» Romance » Change Of Life, Me :) [good inspirational books .txt] 📗

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I didn't decide to spontaneously wear a white top.

We both pushed up for air and were heavily breathing but mostly me. The water was too deep for me and I couldn't reach the ground. I was too tired (after running away) to swim to the edge of the pool to stay over the water. So I grabbed onto Liam. He held me against him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.


 2/14/2016  -Happy Valentine's Day! <3


[: Hey guys! So, new book here? How's it going so far? I'm hoping for some good feedback, actually I'm just hoping for some feedback at all. You guys rarely comment what you think but I'm not saying that against you, I mean, I rarely comment on the books I read myself, sorry... Well, I'm hoping for a few comments or a few favorites for my new book. Hoping that it'll work out and I'll be waiting for your feedback before I post the next chapter! So favorite if you liked what you read and comment what you think (good/bad). An update will come if I notice you guys! So make me notice you! Have a great day/night, bye! :]

Chapter 8: All eyes were on me from the moment I walked into the room,

 'I can't feel my face when I'm with you, but I love it, but I love it-' (I Can't Feel My Face by The Weeknd)

I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing but it surely wasn't mine. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I searched around for the source of the music and found it on the floor. The phone had 'Michelle S.' written on it. Why was mom calling? Wait, who's phone is this? Oh shit, I remember. And all of last night came rushing back, all the way until the pool.

I stared at the phone waiting for it to stop ringing. And once it finally did, I got up and jumped into the shower. I pulled on a fresh set of clothes once I got out and brushed through my wet hair. I grabbed my phone before going downstairs but realised that I wouldn't really want to look at it right now so I threw it onto my bed.

“Hey,” Liam said as he saw me walk into the room. He was sitting on the couch watching Ted on the TV.

“Hey,” I said unintentionally quiet.

“Are you feeling better?” he asks as I sit next to him on the couch. I sit criss-cross apple-sauce facing him.

“Yeah, I guess... I mean, I don't really know what to say. I don't know what to think.” I explain just thinking out loud.

“Do you want to talk to your mom? It's fine if you don't want to, I mean, I understand. We can stay here together one more day or we can stay at my house if your mom wants to come home. We can go out to clear your head.-” I cut him off.

“I think I'm ready.” I say as clearly as I could manage. “What about you?” I asked him looking straight into his eyes.

“Yeah, I guess so.” he says, “But first, I need food.”

“Couldn't have said it any better,” I reply with a laugh and jump off the couch. I walk over to the kitchen and Liam follows behind me. I open the fridge to see what food we have and we didn't have much. “I think we're gonna have to go out to get some food...” I pointed out.

“Hold on, let me see.” Liam says as me lightly pushes me away from the fridge so he could see for himself. “I think, you, are you wrong.” he states.

“Wanna bet?” I challenged.

“Why not?” he replied implying to say 'Hells yeah, Imma beat your ass'.

“If either of us are still hungry at the end, I win. If not, and the food wasn't disgusting, you win.” I say setting out some rules.

“Okay, okay. Buuuuut,” he starts saying, “What do I get when I win?” This is gonna get very competitive.

“Winner gets to pick their new room first.” I say confidently.

“Deal.” he says right away.

“Deal.” I repeat as we shake hands.




“So, let's see what I'm working with...” Liam says as he searches through the empty fridge, “We have one egg, a cup or two of orange juice, a slice of ham, a few mushy strawberries, a half brown banana, three slices of bread, very little amount of butter and an empty milk carton?” he finishes off.

“Yeah... that's kinda my fault.” I say with a cheeky smile.

“Okay...” he says,” So, I'm gonna start off with these.” he continues as he pulls out the mushy strawberries, the half brown banana, and the small amount of orange juice from the fridge and onto the kitchen counter. He asks for a cutting board and I point to where it is. He starts cutting the strawberries and cuts the bad parts off of the banana. He goes to the blender and puts everything inside along with the rest of the orange juice, some ice cubes and a pinch of sugar. So he managed to make a smoothie so far.

“Not bad, Mr. Wingston. Continue.” I say like the Queen of England and he chuckles as I smile big. He pulls out the last egg and the last slice of ham. He cuts the ham into little pieces and breaks the egg into a bowl. He mixes the egg around with a fork and along with the chopped up ham. Then he grabbed the last few slices of bread and sticks them into the toaster. He then scrambled the eggs along with the chopped ham and served it all on one plate. He takes out the toast and puts it on the side along with the leftover butter.

