» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

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feel even  worse now, I’m just like Bella from Twilight! She used Jacob, because she couldn’t live without his friendship, so she led him on. I hope I’m not leading him on!


“I think you should talk to him about it. Make sure that it wont happen again, maybe what the queen said is true. But maybe she changed it a bit.  Maybe she is forcing him to do it, since she is the queen.” He say, rubbing my leg. Which seems a little couple like, but I don’t care. Or is this part of the leading thing?  I grab his hand, picking it up off my leg.


“Thank you.”  I whispers, standing up. I want to get all of this done and over with. I’m going to go find, Elijah now. He stands, as well clearing his throat. “Really,  I mean it.” I say hugging him, but I pull away right away. “Thank you.”  He smiles, and then dissolves into the air. I will never understand his powers. Flying back to the entrance to the castle, I land in front of the door. I walk inside, looking everywhere he might be. Checking, his office and his room I don’t find him. I check the kitchen and dining room he isn’t there either. I shiver goes up my back when the thought of checking the king and queens bedroom comes to mind. No, he wouldn’t!  But I don’t know where else to look? I guess I will just come back later. I head back to my house, ready to just call it a night. Even though it’s five in the afternoon. I spent a lot more time training then I thought I did though.


Opening the door, I see no one again, but I still tiptoe around just in case. I don’t want to be questioned about locking myself in my room and crying. Walking past the half closed and half opened kitchen door I catch his voice.


“ There is so many dangers do doing these tests on her. She could lose her memories again, r have permanent brain damage. Just think about the pain she could be put through?” Elijah says, quietly to who I assume are my parents. Well, no wonder I couldn’t find him! I could talk to him now, but am I ready? Including my parents are here, so that might not go over well. I walk past the door hoping they didn’t see me, and that he didn’t sense me or anything. Slipping into my room, I get the need to shower I’m a little gross from training. Throwing off my hoodie, and my sweat pants I’m left in spandex and a sports bra.  I pause in the mirror, my body has definitely changed. I have a small little set of abs first of all, and really good muscle tone in my legs. I almost seem taller in height even, or maybe that is just me.  And, my scar which is right above my pelvis bone. Elijah’s blood healed the wound the most it could. I’ll be stuck with this forever. I don’t mind, it’s my first battle scar, and I assume I’ll get more.  Stripping naked, I get in the shower wishing I could just wash away all my stress.

Chapter 22- The Fall of the Mighty (Lyra's POV)

 Grabbing a book off my shelf, I plop on my bed opening it up. I toss it on the floor, letting out a breath of boredom. I’ve read that book hundreds of times, I don’t even need to read it I have it memorized!  Scrolling through T.V Channels I almost fall asleep. Until I hear my door open, I close my eye pretending.  Hopefully Molly or Garret will just leave, and not bother me. The door closes, but I don’t think they left the room. I shiver zips through my body, and I know exactly who is it. Elijah.  I should talk to him, but I don’t know if I am ready to hear what I need to hear.


“You’re parent’s are worried about you.” He speaks, and I open my eyes. I wont be able to fake sleeping with him.  I don’t look at him, if I do I might crumble into pieces.  Staring at the book I threw on the floor earlier, I wait for him to go on.  “They said you came in crying earlier, but you wouldn’t talk to them.  Then I came up to talk to them about testing on you,  they said they think you need to talk to a doctor. “ He sighs, sitting on the bed. 


“So you came because they asked you to.” I take note to, I sounded a lot grumpier than I wanted to. I keep myself snuggled under the blanket, and my eyes on the book. “Are they listening?” I whisper.


“No, they left. Why?” He asks, and I debate whether or not I want to talk to him about it or not. I came inside ready to talk, but now that it might actually happen I’m scared.  “Lyra? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asks, now kneeling in front of me.  Now all I see is his beautiful face. I reach a hand up and wipe the tear of my cheek,  I didn’t even realize I was crying until now.  I wipe my eyes free of tears, there was only two.


“The queen told me something this morning.” I say, and he looks confused. I sit up, no going back now. “The other day, after you left the hospital room… where did you go?”  I whisper, looking away from him.


“What exactly did she tell you?”  He sighs, sitting on the bed next to me. So what she said is true!  


