» Romance » Save me, Brianna Kelly [my miracle luna book free read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Save me, Brianna Kelly [my miracle luna book free read .TXT] 📗». Author Brianna Kelly

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go away" i snapped and walked out of the room. leaving chase standing there in shock.

i went and put my things in my locker and as i turned trye was standing there with a smile.

"hey trey, ready for lunch?" i asked with a fake smile
"yeah i certaintly am" he said

i grabbed his hand and lead him to the lunch room. everyone was looking at us weird. i looked around but chase and his friends werent there.
about five minutes into lunch trey had me sitting on his lap kissing me and giving me food. i looked over my shoulder and saw chase and his friends heading towards there table which is two tables over from ours.
they were there for about five minutes before max pointed at us talking to chase about something. i could tell what they were thinking. chase threw all his things on the table and walked over to us. he was so mad, his fists were clenched and he was shaking with anger.

"what the hell is going on here? katy get away from him now" chase yelled

everybody went silent and stared.

"katy can make her own decessions okay chase, and she wants to stay with me" trey said stand up infront of me.

chase leaned forward and grabbed my arm. next thing i knew chase and trey were in a punch up on the ground, trey stood up and chase takled him straight into a metal pole. next thing i knew i was waking up with a ambulance officer standidng over me.

"what happened" i asked looking around to figure out where i was
"chase jones and trey adams got into a fight and you yelled trying to make them stop and then you collapsed"
"oh my god is chase okay?" i said with teary eyes. i admit it, i was worried about chase, i know how trey fights and chase had no chance against him.
"chase is fine. chase and trey are in the princapals office sorting things out".

we talked abit long then i got the all clear to go. steve arrived about twenty minutes later to sort chase out and pick me up and take me home.



when steve and i arrived home i went straight to my room. when i got into my room i started crying and got my diary from under my bed and started writting.

Dear diary,
i went back to school today. it was horrible. i had a lesson with trey and chase first, when i saw trey he just smiled at me. i wanted to be sick and run away but i knew i couldnt. i felt my phone go off and had a message from trey saying if i dont be normal and slutty with him then he will hurt chase. yes, my soon to be step brother and the guy i love.

chase and trey got into a fight at lunch over me because i was sitting on treys lap and kissing him. i passed out in the middle of the fight so i didnt see what else happened. steve came and picked me up. i havent seen chase yet but i dont think i want to. i feel so bad about what happened.

if he only knew i was protecting him because im completely head over heels for him, then he might understand. the look he gave me when he saw me with trey. it was like his world broke into two. he was shattered. i dont know whats worse, lieing and protecting the guy i love and breaking his heart, or telling him the truth and risking his life. im so confused!!.

i went to bed once i finished my entry and slept til seven pm when loud people woke me up.
i walked down stairs to see what all the noise was about. i walked into the huge ass lounge room to see chase and about nine of his mates listening to music, drinking and being idiots.i noticed that chase had a swollen cheek and split lip from the fight earlyier in the day.

i walked down into the room where they all were and they all fell silent when they spotted me

"Hey guys" i said awkwardly
"What do you want Katy?"chase said with addittue
"nothing was just seeing what you guys were up to, is that a problem?" i replied
"Katy, we don't want a slutty hick hanging with us, okay, so why don't you run back to your bad boy" Chase said
"Chase, man, stop" Andrew said to chase
"i dont want to, if Katy is like this then she deserved everything she got" Chase yelled
"Chase, are you making out like she was ment to be... you know" Max butted in
"Yes, i reckon katy deserved to get raped, who knows, maybe she wanted it. i wish she would just piss off" Chase yelled in my face

i felt all eyes on me, i felt tears coming and ran up stairs to my room.

I couldn't believe he just said all of that, well yelled. I knew i didn't belong here, i can't belong here.
i grabbed my bags and started packing, i had two packed and was in the middle of my third when Andrew walked in.

