» Romance » New Beginnings in Spain, Sarah Barkley [book series for 10 year olds .txt] 📗

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in amazement? “Do I have the words “US Tourist” written across my forehead?”

“Oh, no, Senorita. But it is obvious you are American, don’t you think? Your ivory complexion, beautiful blue eyes and of course your Levi’s are what give you away”, he said with a smile.

Molly laughed in embarrassment. “Well, if you think I’m going to walk around this town on these cobblestone streets in short skirts and high heeled shoes like all these other ladies I see, then you’re crazy. I don’t know how these women do it.”

“I don’t know how they do it, either, but I am not complaining. Now, what would you like to drink?”

“I was told to ask for the house wine if I wanted the best in Logrono.”

“Oh, so you’ve been speaking to an expert, I see.” With that, he plopped down on the bar what appeared to be an oversized shot glass and filled it with a dark red wine. He then set down a small plate with a couple fried meatballs on it. “Buen Provecho, enjoy!”

Molly tasted the wine, and though she was no wine expert, it was delicious! She then took a bite of one of the meatballs. That, too, was scrumptious. It was fried in a light batter and served with a sauce of tomato and garlic. His pretty American customer was obviously enjoying her tapas, so the barteneder returned to see if she’d like more. “Is everything ok, senorita?”

“Oh, yes, these meatballs are amazing! What exactly are they?"

“Criadillas, you know, bull’s testicles.”

Molly turned ghastly white, her hand flew to her mouth, and she quickly asked for the nearest restroom. The bartender laughed outloud and pointed to the rear of the bar. She jumped up and ran as fast as she could. Luckily, she made it in time. It only took her about 10 seconds to get rid of that, that, that meatball! She couldn’t bring herself to even THINK what it really was. She splashed water on her face, pulled herself together, and then calmly left the restroom to return to
her seat at the bar. As she emerged from the restroom, everyone in the bar, well, all the men, that is, stood up and gave her a standing ovation!

At first she was totally embarrassed, but then she able to compose herserf enough to give a shy smile and a curtsey. Everyone laughed and continued applauding. She made her way back to her seat, her face turning a crism shade of red. A tall, elderly gentleman sitting next to her pulled out her seat for her and introduced himself. “Good Evening, I am Pepe del Torre.”

“Uh, hello, I am Molly O’Leary."

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Molly O’leary. Please forgive us, but it has been too long since we have been able to initiate an “unsuspecting” tourist to our Bar Simpatia, with a taste of our world famous “criadillas”. And, I must say that you handled yourself with poise and grace. But, they ARE quite delicious, are they not?”

“If you don’t mind, Senor Del Torre, could we please change the subject?”

“Of course, of course. Now, tell me, what are you doing here in Logrono?”

“Well, I’m on an extended vacation from the states. I came to Logrono to attend the Fiesta de San Mateo.”

“We are so pleased to have you here. You remind me of my daughter, Isabel. She went to
Florida 20 years ago for a little vacation, but she ended up falling in love with a nice boy there, married him, and didn’t even come back for a visit for two years! Now I have 3 little American grandchildren!”

“I’m not sure how long I’ll stay in Spain, but I WILL be returning to Atlanta. That is my home.” As she said this, she sadly realized that her “home” in Atlanta was nothing now but a rented storage unit holding all her belongings in boxes. She didn’t regret selling the house, though. Too many sad memories. She really DID have to get on with her life. No, she would NOT think about that right now, she’d worry about it later.

“Senorita, are you OK? Please do not be angry with a bunch of old men playing a harmless joke on such a beautiful lady.”

“Of course not,”, she replied with a smile. “I was just thinking about something else. But, you know, I’m starving. I think I’ll leave and try out some of the other tapas bars in the area, I’ll just be more careful next time.”

“I hope you will allow me to escort you to a few places. My wife is running a booth at the fair, and I’d love to introduce you to her. The fair is at the end of this street, and that is where most of the dancing and craziness will occur later tonight.”

