» Romance » Fun In The Sun (Edited and extra chapters), Repgreece Repgreece [classic books to read txt] 📗

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for her to ask him? He supposed he could offer her help, but no, he'd wait a bit to see if she would finally ask him.
He grinned as she began to walk towards him, only to hesitate and look back towards the desk with second thoughts. She sighed deeply, reluctant to ask him for help and preparing herself for the jibes that were bound to follow. Before she could change her mind she strode across the gap and stopped in front of him with her arms crossed defensively.
"Look, they need me in departures," she said abruptly.
"And..." she faltered.
"And?" he questioned.
"Well it's really busy over there," she pointed out.
"I can see that," he said.
His eyes connected with hers making her edgy.
"Never mind," she said, her pride prompting her to turn and walk away.
"Hey Sal," he called out, "for what it's worth, I'm impressed. I think you're doing a great job."
She hesitated in mid step and turned around again, her expression changed. "You do?"
"Sure," he replied, "but I told you that the new girl would be a handful."
She contemplated him for a moment. "She is. I'm a bit stuck at the moment to be honest."
"Hmm, I can see that."
She tried to figure out what he was thinking.
"Nick," she began after a few seconds.
"Yes," he replied, smiling up at her.
She fiddled with her neck tie and averted her eyes. "You know how we used to be friends."
"Still are I thought," he corrected her.
"Yes. Anyway, you're about the only person here who has a lot of experience with this sort of stuff," she hinted.
"I guess I do."
She sighed. "So will you help me out or not?"
"Of course," he chuckled, rising off the chair, "you only had to ask."
Her face lit up. Thank goodness for that!
"On one condition though," he added.
Oh no, what now?
"What?" she asked, eyeing him warily.
"I was just thinking, could you tell me, if you could sum me up as rep in a few words, how would you describe me?"
"Smug," she said immediately. "Yes, that sums you up as a rep nicely...and I only needed one word too!"
"Hmm, wrong answer," he said, moving to sit back down.
"Okay, okay," she sighed, contemplating her next answer. "You're confident," she settled on.
"Not exactly the answer I was looking for. The reps are waiting and the guests look like they are ready to snap," he warned her.
She looked behind her nervously.
"Damn it Nick, sometimes I seriously hate you. Okay, you're the best rep in the world! Now get over there and sort it all out, I'm needed in departures," she said, rushing away.
He laughed and shouted after her," I love you too Sal. Oh and by the way, you could have withdrawn the offer of a bus ride home to get me to do it!"
Darn it! Why hadn't she thought of that?
  Fun In The Sun Chapter 5

 When Sal returned to the desk half an hour later, she was relieved to see that the first coach must have been organised as it was pulling out of the coach park.
"Were all the correct guests on board?" she asked Nick.
"Yep," he smiled. "We're just waiting for a couple more for the other two coaches now but I have a feeling that they may have got taxis. I have a rep searching the arrivals area now for any lost looking people, but if there appears to be no more left then I think that we should let the coaches go."
"Yes, the guests have waited long enough now," she agreed. "Thanks for that."
"No problem. Departures all sorted out?" he asked.
"Yep, they have all gone through passport control now so I'm almost done here," she said with relief.
Finally, the rep returned from inside the airport shaking her head. "There's no one left from the Manchester flight in there," she informed Sal.
"Okay, you can go to your coach now then and tell the other reps they can go too."
"Great, see you next Tuesday Sal. Bye," the rep said, running across the coach park.
"Come on," Sal said, turning to Nick, "since you did help me out, I'll save you the monotony of a transfer coach ride and give you a lift back in my car."
"Ooh, you have a car now, very posh," he teased, watching her pack away the forms and files.
"It's not posh at all, it's just Bobby. But I'm considering trading him in," she said, jumping with a squeal and dropping the papers in her hands when someone tapped her on the shoulder from behind.
"Err, sorry but which coach should I go on?" Freeda asked meekly.
"Oh hell!" Sal exclaimed, running towards the last coach which was backing out of it's parking space.
She managed to get the attention of the irritable coach driver who reluctantly stopped and opened the passenger door so that she could talk to the rep in the guide's seat.
"Sorry sweet but could you take Freeda on your coach and show her the ropes?" she asked the rep.
The girl groaned but nodded and Sal turned to gesture Freeda over to the coach, however at that point Freeda's attention was well and truely glued to Nick. She stood staring dreamily at him as he picked up the fallen papers from thr desk and placed them back in the files. Sal chuckled and yelled loudly across the coach park.
"Earth calling Freeda, your coach is about to go!"
A startled Freeda swung around and hesitated briefly before heading in Sal's direction when she urged her to make haste. Sal waved the coach off and returned to Nick, giggling to herself at the way Freeda had been gazing at him.
"Are we finally ready to go?" Nick asked as Sal reached the desk again. "I need a shower and change of clothes and then I'm hitting the bars," he said, handing Sal the files.
"Yep, let's go. Where are you staying by the way?" she asked, as they headed towards her car in the car park behind the coaches.
"Well, you know how we are best friends and all..." he began.
"Oh no, we aren't that good friends, you can't stay with me Nicholas," she said firmly.
"Why, would you find it hard to keep your hands off me, Sal?" he joked.
They reached the car and she opened the door, leaning her arms on the edge of the window to talk to him before they got in.
He then realised with surprise that she hadn't answered his last question and now she was contemplating him, her eyes flitting around his face, almost like they were... flirting with him?
"Want to know a secret?" she asked mysteriously.
He looked interested. "Yeah, go on."
"Well..." she began, making him wait. "someone here today has a secret crush on you."
His eyes widened and his heart began to race as he watched a slow smile spread across her face.
Wow, she never failed to surprise him! Would she admit it there and then?
"Has this person had this said crush for a while then?" he asked, feeling his pulse racing.
She shook her head. "No, I think realisation just hit her today."
"Oh." He wasn't expecting that. Still, it didn't really matter, as long as she realised how she felt now.
"So you be nice to Freeda, eh Nick, and don't let on that I told you anything," she giggled, sliding into the driver's seat and leaving Nick staring after her with a disappointed frown.
Not exactly what he'd been hoping for. The little minx.

