» Romance » Summer Love, Myra Hope [great books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Summer Love, Myra Hope [great books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Myra Hope

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fingers through my hair. I just lay there with my eyes closed. I could feel something getting close to my face and then I felt him breathe on my cheek as he kissed it. He held my face and kissed me on the lips. Oh no! Why did I let this happen! I shouldn’t have drank, I shouldn’t have come out here with them. I shouldn't have let him hold me like this and most of all I shouldn’t have let him kiss me! What about Max, if I told him that this all happened. I don’t know how he would react. I bet he would be really sad, I hope he doesn’t stop talking to me.

So I got up and brushed off my pants and fixed my shirt.
“I really want to stay here with you but….”
“But what? What’s the matter Opie?”
“I don’t know, I just, I don’t know what to do about this.”
He walked up to me and grabbed my hands, “Its ok Opal, nothing bad is gonna happen. Don’t worry about it.”
“That’s not what it’s the matter, it’s just I really really like you and all but, I don’t want to ruin what I could have back at home. Do you know what I mean?”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, but I like this guy and I’m pretty sure he likes me to. I just don't want your's and my friendship-crush-thing to go any further, liking each other is ok but…”
“I understand, I do, but once you leave here your emotions and everything stay. They won’t go back with you trust me. We will forget this weekend sooner then you know it.”

I had a feeling he was just saying that because he didn’t want to be alone tonight. But I was not willing to go that far with him at all.
“And I’m not saying this because I want to sleep with you or anything, really, it’s just I really like you and the next time we see each other you will probably have a boyfriend.” He said with a look on his face like his puppy just died.
“Yeah, right” I said very unconfidently.

I gave him a hug but he pulled my hair away from my neck and kissed it and I just melted and I passed out. Not because of the kiss but because I was tired and the beer had kicked in.

A Sad Goodbye

The next morning I woke up pretty early, about 6:30am, the sun was just rising and my parents were already up and packing up to leave. I didn’t want to leave yet, but I really wanted to get back home and forget about this weekend. I couldn’t exactly tell my mom how I felt and what was going on but she could tell there was something wrong. I packed up my things and put them in the car. Austin wasn’t around anywhere so I was beginning to wonder what happened to him last night because I don’t remember how I got back to the tent. I walked around town one last time and when I got back it was about 8am. Austin was sitting on the swing set next to where our tent was. He looked kind of upset.

“Whats wrong Austin?”
“I don’t know its just I was hopping this weekend would have been more but I still had fun”
“What do you mean?”
“You passed out last night and I wanted to kiss you and stuff but I knew it would be wrong to take advantage of you while you were asleep. So I didn’t. I brought you back here and helped you into the tent and you said ‘goodnight Max’. Whos max?"
“Really? I said that? Thanks for not doing anything to me though that would have been a little weird.”
“Yeah you did……who is Max?”
“This guy I met online that I'm gonna meet when we get back home. I'm hoping that if all goes well and my parents like him, we will date.”
“Oh, is that is that the guy you were talking about last night?”
“Yes. I'm really sorry, I wish that I could have came back every year so we could see each other change slower, you have changed so much and I just don’t want to be another one of the many girls you have had. I know we aren’t going to date but I don’t want to go any further physically with you, ok?”
“Do you think I wanted to sleep with you or something? You're not like the other girls I know. I would never do that to you without you suggesting it. You're special, you care about your body and stuff.”
“Yeah, I know…”
“What do you mean you know? How did you know I felt that way?”
“ I heard you and Liz talking the other day at the RV park…”
“Oh…. Really? Darn…..did you hear everything?”
“So you understand what's going on then right?”
“Yeah, but its ok, I'm kinda happy I heard you talk that way. I was able to stand up to Liz when she came and told me that you are gonna dump your girlfriend for her.”
“What?!? I would never do that….. Gross. I mean she’s cute and all but I couldn’t picture myself dating her.”

Our conversation pretty much ended there. We walked into town to find my parents and told them that we were going to walk to the ravine and back really quick. Once we got away from town, no one saw us leave, thank God we finally get to be alone. Our hands kept bumping together and finally he grabbed my hand. I just went with it, what harm could a little hand hold do? We got to the ravine and sat on a big rock on the edge and just sat there. He didn’t say a word to me, but neither did I. We just sat there and enjoyed the warmth of the morning sun on our skin and listened to the birds chirp. We started back and he never let go of my hand until we got back in site of the people. We got back to his house and he told me he had to go to his uncle's house for a family BBQ and he won't be here when I leave. So we said a quick goodbye and a some what long hug and he started walking. His uncle's house was just over by Liz’s house so I was thinking that maybe he was lying to me but I watched him walk past her house to his where there was a bunch of cars parked. My parents found me and we said goodbye to Carrie and her husband Hank, got in the car and my dad asked me,
"Where’s Austin?”
“He's at his uncle's”
“Do you want us to drive you over there to say goodbye?”
"Ok sweetie”

So we drove over and Austin came running to the car so I rolled down the window. My mom whispered to me “get out and give him a hug opal”, so I did as she said and got out. The hug was by far better then the one he gave me 10 minutes ago. It seemed like he didn’t want to let go and I didn’t really want to either but then I remembered Max. I need to let go, let go Opal, let him go, you’ll see him again soon.

So we let go and he gave me a little kiss on the cheek so my parents wouldn’t see and I got back in the car and we drove away. I looked behind us to see him wave and then run back inside. I don’t know why, but I started crying. I wish that Max and I lived here but I guess that wouldn’t be a good idea since Austin is here too and I'm pretty sure they would not get alone very well, but you never know.

Heart Broken

Eight long, tired hours later we were back home. I was so happy I flopped on my bed and pulled my phone out and texted Max.

Me: hey max!! I missed you so much I wish I could have txted you so much more. I thought a lot about you this weekend and ive have decided to invite you to my birthday party so we can meet. Do u want to come?

He didnt reply very fast…….about 10 min went by and finally……buzz.
MAX: hi

Me: whats wrong?

MAX: u never texted me back last night, I know u said u would try but I was just hoping u would….. and ya sure ill go to ur party when is it?

Me: im so so sorry. I didn’t go by the hotel again last night and I was hanging out with some new friends….. my birthday is 2 weeks from now on the 14th. August 14th can u make it?

MAX: u never answered my question about who Austin was but I hope u had fun. Ummm I think im going to silverwood that day but ill see when we r getting back and ill try to make it k?

Me: hes a old friend, oh really? No fair I wanna go lol I sure hope u can make it though cuz I really want to meet u!

MAX: yeah I cant wait to meet u either :D

Me: im so tired from the trip so im gonna go to bed ok? Ill txt u in the morning k?

MAX: ok that’s fine I understand. Good night ☺

Me: nightie night Max ☺

Morning came and we texted all day, everyday for the next 2 weeks but on August 10th Austin texted me….. I really didn’t need this right now and I didn’t want to talk about what happened but I guess it would be better if we did.
Austin: hey im sorry about this weekend and what all happened. Idk y I acted like that I shouldn’t have. Im sorry but I think I relize I don’t like u like I thought I did. ur

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