» Romance » Conjuring Dragons, Chante Francis [free novels to read .TXT] 📗

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that those were his wife’s views and none of his own.

"Jypsie, you will marry Greg's son, and Veronica you will marry my son."

"No we will not!" Veronica and I say standing up. "We're too young to marry! Plus, we don’t even believe in soulmates!"

"You can marry with parental consent." Rebecca says gesturing between the couples. "Do you know what a soul mate is? I’m sure that if you did you wouldn’t be so quick to shoot the opportunity down," she states a bit angrily.

“We know what soulmates are,” I start, “Our answer is still absolutely without a doubt, no.” My sister finishes for me.

"A soul mate is, and I’m quoting from the dictionary here, a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join." The unnamed woman says, completely disregarding our last comments, “Even just listening to the dictionary definition how can you say no?”

“Easily” we reply.

"To a supernatural that person is their life, their one and only true love. That person isn’t just needed for spawning, but they are needed to keep you grounded, to make you see bliss where there once was pain. To give you reasons to keep living when all you want to do is disappear. They bring you happiness, they bring you fulfillment, and they understand you better than anyone else. Someone who is going to love you not just for your positive attributes, but for all of your flaws as well. Someone who is necessary for you to feel whole, and content with life.” Rebecca stops for a moment, seeming to realize that in the middle of her speech, she had turned and was staring into her husband’s eyes instead of speaking to us. She turns our way once again, tears shining in her eyes, “Please don't deny our son’s this, they’re good boys and I can guarantee you both will live exceedingly happy lives. They’ll make sure of it." She tries to reason with us, tries to make us see that this is a wonderful thing. That this isn’t some sort of sick twisted joke they’ve decided to pull on some random orphans for their own entertainment.

"Spawn?' I ask, fearing that the answer is the same as what I’m thinking, but hoping none the less that I have the definition wrong.


“Nope. They can do that with someone else, ideally someone that consents.” I reply.

“You’re wrong. For the child to be gifted supernaturally, both parents must be supernatural.” Rebecca says,

“And for the child to be fully accepted socially by the Supernatural world, it must be born to mates.” Unnamed grabs hold of her husband’s hand. “Our children would only want the best for their own kids, they wouldn’t want to put them in any position to be bullied. We want the best for our future grandchildren, so--”

"So what you’re saying is that if we don’t accept them they won’t have children?" Veronica says with a straight face, void of emotion, “Because they put so much stock into the way society views them that they don’t want to be ridiculed in any way?”

Both women nod, Veronica’s face does not change as she asks, “And that’s our problem because?” The mothers look as though they’re getting angry, and they’re going to start yelling at my sister so I cut in with the first thing to pop into my mind.

"I'm too young to get as big as a whale!"

My new mother, the still unnamed woman, begins to frown a bit before saying, "Don’t worry hon." She moves around the coffee table to sit next to me so she can pat my knee, and I suspect it’s also so that she’s close enough to hit us, "Every pregnancy is different. You might not gain more than 10 pounds, and you could only be pregnant for a few months."

"Um, not to cast aspersions on your intelligence or anything, but the average pregnancy lasts around 9 months."

"That’s for the mundane dear, dragons are different."

"Are you trying to tell me I’m a dragon?!" I scream while jumping up, causing everyone else in the room to wince.

"No, you two are witches." Unnamed says as her husband leads her back to his side by her hand.

I sigh whilst pinching the space between my eyes and say, "You know none of this stuff really exists right?"

Matt smirks at me while his wife mumbles something in Latin, next thing I know I’m floating 7 feet in the air and turning green. I scream as loud as I can and hear something hit the floor somewhere above me.

"Put her down!" Veronica yells at my new mother, "She's got acrophobia!"

Rebecca tips her head to the side confused, “What do spiders have to do with anything?”

“Not arachnophobia dear, acrophobia.” Her husband answers, “It means she’s afraid of heights.”

In less time than it took mother dearest to levitate me, I sink back into the couch. I bury my face in my sister’s chest as she holds me, strokes my hair and tries to calm me. I start shaking just before we all hear thudding on the stairs.

" I am so sorry dear! I had no idea! Oh my, you must think I'm a horrible mom now." She starts crying, "And you should because I am! What kind of mother does something like this to her daughter?" She starts wailing even louder and Matthew pulls her onto his lap and into his arms. He starts consoling her, telling her over and over again that she’s not a bad mom. Rebecca has her hand on her back giving her examples of how great a parent she is.

