» Romance » Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author S. J. Evans

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become, she realized that letting go was harder than she thought. They both had to let go, she knew, and it brought pain to her heart to imagine how different his life would be. After all, he truly was in love with her. It was shown by the fact he trusted her, even after how things had gone before.
“You’re doing the right thing, Bryan,” she told him, voice even, stronger than she would have thought possible in her state. “Sometimes we have to do things we’re uncomfortable with, and that’s just life. And years from now, when you look back, I’m sure you’ll feel satisfied, knowing that you had done the right thing in the end.” She sighed. “I forgive you, Bryan. We don’t have to pretend things never happened, because there will always be that part of us that seeks out the reality. But we sure can release the pain and set our souls free. I may not want to be with you Bryan, and that’s just as how in life things change; but if there’s one thing I know for sure, it would be that I’ll always

remember you. Even if throughout the years, we go our separate ways and don’t see each other, we’ll always have our hearts. And I don’t want to lose that. There’s no shame in remembering all those good times we had, too. We’ll always have those, just as our hearts will have the other.”
He pealed her away from him, holding her so that they were able to look into each other’s’ eyes. “I’m sorry I ever hurt you, Skye. I’m going to do the right thing, though. I’m going to tell the police about my father, and about me. I don’t want you to live in fear anymore, beautiful. No matter what you say or forgive me for, I have to do this. It’s the way I can finally resolve things.” He finished. His voice was secure and unwavering.
She blinked back tears, her lips quivering from leftover tears. The pain was there, in her heart, but she couldn’t feel it. All she felt was numb, as if someone had beaten all the life out of her. Bryan’s turning himself in

, she told herself, testing the words out in her head and pondering whether she liked them or not. She knew that it was the right thing to do, and she loved him for that, but there was still that part of her that cared enough to look for another way out. Part of her wished he could find hopes another way.
Nodding her head, she waited as he caressed her cheek, leaning forward and kissing her head following. “It’s okay, Bry. Everything’s going to be okay,” she whispered, her breath taken away by his incredibly gentle touch. She closed her eyes, feeling the heaviness and sting of the past tears. Her heartbeat was slow, calming. Her fear had settled, surprisingly, and she was finally at peace with him. It felt good knowing that, even though things would never be the same with them once he could be released, their relationship would no longer be a burden for either of them. She needed that security.
She listened as he whispered “I’m sorry” over and over again in her ears, hugging her. The time spent was comfortable again, free of fear and worry, back to how things had been at the beginning. She knew Bryan liked it just as much as she did, if not more. He was incredibly gentle with her, comforting her as the good friend she’d once been. There was a minuscule part of her that did fear being in his arms again. But she knew that as long as she didn’t upset him, she really was safe.
Carefully, she pulled herself away from him, smiling. “I should probably get home, Bry. Johnny will be waiting up for me,” she said, glancing at the alarm clock beside his bed. It was later then she thought, and she knew that he would be home, waiting for her. She feared that if she was late he wouldn’t be pleased, and that wouldn’t spell good fortune for her.
He nodded, his eyes slightly brighter, his lips tipped in a smile. “Right,” he mumbled. “I’ll give you a ride home.”
“No, you don’t have to—” she started.
“But I want to, Skye,” he cut in. “I want to say goodbye the right way. I’m always going to love you, Skye, but I need to have all the closure I can get. I need it to survive.” His smile grew wider, almost showing teeth. “I’ll just drop you off and be on my way.”
She thought about it for a moment. Being in that car again, waiting impatiently for them to arrive home so that she would know she’s safe, and fearing what would happen to him when she finally was dropped off. She knew the walking home after dark, in the rain, around the neighborhood they were in wasn’t a good option either, so she chose the first option. “Thank you, Bryan. I’d like a ride home,” She said softly, slipping her legs off the bed.
She stood, her legs wobbly from the sudden pressure, and managed to make it to the bedroom door. “Coming, Bry?” She asked. Turning around, she saw him on the edge of the bed, watching her.
“Of course,” he breathed.
Skye wobbled, using the door handle to help her out. Her body was shaking, from lack of food and proper rest she was sure, and there was still a throbbing pain in her head she managed to calm a little.
Bryan’s arm snaked around the small of her back, making her jump. She stifled a gasp and tilted her head up, looking at his eyes. “Sorry,” she apologized.
He shook his head, “No, I’m sorry. You just looked…unstable

. Are you sure you’re alright?” He said. His voice echoed concern, his eyes frowning. He started to slip his hand away when she grabbed onto it.
“No, wait!” she cried. “That helps, Bry. I’m just a little tired.”
He pulled her against him again, her body nesting right into his perfectly. “Better get you home, then.” He smiled again.
She felt it then: fear.

