» Romance » Dreams Come True, Angel [best books to read for self improvement txt] 📗

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her to fall to her knees. "Amy, What's wrong?", Nathan rushed to her helping her up from the floor. "I remember.", she cried burying her face in his chest. The phone started ringing just as she got the words out of her mouth. Nathan sat her down on the bed and grabbed the phone, "Hello.". "Who is this?", Shane demanded. "Who is this, you called here.", Nathan spoke in a firm tone. "I'm Shane who the hell called and hung up?", Shane was furious. Nathan managed to keep his cool he wanted to tell the bastard off but his concern was on Amy at the moment, "I don't know.", he said simply and hung up the phone turning the ringer off in the process. He went over and sat down on the bed behind her, wrapping his arms around her. He took a deep breath to calm himself then he asked, "Did Shane do all that to you?". Amy closed her eyes and leaned back against him. She let out a heavy sigh, " I'll tell you what happened, but I can't look at you while I do it.". "Go ahead.", he whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms tighter around her.
She took a deep breath, "I woke up that morning in the hotel and you had already left .", " I found the rose, necklace, and note you left.", "By the way you really made me feel special."," Anyways I took a shower and put the necklace on, after taking one last look in the mirror I headed home.","when I got there I found that he had moved someone in with him, I told them to get out of my house and we started fighting.", " He spotted the necklace and I made up a story about picking it up at the flea market and he had bought my story until he found your note while looking for money."," Next thing I knew he was coming at me with a wooden bat and everything went black.", "Then you found me on the side of the road.". Amy finally looked up at Nathan she couldn't believe it he had tears in his eyes,"I'll Kill him",she barely heard his words. "No, I don't want you involved.", she reached up and touched his face. "Not involved this is all my fault.", Nathan scolded and grabbed her hands."It's not, I shouldn't have kept the note.", she blamed herself. "If I had left you alone there would have been nothing to hide." Nathan scolded himself again getting up and walking away from her. Amy got up and grabbed him by the arm. She looked him in the eyes,"Don't say that no one has ever made me feel like you do.". "I'm so glad you said that.", Nathan smiled as he picked a box up from the floor and placed it on the bed,"Are you going to open it?". Amy opened the box to find a beautiful red gown with heels to match and a bag full of makeup. "Nathan, Its beautiful.", she hugged and kissed him. "I have a special evening planned.", he smiled giving her a squeeze. "Meet me downstairs in an hour, please.", He said as he left the room. Amy wasted no time she showered and dressed and was ready with a few minutes to spare. after taking one last look in the mirror she headed downstairs.
Nathan's jaw almost hit the floor when he saw her at the top of the stairs. He met here at the bottom of the stairs and offered her his arm. He led her to the dining room and she saw candles were burning everywhere, it was absolutely beautiful. They shared a nice meal and he even danced with her, then he knelt down before her," Amy I know we don't know each other that well ,but I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you."," Will you marry me and spend the rest of our lives getting to know one another?'. Amy just stood there looking at him she couldn't believe her ears. "Are you sure?", she finally got out. "I've never been so sure of anything.", he mustered up a smile knowing he was fixing to get shot down. "I have to deal with this whole Shane thing, are you up for that?", she questioned. "I know baby, but I want to be by your side every step of the way.", he answered growing impatient. "This is crazy, but yes.",she finally answered him. Nathan broke out a huge smile placed the ring on her finger and scooped her up in his arms.
The next morning Amy woke up before Nathan with Daisy on her mind, she bet that she was worried by now. It had been month's since they'd spoken. She sat down at his desk and picked up the phone. "Who are you calling?",he asked. Startled she hung up the phone,"I was going to call my friend Daisy, but I think I should go see her instead.". "We'll go when you want.", He smiled turning her in the chair to face him and his smile grew bigger," Do you know how beautiful you are in nothing but diamonds?". "I think the diamonds look better.", she laughed. "We will have to agree to disagree on that one.",Nathan laughed with her. An hour later they were off to Daisy's house.
