» Romance » Making Circles, Vanessa Gilbert [books to read for teens TXT] 📗

Book online «Making Circles, Vanessa Gilbert [books to read for teens TXT] 📗». Author Vanessa Gilbert

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the game gently from its case then turned on my Play Station Three and began the game. Of course, I already beat the game so I was just randomly running around doing good and a few mercy killings on some guards.

I jumped from roof top to roof top hoping to god he’d grab the ledge and not let go, if he did we’d be as flat as pancakes. We jumped…we made it. He climbed down the edge and wiggled our way around the building to the other side. I pushed the right buttons and without warning he jumped off to the side and fell to his death. “You’ve got to be kidding me! The edge was right there dumb butt! God, can someone be so stupid,” I screamed at the game.

Okay so I have some anger management problems, that’s why I play games. It helps relieve the anger. I threw the controller on my bed then walked out of my study room. “I need a break from you, stupid game,’ I muttered as I walked down the hall towards the staircase. I got to the living room then looked out the living room window to see that rain that apparently was showering our whole neighborhood. It wasn’t soft and a few drops here and there, it was pouring.  I smiled and walked over towards the window to open it. I love the smell of rain; it always calmed me and makes me feel safe. As I opened it I heard the sound of my name being called. I listen to the voice to make sure I was right. “Arien, Arien! Get your butt out here I need to talk to you!”

Yep, and the voice sounds oddly familiar. I walked out onto the porch and looked out into the rain there standing almost at the end of the drive way was Kyle. I quickly jumped from the top of the porch to the drive way then ran towards him. Kyle had on his black tight t-shirt, his black tight jeans, and his black converse. I wonder what he’s doing out here in the rain? I finally reached him and starred up at him squinted my eyes to protect them from the raindrops that splattered onto my face and the top of my head. “Kyle, what are you doing here?” I asked trying to speak over the rain.

“I came to talk to you,” he said kind of angrily.

This doesn’t sound good, “Okay about what?”

“What the hell!? You haven’t even answered me yet and there you go telling Mike that you need time to think over if you’ll date him or not! What about my damn answer,” he yelled angrily.

“Well I think me telling him that is your answer,” I yelled back angrily.

“What if I don’t like the answer!? What if I want a different answer!?”

“To damn bad, you’re with someone he’s not!”

“I’m not gonna be with her forever, I’ll break up with her if you just say yes!”

“That’s why I don’t want to say yes, I don’t want you to break that poor girl’s heart!”

“Well you’re breaking my heart,” he said harshly.

“Oh poor mister charming, who can get any girl he wants but he can’t get the poor low self esteem challenged girl that he likes playing with!”

“What do you mean I like playing with,” he said.

I stepped closer to him and pointed my finger at him, “You know what I mean! You play with my feelings, make me feel like you want me then you pull away or do something that says you don’t!”

He starred at me then leaned in close to me and asked, “When have I done that?”

“When you stopped talking to me after that weekend,” I yelled, my teeth gritted together, and finger that was pointing at him now at my side.

He starred at me in serious thinking, he must not have seen it that way but it was too late I said it and I meant it. “I wasn’t playing with your feelings then I was dealing with my own. Never in my life have I ever, ever had feelings for someone that much. Never have I wanted to be with someone in that way that badly.”

I stared at him, unable to speak or find the words to say. “Arien….I….I…I love you,” he said starring at me.

My eyes grew wide and I felt myself just float out of myself and looked down at us. Me standing there surprised and unable to find words him standing there waiting for my response. “It’s obvious this was just a mistake, I’m leaving.”

His back faced me as he slowly walked away...not even checking to see if I was still there or still breathing. I ran up after him and wrapped my arms around his tall figure and cried into his back, “Don’t leave me!!"

“Give me a reason not to,” he said.

“I….I…I love you!”

“It’s too late for that,” he said as he pushed me off of him and he walked away.

