» Romance » The Chase, Amber Riel [best english books to read txt] 📗

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he opened the front door for me he took my hands.  “Now, here’s something else that you need to know…. That taxicab driver ratted out on the guys who he gave a lift to at the mansion the day of the break in…. He was weak and obviously not the mastermind because he wouldn’t have giving in so easily if he had been…. Now the guys who broke in there were three of them…. The three who are still on the loose and once the three of them are captured everything will go back to normal well not including the fact that the mansion is destroyed…. Now of those three guys when George described them to me two of them were the same description as the two bikers we seen earlier today…. It could be a coincidence but I have a feeling that it’s not…. I’m kind of a detective and I’m not an idiot when it comes to placing pieces together…. That’s why I didn’t tell George while we were inside…. He’s waiting for me to call him so I can go into more detail…. Sam, this is getting close to where I’m….” He bit his lip as he thought about what he was going to say.  “Going to…. Please don’t be mad….”

          I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion at his words which were kind of starting to worry me.

          “But I’m going to have to place myself in danger….”


          Louis jumped back at my outburst.

          I began crying again.  “Why?  Why would you do that?”

          “Sam, it’s my job….”

          “I don’t care if it’s your job…. You’re willing to put yourself at risk?”

          “Sam, please calm down.”

          “Calm down?” I asked as more tears began to fall from my eyes.  “Why should I?  I’m going to have to worry about you now.  Why would you even consider that?  I’m afraid for you…. I don’t want to lose you…. How could you please yourself in harm’s way?”

          “Sam,” Louis replied as he grabbed my hands.  “I have to…. It’s my job and it’s the only way I know that I can keep you safe along with everyone else.”

          “Keep me safe?  You could die and you’re worried about me?”

          Louis released my hands and hugged me.

          I tried to pull away from him but his hold was more powerful and stronger than me.  Why?  Why does he have to do that?

          Louis held me in his arms as he moved his right hand into my ponytail and began playing with my hair.  “I wouldn’t do place myself in danger unless I had a good reason and my main reason is you…. I lost my first wife to an enemy which I couldn’t stop…. I can at least do everything in my power to keep you from harm’s way…. I know you’re going to be angry with me but it’s for you.”  He pulled away from and locked eyes with me.  “Please calm down and don’t be mad.”

          I nodded.  “I’m not mad…. I’m just not use to having a guy who’s willing to put himself in danger not just for me but for others…. This is something that I’m going to need to get used to.”

          “I know and don’t worry…. I will be safe….” He opened the door for me and then looked back into my eyes.  “Please get into the car so we can go.”

          I nodded but before I climbed in I gave him another hug and kissed him.

          “Ten,” he said.

          I didn’t know why but I liked how he counted our kisses each time we would share then.  I slid into the car and he closed the door for me.  I was in the process of buckling myself up when he climbed into the driver seat.


          I sat in the room with Lainie while Louis walked outside on the phone to talk to his boss and give him information about the guys that we had seen at the dinner.  My mind had wondered to what he had told me about him placing himself in danger and I was worried but I knew that it was something I was going to have to get used to.  I wondered how Carmen had done it when Eric had to go and place himself in danger for others.  I remembered she had told me that Eric and Louis had the same job which Louis later told me how worried her about both Louis and Eric or something like that.  My thoughts were so tangled that I wasn’t sure which had come first but I remembered both of them had told me pretty much the same thing.

          Lainie had taken off her shoes and lay down in bed.  “Auntie Samantha, can you tell me a story?” she asked as she yawned.

          I looked at her and smiled.  I turned myself to face her on the bed and sat crisscross as I looked at her.  “Sure…. Tell me what you want to hear?”

          “A princess story.”

          “Okay and what is the princesses name?”

          Lainie smiled as she looked at me.  “Samantha….”

          “Samantha…. Ok-ay….” I raised an eyebrow as I looked at her wondering where the story was going.  “Okay is there anyone else.”

          “A prince name Louis,” she answered as her smile grew.

          Of course.  “Okay…. And what’s the problem?”

          “A fire breathing dragon is keeping the princess locked in a tower.”