“That the two of you have been having an affair.” I say, looking up at him. He is scowling, and rubbing his eyes.  “How long? Why?” So many questions come to mind about this, I don’t know if I should be mad or not!


“Lyra, I promise that I wasn’t there by choice.” He whispers. “Rashell has had an infatuation with me, since she first met me. Which was the day you were born. You’re father and were friends, so he called me a couple days before you were born saying he wanted me to be the doctor. I came, of course, and that’s when I first met the king and queen.” He begins, and I sit up and make myself comfortable. I can tell this is going to be a long story.


“The king hired me, as the official doctor of Spridge, even though I am not from here. I have became close friends with him as well. I stayed for two weeks after to make sure that you were healthy and that you didn’t have any signs of any diseases or problems. It was during that time, that I realized I was paying a little to much attention to you, I didn’t understand. You were a baby, I thought it was just that you were a cute as hell child. Anyways, Rashell noticed to. She called me in to talk to her, and she questioned me about you. Asking me stuff like if you were secretly my kid, or if I was wanting to eat you.” He stops making sure I’m following, I nod. “She explained to me that maybe we were partners, it scared me so much. She said that the older you got the worse it would get, and the more I would want your blood.  I didn’t want us to be partners, I was scared you parents would hate me. She told me that should tell your parents at once, and I begged her not to. She said she wouldn’t, if I paid the price for it.” He stops. I sigh, what a lying bitch she is. She just wanted me to never talk to Elijah again!


“So she doesn’t just hate me because of Sebastien. It’s because she is jealous of me. She even said she envied me.” I say leaning my head on his shoulder.  “What happened that night after you left?”  I say.


“After you had my blood, she knew that our bond would be stronger then ever. It enraged her, she threatened to banish you. She wanted me to drink from her,  and I said no.  But I bargained with her.” He finishes. I let what he says sink in. So he saved me twice in one day. He bargained with her?


“Wait,” I whisper, “What did you promise her?” He doesn’t reply.  “Elijah, what did you promise her.”  I sit up, sitting on his lap. This isn’t good.


“I’m at her beckon at all times.” He whispers, looking away from me. “If I ever break the promise she will tell your parents, and do who else knows what.”


“You promised her  your body.” I say, “Not your love.”


“Love is what she wants from me.” He says, meeting my eyes. “She wont stop, until she gets it. I don’t want her to hurt you, or any-“


“I don’t want you to get hurt either!” I get up off the bed. “She is crazy! She married to the king and has two kids! What is wrong with her? … We have to tell my parents, that way she can’t hold that against you anymore.” I say.   He moves to the end of the bed, listening closely.  “But, she could still banish me.” I add, and then I remember why I even went to there. Oh Shit.


“What?” He sighs, dammit he can read my mind!


“I’m engaged.” I whisper, and he lets out a quick laugh not believing me. “To the prince of Caswan, I’m supposed to settle the war brewing between kingdoms. The queens specifically chose me.” I seethe. God, she has been brewing  this plan for a while I bet. She knew Elijah would do anything for me, and she figured the two of us would work things out, so she needed a back plan … me getting married.


“Thing king agreed to that? I would’ve thought that they would’ve wanted the princess.”  He says, not sounding as mad as I thought he would be. My bedroom door flies open, and Chaston is standing there breathing heavy. She gives us both weirds looks, and smiles. Dammit. She knows.


“Lyra, there are some people here who want to meet you.” She says.   My world crumples, they are hear already?


“Thank you, Chaston. We will be right out. I have to finish this test real quick.”  Elijah says, shooing her, and she looks confused. I  know what he is doing!


“Or I can go and we can finish this stupid thing later..” I say, and Elijah sighs. “Fine, hurry it up!” I say,  and Chaston leaves.  I wait a couple seconds, to make sure she is gone. “Nice cover.” I say sitting next to him. He sighs, wrapping an arm around me.


“Your prince is here. You should go.” He says standing up. I’m totally lost now.


“You’re okay with this?” I protest, grabbing his hand to stop him.


“Of course not, but until we can think of something we have to play along. You need to pretend to be mad at me, and go met this prince. I have to act like you’re ignoring me, and that I know something is wrong.” He

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