“Now, spread the butter across the toast and let it melt in. Eat your toast with the eggs and if in the end, you're still hungry, you win. If not, I win.” he states.

“Let's eat!” I yell with the lift of my butter knife.




Dammit. I finished eating Liam's food and it was really good. I am also pretty damn full. That means, he won. But I could never admit it.

“You're full.” he says.

“No,” I reply softly.

“You lost the bet. I get to pick my room first!” he yells as I let out a big ass groan. Once he calms down, he decides to go straight out with it, “So you ready to talk to your mom now?” he asks. I look into his eyes then down at the floor and then back into his eyes, he was staring straight at me and I nod my head slowly.

Liam stood up from his chair and grabbed my hand, he lead me upstairs back to my room and I sat on my bed as he searched for his phone which was still on the floor where I left it when I ignored my mom's call. He called them up and told me that they'd be here in about 15 minutes. While he was on the phone, I decided to look through mine. I had loads of missed calls and unread messages from Jessie, I scrolled through the missed calls looking at the hours but then I saw a different name, Cooper.

I decided to call him back so I left my room leaving Liam on the phone with his dad and I walked downstairs and out back to the garden. Cooper answered after the second ring.


Cooper: Hello?

Me: Hey, it's me.

Cooper: Oh, hey there!

Me: Heeey... (awkwardly)

Cooper: You feeling any better? If not, I could always come over and comfort you, if you know what I mean. (seductively)

Me: Yeah, I know what you mean, Cooper. And I'll say no to that request. Also not feeling any better, just worse. But I don't wanna blab, I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me the other night and taking me home.

Cooper: No problem, babe. But you can blab all you want, I don't mind.

Me: That's because you wouldn't be listening. (laughing)

Cooper: Exactly. (chuckles)


“Hey, your Mom and my Dad are coming, they'll be here in just a few!” Liam yelled from inside the house.

“Okay!” I yelled back, “Give me a second.”


Cooper: Who's that? (curiously)

Me: Is someone jealous? (jokingly/playfully)

Cooper: No... (acting like a big guy)

Me: Yeah, okay... Well that was my... uh, new roommate. Kinda.

Cooper: I thought you lived with your Mom.

Me: Yeah, but like I said, things didn't get better, they get worse. So long story short, my mom is pregnant and the father already has a son and we're all gonna live together. But I gotta go, my mom is coming back and I haven't talk to her since she told me.

Cooper: Okay... I didn't totally get that but good luck anyways. And don't forget that you can always talk to me, but I probably won't listen.

Me: Okay, whatever, Cooper. (laughing) Well, I just wanted to thank you again, anyways.

Cooper: Anytime. See ya at school.

Me: Byyyyye. (happily)


And I hung up the phone. I'm actually really glad that I called Cooper back. This guy acts like a big a-hole and a player but I think he actually has a heart in there.

“Hey, who was that?” Liam asks as I walk back into the house, “Your boyfriend?”

“Cooper, boyfriend? Those words exist in one sentence?”

“So he's not your boyfriend?” he answers back.

“Cooper? My boyfriend? Hahahahaha! NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo. Uh, no.” I reply.

“Okay...?” Liam says.

“You know what's weird? Two guys who I am not dating nor are interesting in, both get jealous about a guy that they've never met but just heard over the phone. Don't you think that's weird?” I say.

“I was not jealous.” Liam defends himself.

“Well, I beg to differ.” I say and then we hear a car drive into the driveway out front. “Hey, can you let them in? I'm just gonna go upstairs and quickly clean myself up, is that okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, no problem. Take your time, Anastasia.” he says with a smirk.

“I'm gonna kill you!” I yell from the top of the stairs.

“You can try!” he yells back with a laugh and I hear him open the front door just as I close my bedroom door. I changed into some decent casual clothes and brushed my hair. I also applied a small amount of mascara and moisturized wherever was necessary. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and took a deep breath.

I wasn't ready to go downstairs and confront my mom yet so I decided to take a selfie on Snapchat. I took about 6 or 7 of them until I got the one I wanted and then captioned it “I am soooo not ready for this.” I added it to my story and then took another deep breath, “Close your eyes, clench your fists, act like the pain doesn't exist. Even though it's killing you inside, you have no choice but to put it aside. Tears like diamonds, eyes like the moon. Fake a smile, it'll be over soon.” I whispered to myself and opened my bedroom door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking down the stairs. Everyone was seated in the dining room. I guess they wanted to be officially seated so we could

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