» Romance » Just bestfriends or more??, J.C walker [best black authors TXT] 📗

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ones out the room leaving my dad calling my name. My next lesson i have art. i found my passion for drawing in anger management and ever since then everytime i get angry after i have let it loose on the bag i will sit and draw until im calm again. This class I have none of my friends but thats ok because when I draw I like it to just be me, my music, my pencil and my paper. Art flys by and before I know it its 3:30.


I tell the boys I will see them tomorrow, find Keisha and head back to my house to grab a snack throw my school stuff and jump back into my car, Keisha decided she was gonna come watch the training as well as the match so she came too.


I Didn't See this Coming

skip to match

We get back to the Emirates with 2mins to spare, we are walking out onto the pitch when Keisha stops me and turns me to her. "Jordan"


"are you ok"

"yeah, I'm fine why"

"well with everything that happened today and you have been really quiet"

"I'm just trying to forget it so i can play my best"

"Good because I need you score me some goals and remember your being assessed so make sure you play like your normal amazing self" she would make such a great girlfriend.


Wait what.


I cant think like this, focus Jordan focus, football. "thanks keish" I give her a hug and walk off to the middle of the pitch where the team and coach are. After coach gives us 'the talk' he asks to talk to me

"yes coach"

"Jordan i can see somethings bothering you but I'm going to ask you to leave that off the pitch because Liverpool are going to be here soon and we need our captain focused" he says as he hands me the captains band 

"yeah, I'm working on that"

"good and its nice to see your girlfriend here, haven't seen her in a while"

"Keisha is not my girlfriend, she's my bestfriend"

"ok, but by the way she's looking at you shows she loves you its written all over her face" i turn and look at Keisha she smiles at me then gets her phone out her pocket, taps the screen, puts it to her ear and starts to walk around. its probably one of the girls calling about gossip. i see Liverpool start to come out the tunnel, our coach goes to shake hands and talk to their coach. i bring our team together to talk to them before kick off.


"Boys listen up" they all turn to face me "right, normal positions, Max everytime you get the ball I need you to boot it out to me and Jayden who will always be upfront. Jason, Tony, Dean and Ethan midfield have me and jays backs but fall back if you need. Derrik, Fred, Lennie and Charles defence, protect the goal with your life; I don't want any shots taken at Max. We can't lose today, even if we draw thats fine we keep our place but if we lose then we drop down to 2nd and we cant do that this late in the season. Ok boys. LETS GO!"  all the boys cheer and we get in our positions.


Keisha's POV


Im sitting on the sub bench watching Jordan taking to his coach when my phone rings i look at the screen and see a number i don't recognise "hello" i get up and walk around i don't want to worry Jordan

"hi is this Keisha"

"who's asking"

"Jordan's Father"

"Leo why are you calling me"

"i want to know where my son is"

"and what does that have to do with me"

"hes always with you"

"what makes you say that"

"well i saw him leave school with you and you two have been joined at the hip ever since you met"

"well he is busy right now"

"doing what"


"He still plays?"

"yeah i need to go now"

"ok, but tell him i will be waiting for him when he gets home"

"he wont be happy"

"i know but he's my son and i love him"


"and Keisha you always were the daughter i never had i love you just the same"

"bye Leo"

"bye Keisha"

 I put my phone in my pocket and walk back to the sub bench just as I hear the boys cheer, the ref blows the whistle and Liverpool have kick off. As soon as its taken Jordan chases down the player, tackles him and is now running back in the other direction. He dodges all the players that come at him and passes it to Jayden who takes it to the box and crosses it into Jordan who smashes it into the bottom left corner. Jordan and Jayden burst out into their own little dance, he lifts the bottom of his shirt up over his head. He looks so happy, this it the Jordan I love to see. Ugh his abs I love them, his whole body is so defined by muscle, he's amazing.


I need to stop thinking like this he's not my boyfriend.

skip to end of match

The whistle blows and the boys cheer we won 4-0. Jordan scored 3 and Jayden scored the other. I see Jordan walking towards me so I start running to jump on and congratulate him but the I remember he's all sweaty and I come to a stop right in front of him.