Halfway there Amy grabbed his hand and said,"I'm scared.". He squeezed her hand and leaned over to her ear, " Don't be, I won't let anyone hurt you ever again.". She gave him a peck on the cheek and smiled,"I love you so much." "And I love you", he turned and kissed her. When they turned on Daisy's street Amy smiled,"no one will ever think its me.". "Well it's only the best from now on.",Nathan smiled giving her a wink. She saw Daisy in the yard as they got closer. Daisy looked really shocked when the limo came to a stop in front of her house. The driver opened the door allowing Amy to step out,"Amy!", Daisy screamed. "I thought you were dead.", she threw her arms around Amy. "I would have been, if not for him.",Amy grabbed Nathan's hand as he got out of the car. "Where did you find him?", Daisy asked flashing Nathan a smile. "Hands off he's mine.", Amy laughed holding up her hand so Daisy could see the ring. "Nice.", Daisy was happy for her friend. "Let's go inside and you can fill me in.", Daisy headed for the house. "So are you going to introduce us?",Daisy asked as she opened the door. "Oh sorry, Daisy this is Nathan.", Amy took a glass of lemonade from her. "Nice to meet you.", Nathan smiled as he took the glass she offered him. "So what happened, Shane said you had been kidnapped?",Daisy asked as they sat down. "Allow me.", Nathan smiled at Amy. "I found her beaten so badly she didn't know who she was,", Nathan said as her wrapped an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. "No, who would do such a thing?",Daisy was horrified. "Shane.", Amy said softly. "So you two met when you found her?", Daisy asked changing the conversation. "No, we met at the hotel.",Nathan spoke up and smiled at Amy. "On my last trip.", Amy added. "i guess we better go, I got to face Shane sooner or later.",Amy's face fell. They left Daisy's and headed toward Amy's house. "Are you sure you're up for this?", Nathan asked as they stopped in front of her house. "As long as I have you, I'll be fine.", Amy gave him a pat on the leg,but she was worried. "You'll always have me.",Nathan reassured her as he took her hand and kissed it. Amy took a deep breath as they exited the car and walked into the house. "I'll be damned, the bitch survived.", Shane slurred being drunk as usual. "Do not speak to her like that.", Nathan warned. "I'll speak to that whore any way I choose to.", Shane popped off, "Who the hell are you anyways?". "I'm Nathan, and she is no longer yours so you will not speak to her like that again.", Nathan smirked as he held up her hand for Shane to see the diamond. "Well look at you.", Shane directed his attention toward Amy. Amy found her backbone and finally mustered up the word she came to say. "I just came by to tell you to get the hell out of my house and that I'm going to press charges against you.". "Let's go.", Nathan placed a hand on the small of her back coaxing her toward the door. "Don't forget who your fucking with missy.", Shane yelled as they walked out. They went straight to the police station so she could press charges.
Shane was furious at her even though the case was thrown out he swore revenge on her. He spent one night in jail and as soon as he got out he went straight to his buddy Bruce's house to plot his revenge. The plan was to kidnap her and torment her for a while then he'd decide what to do with her from there. He figured that he and his buddys could have some fun with her first. All he needed to do now was get her away from her new boy toy so that he could snatch her up. After some extensive planning everything was set up for her. All he had to do now was scare the hell out of Daisy so that she would get Amy back in town. Which would be an easy task.
Amy was going stir crazy, Nathan had left weeks ago to visit his father but didn't want her to go. He called her every night to check up on her but it wasn't the same. The next day Daisy called and made plans to meet at a cafe, which was an answer for Amy, A day with her friend would take her mind off Nathan, for a while at least. Amy arrived about ten minutes early, but on her way in someone threw a bag over her head and put her in the trunk of a car. When the bag came off she knew exactly where she was, Bruce's house. They dragged her inside, stripped her down, and put her in a small room chaining her to the bed. The chain would allow her to reach the small bathroom, but that was it. Bruce came in a while later and sat a box of condoms on the bedside table, then gave her a crooked grin left and locked the door behind him. A little while later here came Shane through the door, "Hey there sweetheart.", he was grinning from ear to ear. "Let me go you bastard.", Amy yelled. "Not until we have a little fun.",Shane smiled.
She was there for what seemed like days while Shane and all his friends partied. Ever so often one of his friends would come bursting through the door and have their way with her. She had cried all she could cried and her ankle was raw from where the metal band around it. She was only thankful that they had sense enough to use condoms so that there would be no evidence of it at least she didn't have to worry about coming up pregnant. Nathan had been trying to reach her for days he knew something was wrong. After speaking to his father about it he agreed to help Nathan find her. It didn't take his father's men long to locate her and they were on their way in no time. Nathan jumped out of the car ready to rush in when they got there,but his father insisted that he let the men go in and he would wait there. Amy heard a loud banging noise from the otherside of the door, so she went
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