» Romance » Boarding Schools, Secrets, and Jerks 2, Alyza Slaton [top rated ebook readers txt] 📗

Book online «Boarding Schools, Secrets, and Jerks 2, Alyza Slaton [top rated ebook readers txt] 📗». Author Alyza Slaton

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his voice thick with amusement

I chuckled, "Sorry!"

I heard Talon stomp down the hall and shook my head, leaning into Benji. "Why did you need to see me?"

"I miss you. I don't like not seeing you around the house everyday." He whispered, pulling me onto his lap

"I miss you, too, Benji." I smiled, "So, how's everything going with you and Ali?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Things are different now that you're gone. I'm just...You know how when someone leaves that you care about, you feel a void? Like...I feel empty without you." He frowned, casting his eyes away from mine, "And Aliyah doesn't like that." He finished, tighening his hold on me

Frowning, I tried to catch his eyes, "Have you talked to Jonny or my dad about that?"

"Yeah, they said it was because once we met, we were never suppose to leave each other. Because we're each others protectors." He finally met my eyes, "But...I'm losing my mate because of it. So, I thought if I visited you every once in a while, I wouldn't feel empty."

"Do you feel empty now?" I asked, snuggling closer to him

He shook his head, "No. I don't. I feel like I never want to leave."

"Mmm, I wonder why I don't feel empty when you're not here." I closed my eyes lightly, breathing in his sweet, minty scent

"Elijah said it's because you left my side. If I were to leave yours, you'd feel the void, not me." He said, laying back on the bed, laying me beside him

My towel started slipping off and I squealed, hopping up, "I need to get dressed."

"Oh, yeah...Forgot." He muttered, laying his arm over his eyes

Walking over to my dresser, I pulled out a purple lace bra and matching panties. Swiftly, I put them on.

"I'm decent." I stated, wrapping my hair up with a towel

Benji looked at me and his eyes zeroed in on my stomach before they got big, "What is that?"

"My stomach..." I trailed off, wrapping my arms around myself

"I know." He snapped, "Why is it already big? You're only a month."

I shrugged, walking over to the closet, "I don't know."

Grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and a low cut white t-shirt, I slipped them on.

"Have you talked to Declan about it?" Benji asked, sitting up on the bed

"No, but I'm going to soon." I said, grabbing a brush

Brushing my thick black hair, I sat down and bit my lip, "Is Ali really mad at you?"

"I don't think it's me she's mad at, really." He murmured, running a hand through his blonde hair

"So, she's mad at me." I said, looking over my shoulder to see him glance at me with sad blue eyes

"Kelsey-" I cut him off, shaking my head

"It's whatever. I don't care if she doesn't like me. All that matters to me is that you don' let her break us apart." I bite my bottom lip, seeing his eyes flash

"She's my mate..." He said quietly, twiddling with his fingers

I stared at him before nodding, "I know but try."

"I will." He smiled, standing up, "Well, I'm going to go."

I stood up and held my arms out. He walked into them and wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing my forehead.

"I'll see you." He whispered into my hair, pulling back hesitantly

"Tomorrow or Friday. Let's do something? Just the two of us." I asked

"Okay." He said in a soft voice, cupping the side of my face, "Don't cancel on me."

With that said, he walked to the door, opened it, and disappeared down the hall. I started brushing my hair again, deciding to leave it natural. Putting on a little mascara, I looked at my reflection and smiled before walking out of my room. Walking into the living room, I saw Easton watching TV. He looked over and glared at me, sticking his nose in the air as he looked away from me.

"Nasty." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest

"You act like you've never seen a girl naked." I snorted

"I wouldn't have minded if your face wasn't attached to the body." He growled, "It's forever in my mind."

"Stop being childish."

"What if it were reversed? If you saw me naked?" He asked, eyes wide

"I'd get over it. I used to change your diapers anyways." I shrugged, plopping down on he loveseat

Easton huffed, "Whatever."

In the last month, he's gotten a lot better. The cancer is almost gone. He's just like ever teenage boy his age now. Annoying and rude.

"What are you wearing?" Talia shrieked in outrage

"Um, clothes. What are you wearing?" I spat, looking over her

Her little black dress was too short and her heels were too high. I'd fall wearing those.

"Seriously, Talia. Change." Easton growled, standing up as he towered over her

"No, I like my outfit." Tali crossed her arms over her chest

"You're not leaving out of this house dressed like that. You look like a wh*re." He glared down at her, clenching his fist

Tali looked at me with wide eyes, "You're going to let him talk to me like that?"

"He's the man of the house. And your older brother." I shrugged, "If he tells you to change, do it."

Throwing her hands in the air, she yelled, "Fine!" Before stomping out of the living room

Easton sat back down with a huff, rolling his eyes, "When did she get so disobedient?"

"She's a teenager, Easton. They all go through that stage." I muttered, picking at my nails

"You and I weren't that bad." He looked over at me, his green eyes so much wiser than his 18 years

"You were early. You were a bad pre-teen." I chuckled, watching his eyes light up

"Shut up! No I wasn't." He laughed

"You were! I remember you used to flip me off when you thought I wasn't looking. You were so mean to me." I said, shaking my head as a laugh escaped me

Easton bust up laughing, "I remember that! Caroline saw me do it one day and was going to snitch but I shut her up with a bag of marshmallows."