Jordans POV


Keisha is running towards me so i brace myself to catch her when she jumps, but she just stops 

"i thought i was getting a hug" i say with fake puppy eyes

"You was until I remembered that your all sweaty" I laugh and lunge at her, she takes off running across the pitch. I chase after her "I want my hug!!"


"but i want my hug"


"NO i want my hug first" i dive at her and grab her waist and we both fall to the ground "ugh Jordan you made me all muddy"

"all i wanted was my hug" she just shoots daggers at me so i wrap her in a tight hug

"Jordan....cant.....breathe" i laugh and let go and the pushes me so I'm lying on the muggy grass, she sits on my belly and tickles me "k...k..Keisha....p...please....stop" i say in between laughs

"NEVER!!!" she shouts. i use all the strength i can muster to push her off me so now she is lying on her back, i straddle her legs and tickle her sides "JORDAN!!!" she screams. i laugh. after a few mins of her screaming i hear someone call my name i turn my head because I'm still straddling Keisha

"What are you doing here" I say thick with venom as I get up off Keisha and help her up?

"son, i just want to talk"

"why now, couldn't you have spoken to me back when i was 13, no, you decided to leave me to fend for myself"

"you had your mum" i can fell the anger bubbling up, i know im going to blow soon

"what mum! The one that completely ignored me and left me to cook, clean and wash my own clothes all at the age of 13!" my dad has a look of total astonishment

"Jordan lets not do this here people are watching and listening, come" Keisha says grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

She leads me to my car tells my dad to meet us at my house, we get in the car but i don't start it. "how did he even know i was here" i put my head in my hands, rocking myself back and forth. i know it sounds weird but whenever im angry it helps soothe me.

"I don't know, he called me earlier and asked me where you are but I didn't tell him, I just said your busy playing football, then he told me to tell you that he will be waiting for you when you get home and that he loves you." she says rubbing my back

"when were you gonna tell me"

"on the way home"

 i sigh "Keisha i don't know what to do"

"Jordan look at me" i take my head out my hands and look up at her

"i know you might not want to hear this but i think you should sit down with him and let him explain. And if after he has and you still think that you don't want to talk to him then ok, but you need to know why he left before you just cut him off." i knew she would say something like this. 

"can you stay with me, because I'm not sure i will be able to keep my cool if its just me and him" i know it will end in a fight

"if thats what you want, then I'm here" i start the car and drive back to mine. We get out the car walk into the house where my dad is sitting on the sofa. I walk over at sit on the sofa opposite him and Keisha sits next to me. "so what do you want to talk to me about"

"son, I'm sorry i left but i had to"

"yeah and leave me all on my own, you do know the only person i had was Keisha"

"You keep saying that but you had you mum. Where is your mum?"

"i don't know probaly at work"

"but she dosen't need to work"

"yeah i know, but after you left she got two jobs and totally ignored me, i had to do everything on my own. Its like i live on my own i never see her" my dad has a look between anger and shock. "so yeah for the past four years i have had no parents, so don't blame me when i loose my cool

"son what happened to you, i read your files at school you have been getting into so much trouble"

"YOU LEFT THATS WHAT HAPPENED!!" i shout standing up. Keisha put her hand in mine and squeezed it, silently telling me to calm down, i take a few deep breaths and sit back down. My dad eyes our hands smiles to himself but hides it almost instantly

"Jordan, I'm sorry i left but i had to"

"what could possibly be so important that would make you leave your son" i growl


"just get to the point" i half growl half shout. Keisha runs her thumb up and down the back of my hand soothingly

"your mum" he says and the amount of hurt that crosses his face hurts me too

"what did she do" i ask quietly

"She cheated on me brother, your uncle" WTF how could she do that to him, he was the perfect dad and husband before he left.

"where did you go"

"well after i left i became an alcoholic and it took a year to make me realise that drinking was not helping me, so i went to rehab but i kept relapsing but the only thing thats kept me going back was remembering that i had a son waiting for me. But i wanted to make sure i was stable before i came back into your life" i want expecting that

"i understand why you left, but you could at least have called me" 

"Jordan, son i wasn't in the right mind to call you and then when i went into rehab i was

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