“Well, yes, Senor del Torre, I’d like that very much.”

“Vamanos! Let’s Go! And, please, call me Pepe.”

“And you may call me Molly.”

The two new, albeit unlikely, friends got up, left the bar and headed into the crowded street. The next place they came to was
called Bar Soriano where Pepe insisted they had the best sauteed mushrooms in all of Logrono.

OK, mushrooms seemed harmless enough, so Molly ordered a glass of wine, which was quickly served with a little plate of mushrooms and a piece of bread. They really were delicious! No sooner had she finished the last of her “shot” of wine, Pepe quickly escorted her back out into the street and into another bar. According to Pepe, Bar Donosti was well known for their sausage tapas. Reluctantly, Molly ordered a glass of wine, was instantly served a full shot and this time a small plate with little sausages on it. They really were quite tasty. The bar was also quaint, with clocks and watches covering every inch of space on the walls. The next stop, The Achuri, was also a lovely place, with banners and flags from all over the world filling the walls. Here, along with her third, or was it her fourth, glass of red wine, she had a scrumptious little plate of fried squid. Again, no sooner had she finished the last bite of her squid, Pepe announced once again that it was time to move on.

“No hold on, a minute, please!”, Molly pleaded. “Why are we rushing so quickly from bar to bar? I need to rest, and I think I may also need a cup of coffee pretty soon.”

“Oh, Senorita Molly, please forgive me. You’ve only been in Spain for one day, so of course you are not yet accustomed to our custom of Tapas Bar Hopping, especially during a festival week. We shall rest for a moment. Besides, we have come to the end of the street, and my lovey wife, Ofelia, is nearby selling souvineer hats at the entrance to the big street dance.”

“What do you mean your “custom” of Tapas Bar Hopping?”

“Well, in Spain, when people go out at night, they hate to miss out on anything. With Tapas bar hopping, they are able to quickly go from bar to bar, eating, drinking and visiting with several people at each location. We take our socializing very seriously, here. Plus, how else could we keep up on all the latest gossip?”

She smiled up at him, “Oh, I see. It sounds like a delicious and inexpensive way to meet people. What else can I expect this week duing the Fiesta?”

“There is so much to see and do during our Fiesta of San Mateo! The town has been preparing everything for months. At the beginning of the week, the judges from Agriculture Committee vote on which wines are best this year! This year, the Red Wine from the Bodedga de la Sierra won first place! It really is excellent, be sure to try some while you’re in town. After that, the festivities begin. There are fun things to do for people of all ages. Each morning starts off with the release of the bulls from their pens. These bulls run down the street and are chased by a few of the guys crazy enough to do that. These are the bulls that will take part in the bullfights that take place later that afternoon. On some days they’ll have magnificient parades. People work on their floats and costumes all year for this event. The gypsies will be in the outskirts of town with a “fantasy park” for the children. They’ll have rides and merry-go-rounds and games for the kids, with lots of food and drinks for the adults. In other plazas they have set up short dramatical plays, while
others will feature all types of music and bands ranging from folklore to rock and roll."

"Everywhere you look you will find booths set up selling all types of souvineers, tasty treats and lots and lots of wine! Each night there will be many street dances in several plazas throughout the town. Then, at the end of each day, over the Ebro River, you will see a spectacular fireworks display."

“Everything sounds wonderful! I can’t wait! OK, NOW I’m ready to go meet your Ofelia.”

They headed back out into the street in crowds. A short time later, Molly found herself being pulled through the crowd by Pepe and up to a booth on the side of the street. There he snuck up behind a short, rotund woman, grabbed her from behind, then nibbled on her neck, sending her screaming!

“Oh, Dios Mio, Pepe, how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that?”

“Ofelia, my darling, how can I resist? Here, meet my new girlfriend, Molly. She is from the United States!”

With suspecting eyes and a very stern face, Ofelia glared at Molly and looked at her from top to bottom. Molly was mortified and exclaimed, “Oh, Senora del Torre, please. He is joking with you.
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