"Katy, what are you doing?" he said eyeing my bags
"I'm leaving, what does it look like, Chase wants me gone, and he was right about how i dont belong here so im going" I said with tears streaming down my face
"you can't just pack up and leave, Chase didn't mean what he said, and what about Steve and Helen, you can't leave them, they love you"
"Chase did mean it, i know he did somewhere inside him, and ill leave a letter for them explaining why im gone when they get back from the resort, now you can either go back downstairs and pretend you didnt see any of this, or you can help me pack and give me a lift to the bus station"

Andrew didn't reply he just walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a bag to start helping me. after about 10 minutes we were done, and there was a knock on the door, Andrew and I looked at eachother worried.

"quick Katy, throw your bags out the window and ill say im taking you to the shops" Andrew said walking to the door

"thank you andrew" i replied

When they were all out we opened the door to see Max standing there with a confused face. we walked past him without a word and out to the front room where all the guys were.

"just takin Katy to the shops be back in 5" andrew yelled forcing me out the door

everybody just looked at us weird. we walked out the door and ran around the side to get my bags and put into his car. he looked at me and double checked that im sure about this.
when we got there, Andrew walked me to the counter and he paid for my ticket, i didn't know where i was going but i had to go. when i was about to board the bus andrew pulled me over to the side.

"Katy, i know you don't know where your going, but when you do get there can you please let me know where you are and that your okay?" Andrew said sadly
"i promise i will, i'm going to miss you Andrew, youve been nothing be great to me since i turned up here. your one of my closest friends, also when you get back to Chase's, can you tell him to check the latest entry in my diary please" i said with tears in my eyes
"I'll miss you too, katy Q. i feel the same way my little bestie. i will tell him and you take care" he said pulling me into a big hug

we said our final goodbyes then i boarded the bus. i looked out the window as we were driving away and Andrew was still standing there watching. i felt more tears come to my eyes so i shut them and deciede to get some sleep.

A loud voice through the speakers woke me from a dreamless sleep, the voice said that the next stop is Arizona, I decieded to hop of and book a motel for a night. when i got there i layed down thinking of something to do. i felt my phone vibrate, i pulled it out and it was lighting up with a call from chase

"what?" i said bluntly as i answered
"when will you be home? we need to talk"
"I won't be"i said then hung up

i flipped my phone opened and dialed Andrews number
"hello?" he answered
"It's katy"
"oh god, about time, hang on let me step outside"
"okay now where are you, are you okay?"
"yeah im fine, im in arizona for the night at a hotel"
"what hotel?"
"uhm, quality inn and suites downtown"
"okay, what number? so i know how to get ahold of you if need to tonight"
"five, and im really tired so ill talk to you later"
"okay, be safe bye"
"bye andrew"

i hung up the phone and put some pj's on and layed in bed watching t.v trying to sleep. i was very restless but later that morning about 3am i finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at 10.00am with someone banging on the door, i dragged myself out of bed and opened the door. to my shock Andrew was standing there with my car parked behind him

"oh my god, what are you doing here?" i said hugging him tightly
"I couldn't let you just leave by yourself and i don't want to lose one of my closest friends, so you and me are going where ever you planned on going together"

with that i started crying once again, Andrew pulled my close and hugged me. i finally felt safe again. we had breaky and showers and then got in my car and were on our way to somewhere, im not sure where, but we were just driving.

"hows chases going?" i asked to break the silence
"he is okay, he read your diary and then felt really bad about everything he said to you, he keeps calling me but i wont answer. i planted your notes, i put chases on his door when he was asleep last night and one in steves room so im pretty sure he got the letter thats why he keeps calling" andrew said

at that exact moment his phone started to go off with chases name on screen

"can i answer Andy?"
"if you want, just dont tell him where you are"
i nodded and grabbed the phone.
"hello?" i said
"yeah, its me"
"why do you have andrews phone?"
"He is with me"
"oh can you put him on please?"
"okay hang on"

i pressed the phone to myself and told andrew that ill drive for abit and he can talk to chase.we got out and swapped place's and continues driving, Andrew put the phone on loud speaker so i heard chase going off at Andrew for helping me leave and how stupid he is and how unresponsible he is. after about 10 minutes of him yelling, Andrew just shut the phone and laughed, which made me laugh.
we ended up turning both of our phones off that night because Chase wouldn't stop calling, we decieded to stayed at a hotel just on the other side of arizona as it got late and we were tired and leave first thing in the morning.

two weeks Later!....


Andrew and i have been having so much fun lately. we have been all over the

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