black Chevy Camaro Blackroc. He pulled up to the curb, and stepped out. "Hey, pretty lady. Why you cry?" He came over to her.
"I hate Ryan," she said bitterly.
Kyle shook his head. "Si, he is bad. You need a ride?"
Anastasia nodded stiffly, and took Kyle's outstretched hand.
"Don't cry, mi bella," Kyle said softly, and tipped her chin up with his finger. "You will smile for me, si? You have such a pretty smile." His warm, friendly grin was infectious, and Anastasia couldn't stop the corners of her mouth from turning up.
"Si, that is better!" He laughed, and wrapped an arm around her wast. "Let's get you home."

When they pulled up to Hasten Hus, Annike was waiting for them.
"Oh, my dear!" Annike ran up to Anastasia and embraced her. "Where have you been? Ryan came back, alone and mad as a...something! I don't know the phrase in English, sorry. I was so worried! I sent Kyle out-"
"She's fine, Annike," Kyle kissed the woman's cheek. "She's just upset. You know how Ryan can be sometimes."
Annike sighed. "I'm sorry, my dear. Ryan can

be incredibly frustrating at times. You look splendid in that outfit, by the way."
Anastasia smiled. "Thank you." Then, she yawned. "Well, if you all don't mind, I've had quite

a long day, and I'd like to get some sleep."
Annike took Anastasia's hand in her own and patted it affectionately. "Of course, dear."

Chapter 3

Kyle walked Anastasia up to the house and showed her to her bedroom. "Your stuff was delivered earlier," he gestured to the trunk at the foot of her bed.
"Thank you. For being so nice to me." Anastasia said.
Kyle's gave her a soft smile. "It's hard not to be nice to such a bella senora," he said as he gently brushed his fingers across her cheek.
Anastasia could feel the blush burning her cheeks, and her heart thudded. Her mind flashed back to the euphoric kiss she and Ryan had shared just hours ago. Would it be like that with Kyle?
"I like having you here," Kyle murmured. "I can't wait to see you ride. And I can't wait to get to know you better."
"I-I like it here too. Sort of," Anastasia stuttered. Kyle chuckled. He leaned forward, and Anastasia braced herself for his kiss, but he kissed her cheek instead of her lips.
"Buon noche, mi bella," he said. "I will see you in the morning, si?"
Anastasia nodded. "Good night."

Anastasia awoke feeling rested and excited to start practicing for competitions. She dressed in her usual riding leggings and boots. Then she pulled on her favourite green sweater that brought out her eys, and pulled her long, red hair back into a messy braid. She quickly brushed her teeth, and then jogged over to the barn where Deluxe awaited her.
When she arrived, she was surprised to see Kyle there, leading Deluxe and a gorgeous black Arabian mare towards her. Both were beautifully groomed and fully tacked up for riding.
"Ah, buon giorno, mi bella!" Kyle grinned. "I thought maybe we'd go riding today?"
Anastasia beamed. "Si!"
Kyle clasped his hands dramatically over his chest and gave a loud sigh. "Ah, she is a girl after my own heart!"
Anastasia giggled and went to Deluxe's side. Kyle cupped is hands and gave her a boost up onto Deluxe's back.
The golden buckskin mare snorted and danced in place excitedly. "Who's a pretty girl?" Anastasia crooned and patted the mare's neck.
"You are," Kyle said with such a matter-of-fact-ly tone Anastasia had to laugh. He grinned back, and swung into his horse's saddle. "This is my horse, Melody," he said.
"She's gorgeous," Anastasia smiled.
"And stubborn as they come," Kyle chuckled and stroked Melody's mane. "Let's go explore the woods, si?"
Anastasia clapped her heels against her mare’s hide. “Race ya!” she laughed, and Deluxe took off across the field. A few moments later, Kyle and Melody pulled up alongside them. “There’s no way you can beat an Italian!” he stuck his tongue out at her and made a face.
She made a face back. “I bet I can!”
“I don’t think so!” Kyle gave his horse a small kick, and Melody leapt into the lead.
“Come on, girl!” Anastasia clucked to her mare. Deluxe snorted and bore down on the smaller black horse.
The two riders raced neck to neck all the way to the woods, and in the end, they called it a tie. They arrived at the edge of the woods, laughing and completely out of breath.
“That,” Kyle paused to catch some air, “That is good fun, si?”
Anastasia nodded and was about to reply when Ryan came riding out of the woods aboard Renegade. He glared first at Kyle, then at Anastasia. “You two were laughing loud enough to raise the dead! Are you not aware that this is a professional organization?”
On an impulse, Anastasia leaned over in her saddle and slapped Kyle across his face, then gasped and quickly redrew her hand.
Ryan flinched, then slowly turned his head towards her. With a fake smile on his face, he said “You will pay for that, I hope you realize.” Then he gave Renegade a whack on his rump and galloped away.
Kyle reined Melody over to Anastasia, laughing. “Well, you certainly showed him!”
Anastasia grinned. “Yeah, I guess I did!” She turned to face him, giving a startled squeal as his arms wrapped around her waist and his lips touched hers.
It was a nice, slow kiss that made Anastasia

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