» Romance » Destiny's Touch, Liesbeth Assani Marrose [best big ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Destiny's Touch, Liesbeth Assani Marrose [best big ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Liesbeth Assani Marrose

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said for you to take it easy."


She looked up at me. "Oh honey, it’s your last summer before college, I want you to enjoy it & spend time with your friends, not wasting your time in here. As for the doctor, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I am stronger than everyone thinks." "No, seriously, I can do it Mom. You know I don't like most people, well my age." I headed for the door. “Stop worrying; go take a soothing bath before you have to open. I'll see you later." She sighed but smiled when I looked at her. Mom wouldn't say it out loud but she thought I didn't take my youthfulness to the advantage. When there was still high school, I was always concentrating on work & activities. If it weren’t for Siobhan and Jared, I probably wouldn’t even have a social life.


I was never into the normal teenage stuff like partying, drinking & hooking up with random people. Once I got to Siobhan’s, her little brother, Chris, opened the door for me. "Hey what are you doing up so early?" I crouched down to his height; he was about four but was very smart & short. "Cartoons." He smiled his toothy grin & went back to watching, an old episode of Spongebob. “Siobhan!! Come on! We were supposed to leave forty five minute ago. What’s taking you so long?” She came into the living room, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “You kissed him, am I right?"


"Wait what?” “Did you kiss Jared?” “Yes…?” She squealed. “Siobhan, I still don't see the point. Considering I slept with him on my birthday." "Oh my god!!! That’s where the two of you disappeared to?! I want details. RIGHT NOW!” My face went bright red as Chris looked at the two of us before deciding that what ever we were talking out wasn’t more interesting then SpongeBob. “Shove off Siobhan!”


She laughed, “My Sapphire is back!!!" She wrapped her arms around me acting like a little girl when opening her Christmas presents. "Shut up. Let's go before it gets hot." I led the way out the door. "So, if you aren’t going to tell me how he is in bed. Is he at least a good kisser?" Siobhan couldn't help but ask as we started our jog on the marked trail. I rolled my eyes & said, "I suppose." "Oh my god!! He must have been amazing!! Now I feel a little love deprived."


Now she started getting people to look at us. That was supposed to be a quiet or little conversation jog, but because of the whole Jared thing, she didn't shut up about it! "Ha! What happened to Richard?" I turned my head to looked at her but she didn't seem to want to talk about it right this moment. Oh no. “Siobhan?...” “Oh look there’s Jared.” Automatically, I looked up and sure enough, there he was in his delectable glory.


Standing next to him had to be my least favorite person, Riley Sloan. Unfortunately for me, Jared was practically brothers with him. “Hey babe. What’s shaking Siobhan?” Jared wrapped an arm around my waist before leaning down to give me a smoldering kiss. “Gross get a room you two.” I laughed as Siobhan pretended to shoot herself. “Oh come on Siobhan, It could have been worse.” She grinned.


I stared at her, wondering why she was so closed mouth about Richard. “Its obvious Jared came here to steal you from me, so I going to head on back and watch SpongeBob reruns with Chris.” Waving, she head back to the house. “Alright, you two are spending time together. I’m done playing mediator.” I looked at him, startled. “Jared what are you talking about. We get along fine.” He raised a brow, as if to say ‘I don’t believe you.’ “Okay semi along. But still we aren’t making you play mediator. Are we?”


“Yes you are.” “I’ll do it.” Riley nodded when we both looked at him. Kissing my forehead, he hugged me. “Try not to kill him. I kind of need him for the game tomorrow. After that he is all yours babe.” “I heard that you inconsiderate jerk. Now get out of here before I kick your ass.” Laughing, Jared headed towards the parking lot. I jestered towards the soccer field.


“Mind if we sit down?” He nodded & we both headed over there. “You know we don’t have to do this if you want. We can just pretend we did.” “What’s your favorite movie?” He looked at me startled. “Why?” “Because I’m curious. And Jared said to hangout so why not play twenty questions.” “Silence of the Lambs. You?”


“Shiloh.” And for the next hour it went on like that. His favorite color was blue, food was spaghetti, dessert was brownies, ice cream was coffee, soda was birch beer, & music was country. His dream girl was someone who cares for him, is playful, will try new things, active, smart, kind, loving, respectful, beautiful on the inside & out, & who would love him for him. The features don't matter. The funniest thing that he has ever done was light mini fireworks in a trash can to a very hung over Jared because he would not wake up when they had a gig in an hour then. “Wait that was you?! That was hilarious. Jared could hear for a week. It was so funny.” I laughed, remember how Jared yelled at his mom for bread when she was standing next to him.


Riley looked down at me & had a look in his eyes that I couldn’t read. The back of his fingers grazed my cheek. “You’re so beautiful.” I bit my lip as his other hand slid down my arm and grasped my hand. “Riley…” He looked down at our joined hands and pulled back quickly. “Sorry I didn’t mean to do that…I mean I… never mind.” I turned my head and closed my eyes.


