» Romance » Belong, Nerdy Cat [black authors fiction TXT] 📗

Book online «Belong, Nerdy Cat [black authors fiction TXT] 📗». Author Nerdy Cat

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He had both his hands in his pants' pockets and his sleeves were still rolled up. Perhaps the thought which passed through my mind was completely irrelevant considering the situation we were in but it was there nevertheless. 

'Isn't he cold?" 


Matt strated fumblig in his jeans pockets getting out his cell phone. "Look man this friend of yours is really dangerous. Take a look at that" He unlocked his phone and held it in front of us. A black and white image of Arnold was there; it looked like it was taken from a survilance camera in a supermarket. He was staring straight at the camera with the same appalling smile I had seen earlier today. "It's all over facebook" 

The young man explained, then turned the screen to himself and scrolled through something. He turned the phone back to us and the the same black and white image was there, it looked like it was in the same place as the earlier image. The picture was different, there was a man lying on the floor with several products scattered around him. The blood was everywhere, the pool that he had drowned in, the shelves, the wall, the fridge, and basically everything else. 


Matt pulled his phone away, "It gets even more gurosome than that with the other victimes" His broken stutter was an enough indication of his fear. I turned my head to look at Liam; I just wanted to see his reaction. However when I did, there was nothing. His face was empty. I could feel the goosebumps rising within my body all over again and the feeling I had had a moment ago is now fully explained. "I already called 911"


I have always been slow in everything. I am a slow thinker, and I take my time to react properly to any given situation. SO I wasn't really surprised with myself when I stood there not saying a signle word. Part of my mind refused to believe what I have been told; I was in denial that I have known so well. I came to the conclusion that I am always in denial. My mind did what it does best most of the time, which is shutting out the world. It feels like I no longer exist within this world; I don't hear nor see anything of it. I believe that was exactly what had happened at that moment. My mind wasn't making a coherent thought, but I could feel a buzz in my head which turned later into a noise that I could make nothing of. 


"...I think it's best if we go back to Hamlet, I don't think it is safe to leave Mark and Arnold alone anymore" 


Liam's words pulled me out of my trance; he was brooding with his thinkng face and his furrowed thick eyebrows. The wind blew stronger and its howling broke the silence around us. It was then that the gravity of the situation setteled in me; it was then that I had come to the realization of the prospect we were facing. My friend...Our friend could be a killer. "I totally agree man. I mean that lunatic could have already killed him" Matt replied fidgeting still, and the stammer is still also there. "I am not going though. I called 911 and they should be on their way there" Those were his final words and his face held the most authentic contrite look I have ever seen. After a mummbled appology he ran out of the scene. 


I heard Liam sigh lowly, then he started walking. "Come on let us go back" He said with urgency in his voice this time. Looking at his face, I saw a fleeting terror that only lasted for a second but an ovbious distress. I nodded my head and I tried willing my body to move but it just wouldn't. An image of Arnold kept hunting my mind. The imaged we had seen and ones that my own mind has created. I felt someone holding my arm and pulling me, so I looked up to see Liam. He was walking me out of that alley,"We have to hurry up already" and with those words our walking turned to running. 


Liam was ahead of me, still holding my arm though. I think on the very short distance we ran, my mind managed to imbibe the exigency of the situation. If Arnold was what we assumed he was, then every single person that had been in Hamlet must have been in great danger. Another part of my mind tried to deny it though, it kept nagging me with excuses and possibilities. 

I've known him for so many months, if he had some sort of a psychotic serial killer in him I would have known

Maybe there is someone who looks exactly like him

The photoage was black and white, maybe there is a mix up.

A lot of other thoughts followed those, but I decided not to give up to them. They were all the more reason I should go. I started pushing my body to go faster and I became side to side with Liam. I felt a burn in my lung with every cold breath I inhaled. 


Our run had come to halt as we reached the doors to Hamlet. We both stood in front of the door. I was trying to catch my breath, while LIam just stood there like he hadn't ran it here. "You stay here and I'll go in first" Liam said, or rather ordered, then he extended his hand to push the door open. Was it really that easy to order me around? 


