» Romance » The Angel of Brooklyn, Bianca Gray [read this if TXT] 📗

Book online «The Angel of Brooklyn, Bianca Gray [read this if TXT] 📗». Author Bianca Gray

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to Jack. Then Jack nodded his head and dragged me away before I could open my mouth and call him an egotistical PIG!! Jack practically dragged me back to the Brooklyn Bridge.
"I know you were trying to hide your feelings from him, but you cannot talk to Spot like that!" exclaimed Jack. Reggie looked confused and decided to ignore us.
"I don't know WHAT you're talking about," I said playing with the ends of my sleeves. Jack threw his hands up.
"Yous hopeless! Absolutely hopeless!" he exclaimed in frustration. After I shuffled across the Brooklyn Bridge, he took us to Sarah's building again. Then David showed up with little Les.
"Davy! Take Reggie with you. Help him sell papers. I need Mattie to talk to Sarah," said Jack taking my stack of papers and handed them to Reggie.
"Well, go on," he said making the 'shoo, shoo' motions with his hands.
"Why do I have to talk to Sarah?" I whined after David, Les, and Reggie disappeared.
"Well, because Sarah's a girl...and you's a girl...and yous guys can discuss yous problems..." stammered Jack, looking for the right words. I crossed my arms.
"I DO NOT have problems," I said stubbornly. He just looked at me. Then he pulled me along to the roof.
"Stay here," he demanded. When he was gone I was wondering where the heck I would go? I'm on a ROOF! Then I was considering whether or whether not I should jump...but he came back up with Sarah. He came over to me and took off my hat.
"So yous look like a girl when yous guys have yous goil talk," Jack explained when he saw my confused expression.
"So, Jack told me about your, uh, problem," said Sarah pulling up a chair.
"What problem?" I asked looking at Jack and then Sarah.Sarah looked at Jack.
"Well..." started Sarah slowly.
"She knows what her problem is! You don't have to explain it to her," interrupted Jack.
"Actually, I really don't," I said crossing my arms.
"Sarah, Mattie is IN LOVE with the King of Brooklyn!" exclaimed Jack geturing to me.
"Whose the King of Brooklyn?" I asked playing dumb.
"Jack, she doesn't even know who you're talking about so how can she be in love with him?" Sarah asked. Jack opened and closed and then opened and closed his mouth again. Sarah, obviously satisfied that he wasn't going to interrupt her anytime soon, looked over at me.
"Okay, so Mattie, how did you react when you saw Spot?" she asked. Jack leaned forward, itching to know what I was going to say.
"Uh, like how I meet anyone I guess," I lied. I felt bad lying to her but I didn't have any problems!
"LIAR! Did you see how she averted her eyes when she said that?" snitched Jack. His nickname should be Snitch...not the other guy's, I thought angrily to myself.
"Mattie, you can trust me. If you want me to send Jack away, I'd understand why. He's delusional," she said smiling. Jack pointed to himself.
"Me? Delusional? She's the one whose delusional! At least I'm not the one in love with the King of Brooklyn!" exclaimed Jack.
"Jack, just go," said Sarah pushing him toward the fire escape stairs.
"But I wanna know what she says," protested Jack. Sarah stopped and turned him to face her.
"Jack, are you a girl?" asked Sarah.
"What does that have to-"
"Jack, are you a girl?" repeated Sarah.
"No, but-"
"Then go away! This is girl talk," said Sarah firmly, crossing her arms across her chest. Jack sighed in defeat and walked away.
"Now where were we?" asked Sarah.
"The King of Brooklyn?" I asked sarcastically.
"Oh right, Spot," said sarah slowly, carrying out the one syllable in Spot. I rolled my eyes.
" do you feel about Spot?" asked Sarah trying so hard to sound nonchalant. I brushed my fingers through the ends of my hair.
"He's okay," I said a little too quickly. She noticed that too and raised her eyebrows but disregarded it.
"Well do you...feel anything for him?" she asked slowly, watching my reaction.
"What do you mean?" I asked playing with my hands.
"I mean do you like him?" She finally asked the words I was dreading to hear. Now I had to ask myself the same question. DO I LIKE SPOT CONLON??!
"I don't know," I finally said. She raised her eyebrows at me.
"Well I DON'T! Ok...maybe a little," I admitted when she gave me her "look".
"Really?" she said interested.
"Well, I mean, can you blame me? You have seen the guy right? I mean look at his eyes sometime. And I don't mean just randomly glance at them, stare into them! They just make you melt, like, like PUDDING! And trust me I HATE