I watched him walk down the road then turn I watched for a bit longer hoping he’d turn and come back. I gave up after I saw his tall dark figure disappear into the veil of the rain; I made my way slowly up the drive way, my heart aching as bad as it did when I saw Terri and Jacie dead. I finally admitted my feelings for him and he throws it in my face and says, ‘It’s not good enough.’ Why must I love the jerks? Why can’t I fall for one decent good guy? I felt tears pour out of my eyes and my knees become weak…I wanted to fall to the ground and just cry…cry my eyes out and forget about life. I wanted to just…die. My heart is gone now, my lungs won’t accept air…there’s no point to life.

“Arien,” I heard a voice call.

I turned and running towards me was Kyle. What he wasn’t done breaking my heart? He was a few feet away and began to just walk now, strolling. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. For him to just take whatever he wanted from me. I felt warm hands on my cheek and before I could open my eyes and look at him I felt his lips pressed against mine violently. I was frozen in shock and tense with the preparation of him yelling and ripping the rest of me to shreds. He felt both of his hands moved from my cheeks down to around my waist. Before I could even understand why my arms locked around his neck and I began to kiss him back. There was no going back, there was no turning around. We admitted to each other our feelings…we looked into each other’s eyes, even though anger was filled in them, and screamed we loved one another.

I wanted this but at the same time I felt like something wasn’t right…something was off. I pushed the thoughts away and continued to kiss him. I felt him grip my back and begin to kiss from my lips to my neck. I let my neck roll back and allow him more access. This is what I always wanted…this moment…and it’s here…finally…it’s here. I closed my eyes and enjoyed ever second, every precious moment. I suddenly heard a loud blood curtailing scream and realized…it was coming from my. I felt something painfully puncturing my neck. I let out another scream and then blackness took a hold.

Excerpt: Bite Me


      I could feel the awkward silence feel the cave as we starred at one another from opposite sides of the room; my left arm grasping my right wrist, my left leg placed as delicatly as possible behind my right, and my face a blank stare - or as much of a blank stare as I could make. I could feel part of me beg for him to give up on his angry, stubborn ways of torturing me...but part of me liked that he was doing this - I guess for that part it showed that he still cared...then again if he didn't care for me why was he risking so many lives to keep me safe. I let my eyes drift around the cave for a certain point to veix on and be almost mesmorized on. I searched, my eyes strainging in the darkness, and found myself dazed by two brigh lights directly across from me. I glued my eyes on the points and watched them with full appreciation and amuzment that I have when looking at some art. I sighed, feeling almost safe when starring at the points, almost as if though he wasn't in the room with if he wasn't here blocking my quick exit.

          "Are my eyes that interesting," he said

          I felt myself jump and a gasp come out as I mentally began to kick myself, "Oh no, I'm sorry just...your eyes's - well strange."

          I saw a slight nudge of lines in the dark - him shrugging probably -, "Comes with the territory."

          I leaned completly back on the cave wall, feeling small little point parts of the wall begin to poke my back, and continued to watch him. "Arien, you don't have to alienate me. I mean, we are friends, right?"

          I shrugged, "I guess, I mean...I'm not completly sure after all that's happened. To tell the truth I'm even amazed by the fact I can be in the same room with you right now."

          "Oh because you want me so much," he said.

          I chuckled, "Someones cocky now aren't they?"

          "Come on Arien, you already have told me how I make you feel," he said.

          "I'd never tell you how you make me feel," I said, rolling my eyes at him.

          "You just did. We all pay attention to small little details such as your frequent moving, your diolated eyes, and your frequent searching," he said, his small accent like a choculate covering.

          I looked at him, feeling the fear I had hidding comming out, "So I can't stand still - I'm waiting to hear if we're all clear, I can't be nervous? My eyes are diolated because it's dark in here," I turned, arms spread out as if showcasing the room, "if you haven't noticed. And I'm searching for any sign of Derek or Tonia."

          In a rush of air he went from being on the other side of the cave to being right infront of me; his sweet intoxicating smell playing with my scences, the fake warmth comming from his body, his smoldering silver blue eyes starring at me as if searching the very depths of my soul, "That's not all...I can hear your heart skipping beats."

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