» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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I squeeze Tatum’s hand. Stopping before we actually go into the room.


“I can’t face his family! Where do they think I have been?” I ask, freaking out. What happened? Harris had great health, and he isn’t even really old!


“They think you went to a different home, one closer to a college that was scouting you.” He said, I look at him funny. “I used some magic on there memories.” He admits, and I don’t whether to be mad or upset. Slowly walking into the room, I realize I’m a little brightly dressed for the occasion. They will live at least I came. I get hugs from everyone, and asked how it’s going and about Sean, which I ignore or just reply with I have no idea. I go up to his coffin, blinking tears. I look down at his seemingly sleepy face. I barry my face in Tatum’s shoulder, and cry.  We weren’t very close, but he did take care of me for two years.  A little over protective, but a good guy all in all. Grabbing a sheet a copy of the obituary, Tatum leads me out once I tell him I am ready.


“Please take me back.” I say wiping my eyes with a tissue he grabbed on the way out. Stuffing the paper in my pocket, I grab his hand. Then I’m we’re in blackness again, and the loud noise is pounding in my ears. Then We are standing in the hall way right outside the Dinning room. “Why did you want me to see him?” I ask, wiping my eyes.


“Because I wanted to apologize.” He says stepping back. I look at confused, and he doesn’t smile, he looks ashamed almost scared. I don’t know what gives me the thought, but I pull out the obituary reading the cause of death.


“You… you!” I start screaming and crying. “You murdered him?” I yell, so confused and upset. I keep rereading the paper, making sure I read it correctly.


“No! Lyra, it wasn’t me!” He says, grabbing my arm that flies out ready to slap him. “It was Tracy!” He whispers. Tracy? Who the fuck is that!?  “She is my fiancé. Once she learned her servant failed she wanted to hurt you. She did this as a warning.”


“So it was your fault!” I say pushing him. He is quiet. “You are engaged! Yet you purposely went to human school with me, and … you got feelings for me! You have cause this!” I say throwing the obituary at him. “How dare you! I thought you were a prince? Aren’t you supposed to do as your told and whats right for your people?” I say, still yelling. He is trying to get me to quiet down, but no fucking way in hell is that going to happen.


“We’ve been engaged since she was born, Lyra. I don’t have a choice and neither does she! I guess she likes me, and I just don’t like her that way anyway.” He starts explaining.


“What?” I’m semi confused now.


“Lyra, Tracy is my sister. It’s tradition for siblings to marry, it’s the way my people have been or hundreds of years.” He throws his arms up, and I’m quiet. His sister. He is engaged to his sister. His sister tried to have me killed, his sister killed Harris. His sister is a jealous, psycho, bitch who is drop dead evil.


“The fuck kind of tradition is that!?”I yell, still mad. “You didn’t stop her! You couldn’t have ordered her to not kill Harris, or told your parents or something! Why don’t you just leave me alone! You coming and seeing me is causing problems! I tried telling that other girl that I don’t like you, and I will never be with you!” I yell looking him square in the face. “I would never want to be with a monster like you.” I yell, and Tatum’s face looks crushed and distraught. “Tatum, wait I did-“ I begin trying to apologize. But he is gone. I called him a monster. More like I’m the monster! He was trying to help me and be nice, and show his feelings. He brought me to Harris’s wake, he has been trying to protect me!  “Tatum, if you’re listening I’m sorry! I didn’t mean that. I’m just… I  just have a really full plate right now. And I… I… I’m so sorry.” I say, he probably isn’t listening. Calming myself down, I use my sleeves to wipe my face. I hope I don’t look to crapy. I walk into the dinning room, but only one person is there. Sebastien. Happy the food is still there. I walk in as if nothing is wrong and grab a slice of toast


“Well, you sure know how to break guys hearts don’t you.” Sebastien speaks to me coldly, and I feel another batch of fresh tears. I was right he hates me, and he was listening to every word. I don’t say anything. I just head towards the door, with my toast. Even though I have lost my appetite now.  “Well, hey at least you aren’t leading anyone on any more. You made you choice.”  He adds, before I close the door. Walking away from the room, I head towards my hospital room. I’m cruel. The only person who might understand is Elijah, and even he might say I was wrong for what I said which is true. I was so out of line. Once in my room, I shut the door. Crawling into the bed. I’ll just lay here, and cry. Maybe whither away.