I smiled, tucking my fee under me, "You were a crazy child. I used to hate having to take care of you but then you got nice and I loved you again."

"You know you couldn't live without me." He teased

"I almost had to." I said without thinking

Easton lost his smile and clenched his jaw, "I'm sorry. You know that."

"I know." I nodded, looking away from him

"So, I've changed. Let's go." Tali snapped, tapping her foot against the ground impatiently

I looked over at her and took in her outfit. She had on a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Muuuuch better!" Easton exclaimed, making Tali even more angry

"Shut up, Easton! Don't talk to me!" Tali screamed, her brown eyes dark with rage

"Talia Laurain, calm down. Easton is only trying to protect you." I said firmly, gritting my teeth

"Exactly! I'm a man, I know what guys think when they see a girl in an outfit like you had on. I don't want you to get hurt." Easton's voice turned soft at the end and I walked out, into the kitchen

Talon was in there, cooking potatoes, "Hey." He said, not turning around

"Hey, you making some for me?" I asked slyly, leaning against the counter beside him

"If you bring me back a tequila shot." He smirked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"Mmmm, maybe." I smiled, grabbing a slice of potato from the pan and I shove it in my mouth quickly

Talon rolled his eyes, flicking my neck, "Can you get the plates?"

"Will do." I said, sliding from underneath his arm

Opening the cabinet, I opened it and grabbed two plates, setting the down on the table. Talon and I ate quickly and I was whisked away by the girl. Caroline drove us to the club and the girls met us there. Sophia, Ava, and Madison pulled me into tight hugs.

"We missed you!" Ava grinned, poking my hard stomach, "How've you been?"

"Good." I nodded, smiling at them, "You?"

"Amazing! Now, let's party!" She cheered, quickly handing me my ID

We showed the ID's to the bouncer and he let us through. Looking around, I stopped the bar and walked over. Sitting down at the bar, I looked around for the bartender. He came over, looking over me.

"Hello, pretty lady." He grinned

Rolling my eyes, I said the two words that make most men run away, "I'm pregnant."

He laughed, "I'm gay."

Arching a brow, I leaned towards him, "Really?"

"Really. I'm Cole. So, what can I get for you?" He asked, setting his elbows on the table

"I'm Kelsey and just a water please." I smiled

"Sure thing." He chuckled, reaching for a cup under the bar

Looking around, I saw Ali and Benji dancing a little away. Ali looked my way and sent me a slight glare before turning around and kissing Benji. Rolling my eyes, I turned around and saw Cole behind me, looking a Benji and Ali.

"That was an evil glare you got there. He the dad?" Cole asked, handing me my water

"No, he's like my brother. His girlfriend just doesn't like me." I shrugged, sipping my water

"By the looks of it, the father isn't in your life anymore?" He questioned, drying a cup with a rag

"How'd you know?" I asked, looking into his dark brown eyes

"If you were my girl and I wasn't gay and all, I'd never leave you alone at bar." He shrugged

"Well, yeah, we broke up." I smiled sadly, sipping my water.

Suddenly, the water glass flew from my lips. Shocked, I looked up and was met my Kyle's glare. My heart rate sped up and I clasped my shaking hands.

"What the hell? You're pregnant!" He growled, his blue eyes piercing me to my seat

"Um, Kelsey. Do I need to call security?" Cole asked, his muscles tense

I shook my head slowly, glancing at Cole, "I-it's fine. But, can I get another water, please?" I spat the end, glaring at Kyle

Kyle grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me up, dragging me to the door. I tried pulling out of his grip but he wasn't having that. As soon as I was pulled outside, I shivered from the cold and pulled my sweater tightly around me. Kyle held his car door open, motioning for me to get in. Hesitantly, I got in and buckled up. Kyle closed the door and jogged around to the drivers side, getting in. With a glance at me, he started the car and pulled onto the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly, looking out the window

He shrugged, carefully driving as he looked straight. His eyes flicked to me and down to my stomach before he looked away, swallowing hard as his hands held the steering wheel tighter. Licking my lips, I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes.

After 30 minutes of driving, Kyle pulled onto a dirt road and stopped, looking at me. I looked over, taking him in. His usual bright eyes were dull and cold. He had dark bags under his eyes and he looked a bit thinner.

"We have to walk the rest of the way. It's too dark and I don't want to crash." He muttered, getting out

Doing the same, I shut the door after me and followed him. Looking around, all I saw was trees. Wrapping my arms around myself, I walked closer to him a little for heat. He glanced down at me before taking off his sweater and handing it to me. I threw him a small smile and shoved it on. We walked for ten minutes before I saw lights.

Then, the whole house came into view. It was bigger than the picture he showed me.

"You bought it." I said softly, looking at the beautiful mansion

"Yeah, um, yeah. I bought it." He nodded, shoving his hands in his pocket

"It's beautiful." I smiled, "Can I see inside?"

Kyle took a deep breath, nodding. I followed him up to the house and he pulled out a key, sticking it in the door. He pushed the big door open and let me in first. My eyes grew big as I saw the inside. It was beautiful.

"This is
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