Fun In The Sun Chapter 6


Editing throughout and a different chapter ending

"I can see why you're thinking of trading this in," Nick said, squashing himself into the front seat of Sal's Cinquecento.


Sal giggled at the sight of his long, muscular body all scrunched up in her car.


"Here, Fay's been in that seat but she's not quite as tall as you. Think you could do with putting the seat back," she said, pulling the bar underneath the chair and sending Nick flying backwards.


"Oh! Thanks Sal," he laughed, readjusting himself in the chair. "My advice is trade it in!"


"Yeah, but I love my Bobby," she said, hugging the steering wheel, "I'd miss him so much," she giggled.


Nick glanced at her in disbelief. "Sal, it's a hunk of metal not a real guy. We really have to find you a guy soon, either that or a very good shrink!"


"Don't listen to him," she said, stroking the dashboard, "he obviously doesn't understand the real you like I do."


Nick shook his head at her.


Definitely think she was beyond help. An absolute one off was Sal!


Sal crossed her fingers and started the car, hoping to God that it wouldn't let her down in front of Nick. To her amazement, it started first time and she pulled out of the car park and onto the main road without incident.


"So, how was the winter for you then?" Sal asked.


"Hmm, okay I guess. I got to see my dad a bit, which I needed to do, and Jen wanted me to meet her family and friends. But I'm glad to be back," he said, gazing out of the window.


Sal turned to Nick with surprise. "Ohh, got to meet the in laws then. Sounds like it's getting serious."


"Hmm," he responded, staying non-committal.


"So where is Jen now then, Nick?" Sal enquired.


"She'll be here at the weekend; she's spending the remainder of the week with her folks," he replied casually.

"Anyway, how have you been since I last saw you Sal? Met any nice men lately?" he asked, changing the subject.


"Well, lots of men, none of them nice though," she said, pulling a face. "Anyway, I'm glad you're back too," she added.


"You are?" he said with surprise.


"Of course. Been a bit lonely over the winter to tell you the truth. Adam has been wining and dining Fay. They're still completely besotted with each other, makes you sick!" she laughed.


"Yeah, I gathered that from the messages he sent me," Nick replied, absentmindedly.


Sal glanced sideways at him. "Oh, that reminds me, how come you never kept in touch with me while you were over there mister? You promised that you would email me!"

He looked awkward then as he frantically tried to come up with a response.


"Err, it was difficult," he began, cringing inwardly at the look on Sal's face. He sounded as if he was making excuses and he knew it, but how could he explain the real reason to her? He wasn't sure that he could explain it to himself. He had wanted to get her out of his mind but telling her that would only upset her, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Sal confused him;

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