She couldn’t read why, but as they walked beside the staircase, together, she felt an oppressing wave of fear wash over her. “Bryan?” She breathed, stopping in her tracks as they made it to the foot of the stairs.
He put one foot on the first stair and looked down to her, a quizzical expression swimming about his face. “What’s wrong?”
It hit them both then, hard. The reason for the sudden fear, the fever of her pounding heart, and the abrupt freeze of her muscles, was standing before them. At the top of the stairs, glowering at them both, stood Bryan’s father, his large body blocking their only exit.
Bryan’s jaw tightened and he backed down a step, swiftly pulling her into his arms. Skye could feel the intensity of his grip on her, crushing her into him, but instead of feeling afraid of it, she felt safe. He was protecting her, fully aware of the threatening man ahead of them.
“Who’s the girl?” His father asked, gruffly. He grinned, Skye noticed, though his frame was mostly masked in darkness. “She’s beautiful. Perfect

,” he sneered, taking a thudding step towards them.
Bryan pulled her closer, moving them both back a step. She was shaking, heart pounding. Her breathing hitched as she watched his father, wishing he would go back and leave them alone but fearing the worst. Horrifying images of him assaulting the young girl flashed before her eyes, spreading havoc of fear throughout her entire body.
“You weren’t supposed to be home tonight,” Bryan growled, his chest heaving. Skye could feel his anger, his breath harsh and his body shaking. It scared her a little, but she ignored it, trying to think of safety. She imagined herself far away, safe and happy, in a faraway place where she could be with Jules.
Coming back to reality, she remembered what Bryan had told her. She knew he wasn’t going to hurt her, but protect. She was safe, she reminded herself, as many times as she could. But it was a lost cause and all she could think of was Bryan’s father’s hands invading her, his breath against her face. She didn’t see another girl under him, she saw herself

“I changed my mind,” His father said, matter-of-factly. “And boy am I glad I did,” he added, licking his lips.
Skye retreated in disgust and horror, pressing her face into Bryan and closing her eyes so that she didn’t have to look at his father. He was getting closer, she heard, his heavy footsteps burdening the creaky steps. Her fear intensified, pulsing uneasiness throughout her body. She leaned against Bryan, needing all the support she could get. Bryan’s grip was loosening, sending chills along her spine. She wanted to cry out, but couldn’t. She wanted to cry, but couldn’t. She wanted to run away, but couldn’t. She was frozen with fear.
“Get away from her,” Bryan snapped, pushing her back so that she was behind him. “I mean it.”
She couldn’t see his face but she knew that he was angry, strong, and ready to strikeout at any moment. She felt her back press up against a cold surface and she realized she had backed herself into the wall. Frantically, she searched the room for a phone, anything to save both herself and Bryan.
It caught her eye.
A few feet away, hooked up on a post in the middle of the room, was a phone. It was their only chance at escape. If Bryan’s father had beaten him up once, she knew he could do it again. And if he had violated a girl before, there was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn’t do it again. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fight him off in the condition she was in. There was only one option in her mind. She had to call the police.
She didn’t even hear Bryan’s voice calling out to her to stop as she threw herself in a sprint for the phone. She only heard his father’s bellowing footsteps behind her, terrifying her. She grabbed the phone, dialing 911 frantically as she held it in shaky hands.
She stifled a scream and dropped the phone as strong arms wrapped around her stomach, pulling her back. She thrashed around, tugging on the arms around her, and screamed. It was Bryan’s father.
She stopped moving when something sharp was pressed against her throat, cutting off her feeble cries. She kept her chin up, knowing the blades’ feel too well, and whimpered.
“Be quite or I swear I’ll cut your throat,” he growled, cutting off her breath as he squeezed her tighter.
Glancing in Bryan’s direction, she whimpered. I’m sorry

, she mouthed.
Bryan was infuriated, anger pulsing in the veins of his neck, his fists clenched at his sides. “Don’t do this, Dad. Just let her go, she won’t tell.” He said, to Skye’s surprise, very strongly.
Skye wanted to speak and confirm that she wouldn’t tell, but couldn’t. The grip on her stomach loosened and she gasped to

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