I know it wasn't the right time, and I know he meant well, and I also know that there was a bigger situation at hand. Despite all of that though, I couldn't help but get angry. He opened the door and entered, the door was about to close behind him, so I held it. 

I might have expected so many things but not what I saw then. The first thing that really had hit me was the warmth of the place, a great difference from the temperature outside. The second thing I noticed was the quietness. A strange, perhaps and eerie silence, engulfed the place. The background music was playing softly still; it was a Frank Sinatra Song, I believe it's called strangers in the night? I am not sure. 


"This is not exactly what I had expected, not that I am complaining" I muttered still slightly breathless from our short run. My head turned left and right looking for anything or anyone but there was nothing. "I thought I told you to wait outside" He said in a very calm voice, but I could see his eyes still scanning the place. His steps were very cautious and he walked around. I huffed, perhaps feeling more at ease that I had felt before. I think I might have overreacted a little and my over active imagination made me think of a masacre or some mass murder scene. "I don't know who died and made you my boss" I sassed and followed his footsteps. 


Liam was standing behind the counter, with a strange look on his face. "I think Mark just did"

Chapter Six

 This is in the third point of View.


Both Emily and Liam stood still for part of the second until the reality of the situation downed on them. Perhaps Emily took longer time than Liam. The music in the background, albeit romantic, sounded very wrong with the situation in hand. 

"Oh my God, Oh my God. He's dead" 

Emily whispered the words with her hands covering her mouth. Her eyes kept darting between the body and the blood trying to find a way to deny the facts seen. She wished within in herself, perhaps a tiny part of her even believed that this was nothing but a bad nightmare that she would wake up from soon. 


She took few steps backward from the scene, finally the counter high enough to hide the body and veil the splatters of blood. Athough she could no longer see it, the image was engraved in her memory. When the image of Arnold ran through her mind, her terror has increased even more. 'How could it be that Arnold did that? Is it even possibe'  The thought passed through her mind really quickly, "He had children, two beautiful daughters that he was so proud of. He had a wife that loved him all the way to the moon. He had a life." She started pacing back and forth, her hands moving frantically as she said those words, finally resting on the hairline on her forehead. 


Meanwhile, Liam decided that the best form of action was to call the police. He started thinking fast of possibilites and logical explanations. He knew that Arnold is the one who had committed such a terrible crime. They had left the place and Arnold was talking with Mark. Even when he was talking with them he didn't sound natural, he was so unlike his usual self. It pained him to believe it , but it seemed like the most probable explanation especially after what this boy, Matt, had shown them earlier. He didn't know which friend to grieve first, Arnold or Mark. He had known them both for so many years. Did he even have the right to grieve now? 


He finally turned to look at Emily who was still pacing relentlessly, as if the this would bring Mark to life, as if the movemnt will solve it all. He put his hand in his pockets and got his cell phone out. Dialing 911 and reporting the incident should be their best course of action. Perhpas it was best for Mark, for them, but was it best for Arnold? He ignored the question and dialed them nevertheless. 


"Arnold did this Liam. Can you believe it? Is that even possible? He our friend. You have known him longer then I have, how? Just explain to me how such a thing could happen?" 


Liam heard Emily's questions after he hung up the phone. She stopped talking to herself and now she's asking him the questions he didn't have any answer for. He walked the few steps seprating them and held both of her shoulders in a firm grip. Her hazel irises were moving frantically in a lot of directions. She was not looking at him, he even thought that she could be seeing things of her own at the moment. The wind whisteled outside as the next song started playing in the background, this time it was Nina Simon I put a spell on you. 


"I called the police and they are on their way" His words finally grabbed her attention. Without even blinking tears started to fall down from her eyes; she stopped her crazy movement, and her eyes were finally focused on Liam's forest green eyes. "We have to tell them what happened, so I need you to calm down before they come. Everything is going to be okay I promise" 

He said in what he had hoped to be a soothing voice, but somehow it still ended somehow comanding, ordering and a bit stern. 


Emily pushed her body away from him, "nothing is going to be okay. Take a better look at this mess Liam" She said and anther

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