pudding! I guess I don't like the flavor. Or the texture. I mean c'mon people not EVERYONE has to like pudding? And what's with all the flavors? They're all not good anyway! What's the point? Now ice cream I like. Not chocolate though...I never liked chocolate..." I mused. Sarah snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"Spot?" she asked.
"Oh yeah, well so since I hate pudding and he makes me feel like pudding so then it's not like I LIKE the feeling I get when he's close to me...okay, I like it a little...but I can't CONCENTRATE when I feel like that so I get angry. And it's not like he's easy to get angry with. HE'S EXTREMELY EASY TO GET ANGRY WITH! I mean he's arrogant, dramatic, and so...FULL OF HIMSELF! Plus also, he actually, get this, ACTUALLY wants people to TREAT HIM LIKE THE 'KING' HE IS??!! I mean, seriously? SERIOUSLY? and people actually LISTEN to this guy? But anyway...I don't know. I seriously don't know....and the way he moves...its like a tiger stalking his prey! He butters you up with those smoldering blue-gray eyes of his and then he, he, he, like...ATTACKS!! Ok not really, but you expect an attack. Verbally or physically. And that look he gives's so...I don't know but it makes you want to give him whatever he wants! Like, here want my shoes? They're yours! Want to take my breath away? You already did so that's yours too! How about my heart? You want it? I'll rip it out of my chest and give it to you! Want me to jump in front of anything to protect you? Already done, no need to ask me twice.....I'd die for you....I'd do anything for him," I admitted sadly. Sarah looked at me with wide eyes. We didn't say anything for a long time. Finally she got up and hugged me.
"I didn't know you had so much to say," she said letting go of me.
"Trust me, I didn't either," I muttered.
"Well...I must say that this is extremely...WONDERFUL!" exclaimed Sarah.
"How is this wonderful? SHE'S OBVIOUSLY DELUSIONAL!" we heard a voice yell out. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Jack? Were you listening?" she asked exasperately. His head popped up.
"Well, yeah, I wanted to be able to say I told ya so!" He said getting up on the roof.
"So...I told you so!" he said to Sarah. She sighed but she was smiling.
"So this is not good," said Jack.
"I think it's great," said sarah.
"Sarah, listen to me, he's the King of Brooklyn. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!" exclaimed Jack. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Why does my boyfriend not believe in love?" she asked me.
"Sarah, it's different with us. She's supposed to be a BOY and BOYS cannot like other BOYS!" exclaimed Jack.
"Actually they could. If they wanted to," mused Sarah.
"Not in this century," said Jack putting his hands on his hips.
"Well, then, fine. She can tell him," Sarah said Jack sighed.
"Tell him what?" he asked impatiently.
"Tell him she's a girl and not a boy," Sarah replied.
"Wait, you want Mattie whose dressed like a boy but is really a girl to tell Spot Conlon the King of Brooklyn that she's not a boy and that she's a girl dressed up LIKE a boy? Yeah, THAT'S gunna go over well!" exclaimed Jack.
"It miiiiight," sang Sarah.
"How would he take it well? How would ANYONE react to news like that?" asked Jack. Actually, in my opinion, it ws fun watching Sarah and Jack argue.
"Wait, who would react to what?" Reggie suddenly appeared.
"Well, Spot knowing Mattie's a girl," said Sarah as Jack said, "Uh...NOTHING!" Reggie just looked confused.
"What? Why would Spot need to know Mattie's a girl?" asked Reggie. I put my head into my hands. I groaned really loudly. I felt Sarah's gaze on me.
"Well, Spot would need to know because apparently Mattie is in-" went on Sarah before Jack went over and covered her mouth.
"In...?" asked Reggie inviting anyone to elaborate on that.
"Um..." I said peeking out of through the gaps between my spread out fingers.
"Because Mattie is in...a rival enemy mental really mental battle with him," said Jack looking at me when he said 'really mental'. I just glared. I got the message.
"I don't think that makes any sense," said Reggie slowly. Sarah laughed from behind Jack's hand.
"Mamts mecuuuuz id moesent," she replied. Reggie just looked confused at what she said because honestly nobody could understand her.
"Sorry, I just don't....understand her," said Reggie gesturing to her. She crossed her arms.
"Uh, nobody can, so it's getting kind of dark and I haven't eaten all day! Reggie I sure hope you made some money. For at least some bread," I said quickly trying to change the subject. Reggie smiled as I stuffed my hair into my hat.
"You would not believe it but apparently I'm a really good newsie. I probably have enough money to buy at least a drumstick of a chicken," he said excitedly.
"I hope your willing to share," I said as Jack released Sarah and kissed her on the top of her head. Then we all walked to one of the stores and got a real good bargain on two drumsticks. Reggie and I were eating them on the way back to the News Boys Lodging House. Jack stared me down before we opened the door.
"So, you gunna give me part of that?" he asked widening his eyes as I looked up at him. In reality, Jack was very tall. I laughed as a ripped off a piece off of my drumstick. He took it and ate it.
"Well, that's the only thing I'm gunna eat. I didn't sell any papes today," he said rubbing his stomach as he swallowed the piece. I looked sadly at my drumstick and slowly handed it to him. He laughed and pushed it away.
"No worries. My fellas probably gots something for me," he said laughing. We opened the door and said 'HI' to Kloppman and ran up the steps to the giant room. All the guys stared at my brother and I, drool slowly coming out of their mouths. Race came up to me.
"I roll for it," he said nodding his head at my drumstick.
"It's only half a drumstick," I said in disbelief.
"So? It's meat. So, waddya say?" he said taking out a single die. I took a small bite out of my drumstick.
"What do I get if I win?" I asked.
"Well, the drumstick..." he said. I shook my head.
"Besides the drumstick," I said. He pondered it for a moment.
"50% of my profits for a week," he said smiling. He seems pretty sure of himself, I thought slowly. I raised my eyebrows.
"Okay then, Race. Let's do it then," I said smiling.

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