Sitting up slowly from the bed, I Recap what happened earlier. I was a complete bitch to Tatum, Sebastien was a total  ass to me.  I just want to get out of this castle, and go back to my house. Go back to training! God do I miss training!  Spotting the white rose on the table next to the door, I get up looking for a note. Taped on the door, there is a note. It’s from, I drop the paper. It’s said Tracy in neat cursive writing. Does that include the rose? How did she get it her? Picking up the letter, I open it reading it out loud.


“Dear Lyra, I’m so glad to hear that you have decided to quiet playing with Tatum’s heart. I will leave you, and your family alone now and I hope you will do the same for me. I hope everything works out between you and the Prince, I can tell you two truly love each other. If you ever need anything I suppose you can try and get ahold of me. I left you a rose to really show my thanks. Your dearest friend Tracy.”


“What the fuck!” I whisper, rereading. She thinks we are friends? This girl is fucking nuts! Picking up the rose I toss it in the garbage along with the note. She killed Harris, and tried to kill me! She thinks that sending me a letter and a white rose will make me forget all of  that! No fucking way! Storming out of my room, my room, I head outside. I need air. Throwing open the door, I run towards the beach. Running out on the dock, I look down at my reflection in the water. Who would’ve thought that in a months time. I would meet my parents, break two guys hearts(Even though only one of them really upsets me), find the person I’m supposed to be with, almost die twice,  become a very skilled fighter, and I think that’s it. Sitting at the edge of the dock, I hum. I guessing humming is my thing now. Dipping my feet in and out of the water, I think and think hard. What on earth am I going to do?


Heading back inside I decide, I’m going to go to the training center to take out a little anger. I find Molly in the kitchen, and tell her. I don’t ask, because she would probably say no. So I just pop my head in saying I’m going then leave. Walking there, I get more air, and time alone. Once I arrive I head inside, and Theodora is actually here!  With a little small talk, we get right to business. Everything comes back to me easily, and I get even more worked up about how I didn’t defeat that girl. I could’ve kicked her ass easily! Once we finish I thank Theodore for putting up with my attitude, and I decide I’ll just go home.  Arriving there I run inside the house. Something isn’t right! Boxes everywhere, things packed up and away. What is going on? Hearing noises upstairs, I run up. There are a bunch of men doing more packing in Molly and Garret’s room.


“Hello? What are you doing?” I ask, turning of the radio they had blaring.


“What you’re parent’s didn’t tell you?” One of them asks looking at me like I’m an idiot. Great, what didn’t my parent’s tell me?! “You’re moving, to the palace.” He says, and I leave without a word. All my stuff is already packed up! No wonder they’ve been getting me clothes! There probably already at the castle! Why in the hell are we moving!?  Running to the castle, which is at least a mile, I get speed from anger. Why are we moving? Why didn’t they tell me? Once I get there I head straight to the kitchen, but Molly isn’t there anymore. Making my way to find Her, even though I have no clue where to look. I give up after I’ve opened  five different doors, and they all turn out to be storage rooms. I swear the rooms in this place move! Walking around aimlessly  now, I kick around a ball I found in one of the closets. It’s actually a volleyball, but hey a ball is a ball.


Finding a study I head inside playing kick back against  bookshelf. Then I actually play volleyball which is very hard without more then two players and a net. For having two teenagers they have no fun play rooms. I haven’t seen a run filled with video games, and I haven’t seen and indoor pool or basketball course.  I’m so bored!  Looking through the books shelves for something maybe semi good to read, I spot a small note book lodges between books. It blends right in, and I wouldn’t have noticed it if I wasn’t looking directly at at as I passed it looking for a reading book. Pulling it out it opens to the first page. Chaston’s Diary!  Closing it right away I put it it back on the shelf. Why in the world is it in here? Grabbing it again, I open it to a random page in the middle. Reading through different paragraphs and pages, I find out a lot about Chaston. 1. She loves her family. 2. She and Chase have been on and off for four years 3. She and Janessa don’t get along well. and 4. We used to be best friends. Shoving it back in the wall I leave the study, with my ball, and start walking around aimlessly again.

Chapter 18- Testing Limits (Lyra's POV)

 I listen to the clock ticking, waiting for Molly and Garret to explain,

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