I could still feel his hand in mine and I don’t think something that wrong ever felt so right. I shivered as desire sliced through me. Something touched my shoulder and I opened my eyes. Riley had taken his russet brown sweatshirt and now offered it to me. “Riley, you don’t need to do that, I’m fine.” I pushed the sweatshirt back to him. “Char, its fine. You probably need it more than I do.” He offered it once more and I surrendered by putting it on.


It was warm and soft. It also smelled like him, a mix of a pure masculine smell and that of pine, which made me experience that good kind of toe curling dizziness. Just then his phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen before answering it. “Hey man…Nothing much. We moved onto the lawn by the soccer field…Okay see you in a few.” He slid the phone back into his pocket before standing. I followed suit, brushing the back of my jeans to catch any stray dirt that I might have picked up. “So you can keep the sweatshirt…I have plenty. Thanks for the fun time Caroline.”


He smiled, leaned in and kissed my cheek before disappearing into the crowd. Just then I saw Jared and my heart leaped into my throat, completely confusing me, considered what had transpired. “Hey baby. It looks like you managed not to kill each other or did you kill him after he hung up?” I laughed and jabbed him in the ribs. “Yes I did and I decided to keep the sweatshirt. You will never find him. Mwah haha.” Jared laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist as we wended our way through the fair stalls. The next few weeks went by & I noticed my appetite increase & officially stared freaking when I missed my period. So now here I am waiting for the home pregnancy test results. 


I set down the stick & pulled out my phone & called Jared. “Hey baby. Its me When you get this call me back. Love you. Bye.” I set it down on the table & plopped down onto the bed. Ring Ring Ring. “Caroline, Siobhan is on the phone!”  I picked up the phone. “Hello?” “OhMyGod. Char. Where have you been?” You haven’t shown up for practice like forever & everyone even coach was starting to worry.”  “SIOBHAN! Shut up & listen!”


“Okayy.” “I’m not 100 percent sure but I think I am pregnant.” “. . . . .WHAT? What makes you think that?” “I still haven’t gotten my period.” “Have you taken the home pregnancy test?” “Yeah, I’m going to look at the results right now.” I walk over into the bathroom & pick of the test & look at it. “Positive. Siobhan it says I am pregnant.” 


I walked to the bed & sat down. “Who’s baby is it?” “Jared’s.” “Are you going to tell Jared & your family?” “Yeah I will, but. . .” BEEEP. I look at the phone. 703-557-4321  Crap. “Hey Siobhan, Can I call you back?  Jared’s on the other line.” 


“Yeah sure. Just make sure to tell him about the baby.” “Alright.” Siobhan hung up & immediately Jared’s voice filled the line. “Hey. I got your message. What’s up?” I took a deep breath. “Jared is there any possible way you could meet me at the park in like five minutes?” “Actually I’m on my way to your house, but I can head to the park if you want.” “No. Come here. We need to talk.” “Alright I will be then in a minute.”


I hung the phone back on the hook, & slid down the wall to the floor.  I was still in curled the fetal position when I heard Jared’s car pull up in the drive & a few seconds later him knocking on the door & my brother Peter greeting him.  “She is in her room.” KNOCK KNOCK. “It’s open Jared.” He walked in, spotted me on the floor, walked over & sat beside me. “Do you love me?”  He looked at me startled. 


“You know I do Layna, forever & always babe.” He took my hand. “What’s this about Char? I can tell there is something you aren’t telling me.” I stare at the floor. “Jared I’m. . . . I’m. . . .pregnant & it’s yours. He dropped my hand, stood up & began pacing. I watched him wearily, as he paced. All of sudden he stop in front of me & offered me his hand. 


I took it & he pulled me up, trying to pull me into an embrace, but I pushed away. “Jared. We need to tell my dad. Cause I have decided to keep the baby.” “WHAT! What do you mean you’re keeping it?! Caroline are you outta your mind? NO! You have to get an abortion, you aren’t ready to have a kid.” I glared at him my temper getting the best of me. “Dude seriously? You didn’t just say that! God you’re an asshole Jared. Just leave I never want to see you again.” “Fine with me babe. Oh & Char? We both know it isn’t mine. That you’re trying to shuck the responsibility on me.” His words cut me like a knife & before I knew it he was gone. I slid down the wall sobbing, completely unaware of my brother standing in the doorway.


Want to know how Charlie and Riley get together? Or how she raises her kids. My Fight with Love is going to be posted soon. It is in both Riley and Charlie's POV. It encompasses everything between chapters two and three. :) It begins three months after Charlie tells Jared. I hope you all will take a few moments to consider reading...obviously if you want to read chronologically you will have to wait. I hope you enjoy and happy reading!!!


Liesbeth Assani Marrose

Chapter Three: Jared...?

May 16th, 2018


The sky was clear blue, not a cloud in sight. Sunlight filtered through the trees, making the trees appear as if they were glowing. The newfound blooms swaying in the breeze that blew across the field. I sighed.

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