          I didn’t have to ask to know what else was going to happen in the story, seeing I figured that I was the princess and Louis was the prince.  “Once upon a time there was this princess, she was beautiful with dark brown hair which fell past her shoulders and curled when it was wet.  She was a kind hearted soul who loved anyone and everyone.  The princess’s name was Samantha,” I began.  “You see like in most fairy tales there was this wicked witch was jealous of the princess and had her locked high up in a tower where a fire breathing dragon lived and kept all who dared to come save the princess away.  One day, a charming attractive prince with short brown hair and beautiful sea blue eyes had heard about the princess who was trapped by the dragon and had decided that he wanted to save this princess.  The name of this prince charming was Louis and might I say he was quite a looker to all of the young maidens in the land so for him to be willing to save the princess he had never met was an amazing choice for him.”  I would have worded that differently if I had thought it through but I figured that it was for Lainie and to her it didn’t matter what was said or how it was said as long as the story went on.  “He worked his way around the tower and searched for the dragon because be it as it may to save the princess one must first fight the evil dragon.  When he locked eyes with the beast which had two giant serpent like heads and diamond shaped eyes with a round giant body and long scaly necks, he knew that he had to fight the monster and so he pulled out his long sword with a silver blade and a golden handle and began swinging at the monster.  One of the two heads of the giant lizard went to snap its sharp fangs at the prince but the prince was too quick for it and as he moved he took his sword and chopped the first head off from the body.  This had angered the other head and the prince was in trouble.  The second head of the creature went to snap at him with its fangs but the prince dived out of the way.  This went on for several moments until finally the prince took his blade and chopped the second head off from the body.  He ran as the head and the body fell to the ground.  Once the creature had been destroyed he knew that it was time to go and get the princess.  He hurried his way up to the tower and he came to a closed door.  He ran over to the door and tried rattling the handle but the door was locked so he had to take it into his own hands.  He ran into the door several times until he finally fell to the ground inside of the small room where he found the princess sitting on her bed.  He quickly stood up and smiled at her.  ‘Hello, fair princess I am Prince Louis.’  The princess smiled as she stood up and walked over to him.  ‘I am Princess Samantha.’  ‘You are now free, Princess Samantha, for I have defeated the evil dragon and saved you.’  The princess walked over to the prince and kissed his cheek.  ‘Thank you,’ she told him with a smile.  After they arrived at her kingdom, they got married and lived happily ever after.  The end.”

          “I’m prince charming?” I heard Louis’s voice from behind me.

          I smiled as I turned to face him and smiled.  “Lainie wanted me to tell her a bed time story and I let her choose the names.”

          Louis kind of nodded then looked at Lainie.  “She looks like she enjoyed,” he said as he nodded toward her.

          I turned my hand and noticed that she had fallen asleep.  “I guess so.”

          Louis walked over to the bed he was going to sleep on and sat across from me.  “I enjoyed it…. I kind of heard it from when the prince came in to rescue you I mean her…. The princess….” He kind of laughed as he leaned closer toward me and grabbed my hands.   “I told George the description of the two guys and he said that it sounded like them but when we get to our destination he’s going to have us look at pictures because he believes those two guys were in jail already for some other crimes…. So we have a lot to do.”

          I nodded.

          “Now we need to get to bed because we have a long day tomorrow.”  He pulled me closer to him and we kissed.  “Eleven.  Now good night, Princess Samantha,” he said as he kind of laughed.

          “Hahaha,” I kind of mocked as I stuck my tongue out at him, playfully.

          “I win.” 

Ron & Annie

          I sat on the cold icy floor of an old room when one of the two biker looking men walked in and over to me.  It was the same one with the scare on his face.  As I looked into his evil stare he moved down closer to me and touched my face with his right hand.  “Hey there, beautiful,” he spoke with an evil grin as he leaned in to kiss me.

          I turned my head away like I had with the creepy taxicab driver.  I felt as my heart began to pound.  It felt like it was racing and at some point I thought that it would burst through my skin and onto the floor.

          “Look at me,” the guy said as he

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