» Romance » The Bachelor, David Dower [uplifting books for women .txt] 📗

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few minutes inside. You talked and I want to know about what.”

“It’s…it’s about my book,” she lied.

Lying was not that difficult for her, but when it was Zach’s green eyes looking down at her, she found it really difficult. “Your book?”

She nodded. “He was curious how I got the idea for the plot. Zach, I’m really tired. We’ll have a long day tomorrow and I need some rest.”

Slowly, Zach nodded. He looked around and when he was sure no one was there to bear witness, he bent down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “Good night, Jules,” he grinned down at her flushed face.

“Good night,” she murmured and half-ran all the way up the stairs, her heart hammering. Good God, it was just a simple kiss but the effect was still as unnerving.

She hastened to her door, opened it, and entered the dark room. Blindly, she walked to her bed, sat down, and calmed her senses. She took off her glasses and laid them down on the bedside table, not bothering to light the lamp.

Long gone was the memory of Zach’s kiss. The moment she entered the darkness of her room, she was once again reminded of their visit to the orphanage tomorrow. She couldn’t see a thing now, but memories flooded her brain. Not of Zach’s but of the past she had tried to bury.

With a deep, aching sigh, she lay down on her bed, her eyes wide open, as if trying to close out the memories that would surely flash before her eyes the moment she closed them.

God, help me…she prayed. Chapter 23

Zach was riding in a separate vehicle with his parents and Liam. He didn’t see Julianne since last night and he was dying to get her alone to know exactly what was on her mind. He was very well aware that she was bothered about something.

“I hope Kim is alright,” his mother said from the back.

“She’s gonna be fine,” he answered, driving the four wheel drive along the cemented road toward the orphanage. It was one of the only few concrete road in the area. “The other crew members were left behind and she’ll be fine.”

“Wonder why Jack didn’t come along,” Liam uttered beside him with a frown. Liam had grown fond of the man since they started talking last night.

He didn’t try to answer that one. One, because he didn’t care what Jack Carter was doing with Kim right now, and second, he was pissed with his friend. He was supposed to be away and long gone by now. Sure, his parents were welcome to visit and it would be beneficial for him that they would like Julianne more than her mother already did. But what he couldn’t figure out was why Liam was still clinging to him to the point of being a nuisance. The secret knowing glances he threw him brought him on edge. The bet was what brought his friend here and he was here to assess. Liam was good at assessment since he works with Astor Industries as a consultant apart from being a shareholder.

“Dad,” he called out, calling the attention of the old man sitting beside his mother. He tried to sound casual as he asked, “You talked with Julianne last night, didn’t you? What about?”

He looked through the rearview mirror to see his father’s face. “Nothing.”

“It’s definitely nothing,” he uttered matter-of-factly. “What did you tell her?”

His dad knew he could read his mind. They think alike despite their differences. “I warned her, okay?” his father finally sighed out.

“You did what?” he boomed, screeching the vehicle to a stop.

“What did you do?” her mother demanded at her husband.

Liam just looked on the family scene with amusement.

“What?” his father looked at all of them in disbelief and shock. “I warned her to keep her guard up.” Then he looked at his son with accusation on his face. “I know you very well, Zachary. You might say you like that woman, but I know you.”

“What did you tell her?” his mother demanded, her face ashen. “I can’t believe you would actually—”

“What did you tell her, dad?” Zach cut in, trying to keep his cool. He had turned around to face his parents.

“I told her that I know you very well and that what you might think you believe might not actually be true,” his father answered, his gaze leveled with his son’s.

His mother gasped.

A very long deadly silence followed as father and son glared at each other.

“I think we better drive on, Zach,” Liam uttered, clearing his throat.

Zach thought that was a good idea and maneuvered the wheels back on the road. His jaw clenched. “We’re not done talking, dad,” he stated.

His father did not answer.

They drove on in silence.


Julianne’s hands were sweating as they entered the gates of House of Angels Orphanage. She was starting to shake and she fought the fear and the memories that started to creep up inside her. The ladies in the van with her were quiet too, their faces curious as they looked out the window at the white edifice before them. The windows were large, the curtains covering them plain and dark. Julianne tried to do some breathing exercises to relax her nerves.

Pauline had long stopped trying to be nice to her. She was not that insensitive after all and must have noticed that Julianne’s coldness was a sign that she must stop her pretences. So, now, Julianne had no one to hold on to. Kim, the only friend she had in this show, was back in the ranch probably enjoying her date.