I sense another presence in the room seconds before someone else enters, "What happened? What’s wrong?" Veronica's whole body tenses before relaxing into jelly. I’ve stopped shaking, and my stomach has started to settle so I once again feel brave enough to face everyone. I look up to see Veronica staring over my head, and the adults staring at her with a smile. I follow her line of sight and see a very attractive male standing near the archway that served as a separation between rooms.

There stood a tall flesh and blood version of Adonis, he was breath taking, and obviously oblivious to the rest of the world as he stared in my direction. I had a beautiful ego boosting moment as I imagined he was looking at me with such raw sexual need. Then I realized he was looking at my sister and deflated immediately. Even knowing that we’re identical I still felt a shot to my pride. He has weird eyes anyways.

(V!) I have to yell at my sister multiple time mentally before she finally answers. I can tell I don’t have even half of her attention though. That’s another shot to my pride.

(Who’s that? Who’s there?)

(Your sister! You remember me right? The girl who just flew too many feet in the air and almost died of fright?)

(Oh yeah. You. What do you want? God he's beautiful. Isn't he beautiful?)

Before I can even answer her she says, "You're beautiful”. I can feel my eyes widen as I stare at her, my sister has never been the airhead type. He chuckles and this amazing smile leaps onto his face as he further strides into the room towards us, he looks as though his intent is to get as close to my sister as is possible. Unfortunately for him though, there’s not enough room on the loveseat for all three of us. My pride starts reviving itself as I find some satisfaction in that knowledge. Until in an attempt to make space and to my utter surprise, my sister, my twin sister that I’ve gone through everything with, the person I’ve been with my entire life pushes me to the floor.

I land with a loud thud and a flaring pain flying through my butt and up my spine. My eyes go wide with shock as he steps around me and takes my now vacant seat, grasping my sister’s hands. They sit there and just stare into each other’s eyes with horribly goofy grins on their faces. I turn my head to the adults, still in shock, and see our new parents trying as hard as they can not to laugh.

Standing up and leaving my now destroyed pride on the floor I ask, "Excuse me, but where exactly will I be staying? I’d really rather lay down right now if it’s ok with you guys."

"We haven’t fully finished getting your room together so you will be sleeping in my son, your fiancé, Jason's room. We figured that since you guys are mates and you’ll probably be spending a lot of time in each other’s beds anyways you wouldn't really mind." Rebecca says while watching my sister and her new beau interact.

"Especially after you see him." Unnamed starts with a large smile on her face, but gets cut off.

"It's upstairs, third one on the right. Your things should also be in there waiting for you already." Gregory says just before breaking out in hysterics alongside of the other male as my sister accidentally kicks me in the process of moving even closer to her newly discovered mate. I calmly get back up once again and walk out with my head held high. Bruised ego and all. As I step out of the room, I let my facade fall and surrender to my pain as I trudge up to the room where I’ll be sleeping.

I cautiously slide in after a quick knock, and can tell immediately that while it may be typical for some, it’s not to me. This room is so much better than my previous living arrangements. Just a little bigger than what you’d usually expect for a well off teenager. There's some clothes on the floor, some books and papers in piles on the desk and my stuff sitting neatly on the floor near another door. What really catches my attention as I look over the room though, past the posters of half-naked women and shelves of empty bottles, is the couch. Yep, that’s where he’ll be sleeping till I get my own room.

I nod to myself, slightly pleased by the fact that I won’t have to share a bed with a stranger. I walk to my things and go through the bags until I find what I want to wear, I open the door and step into the bathroom. I look around, and I’m surprised to see that it’s clean enough for me to use, the trash is full of condoms though. At least I know he’s somewhat safe, and apparently he never has to go without. After changing and preparing for bed, I step back into the room, and stop to look out the window.

He has a beautiful view of the back yard, which is nothing short of spectacular. A small garden with flowers and what I’m guessing are edible crops. A small grove of fruit trees behind that, which turn into trees you can find in an everyday forest. What truly takes my breath away, like my sisters reaction to the sight of Adonis downstairs, is the lake. The beautiful lake with all the houses surrounding it, the lights reflecting off the water’s surface from the decks. For the first time all day, I was finally starting to feel at peace, like the universe wasn’t trying to play some kind of colossal joke on me.

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