“Oh, look at all those children…” she heard Penny say with a smile.

Julianne couldn’t help but smile in return despite her uncomfortable emotions. There was always something about children that could warm anyone. Even the ladies in the van with her had soft spots for the little, innocent creatures.

But some of them are not that innocent, she thought. Some of them went through things you can only imagine in your dreams…

The van halted to a stop and the ladies started to jump out, excitement in their features. Julianne chose to climb out last, her knees giving out. All of them were dressed in jeans, shirts, and closed shoes—basically to appear conservative in some ways, considering the orphanage is being run by Christian nuns.

The four wheel drive driven by Zach arrived a moment after them and the camera men started their work.

Mrs. Astor appeared shaken, but she composed herself to meet a large nun exiting the large doors of the orphanage, the children behind her, all dressed in uniform clothing. Julianne was distracted for a moment when she saw Zach’s face. He looked genuinely pissed. She was almost afraid that he was angry at her, but it was unlikely, she thought, when she saw Mr. Astor’s ashen face.

Now, what the hell happened between them during that ride? Liam looked fine, but his usual happy face was serious. You know, that look of your friends when they witnessed your parents and you shouting at each other? Yeah, that kind of look.

But her wonderings were only for a moment because Mrs. Astor started talking, snatching her attention back to the matter at hand. Julianne tried not to look at the children behind Sister Samuel, as the nun introduced herself.

If you had ever seen Matilda, that movie about a girl with special powers, you must have probably seen their mean principal. Yeah, Sister Samuel looks like her. Take note, looks like her, not really LIKE her, because Sister Samuel is a very soft-spoken woman and she smiles. The children, as far as Julianne had seen, respected her.

Of all the years Julianne was in the system, she rarely met a woman like Sister Samuel. Most of them were strict. Julianne could see and sense that Sister Samuel is one of those who really care. That thought calmed her down a little and despite her hesitation, she was able to force herself to walk the rest of the steps inside the building together with Chloe, Pauline, Penny, and Tanya. Zach and his father were behind them. Liam chose to jog beside Mrs. Astor.

Julianne could feel the tension between Zach and his father, she could almost taste it in her mouth. She walked behind Penny and Tanya. They were chatting on and on about how gloomy the building looked and all.

Well, what did you expect in orphanages? The children living in it are not really happy folks. Everyone thrives inside it, everyday a day of survival and waiting, and hope for some. She was not saying the experience is always bad, but it is not normal. There would always be bullies worse than what you’d get in school. Why? Because they slept with you under the same roof and you’d have to be on guard whenever you found yourself their victim. You’d have to make sure that when you go to sleep, you’d wake up alive. You’d have to make sure you eat your meal fast before they come get it.

As they walked through the marbled floor, Mrs. Astor chatted on about the history of the place, how they founded it with Sister Samuel and the other sisters. Julianne was barely listening, her attention now on the children walking silently on either side of them. She could still remember the times she did the same ten years ago. Every time there were important visitors, they were obliged to behave. But before that, they would have to help with the cleaning first and then dress into their best uniforms.

Those memories were of the past, she reminded herself.

In case you are wondering, Julianne isn’t hostile towards orphanages or the people living in it. She had long ago accepted that the system has its own rules and law. You’d have to follow or make a way around them if you wanted to survive. And she survived. Did quite well more than expected even, as what Diane would say.

She looked behind her and met Zach’s eyes. The angry look in them turned to that of tenderness and smile when he met hers. She smiled and turned away, focusing on keeping calm. She knew that if Zach looked at her that way, he knew there was something wrong, which only meant she was not doing quite a good job at hiding her emotions. But orphanages, the ones like this, would always remind her of the days she had cursed all men, praying they would all die.


Zach was itching to get away from his dad and drag Julianne to a private place to talk, but they were being toured around the orphanage, now at the boys’ quarters.

Later, he told himself.

Blast it, why did his father tell Julianne something like that?

It’s your fault. You’ve been an ass since you learned how to say ‘dada’, his antagonistic side said.

Yes, he couldn’t blame his father for warning Julianne, but hell, he was his son and he should be on his side! He was a grown up despite what people think and he very well knew his feelings.

Are you sure? That antagonist whispered once again.

Yes, of course he was sure. He was sure that Julianne was the one for him. He would gladly sign on it with a gallon of his blood! He would

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