» Romance » Unexpected, Pamela [good books for high schoolers TXT] 📗

Book online «Unexpected, Pamela [good books for high schoolers TXT] 📗». Author Pamela

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himself up by his hands that are right by my head, and on the top of the couch. I breathe in deep and I feel my heart pounding fast. My head gets dizzy with the smell of him, surrounding me.
I give him my best death glare, and I'm sure I failed at it. "Who says I want this? You may as well just be forcing me into this." My voice is surprisingly even which pleased me. His hands were roaming my body, and I felt my body submitting, even though my head had other thoughts.
"Your body's saying you want this. So are your eyes when they roll back while I do... this..." he trails off and strokes my hip, making his way up my side but taking my loose shirt with him. He swallows loudly, biting his lip. "I want to continue, Luce. But only if you want to-"
"I don't want to." I cut him off. "Plus don't you have a girlfriend? That little-" I take a deep breath and take a moment to control myself. He looks amused and doesn't move. "Don't flatter yourself," I warn him. "I just... don't like cheaters. Which, is basically what you're doing right now. Cheating." I shrug. But, I didn't believe that Evan was a cheater even though I had more than enough proof for myself to believe it. I just didn't want to.
He sighs and leans in closer, taking my breath away for a moment. "Look... while the physical connection was great," he says and I blush, try to look away but he makes me look at him. "I also want an emotional connection. I wasn't lying about all of the stuff I said before we... I won't give up." He finishes sounding very confident.
Hope Hurts

(Evan's P.O.V.)

"I won't give up." I say to her confidently, but on the inside, I feel the exact opposite. Her eyes squint at me, and purses her lips. That move is so sexy. I really want to kiss her, but I would never force myself on her.
All of a sudden she looks really hurt. "I'm not going to be your... booty call. I should've never let it get that far last time and-" she starts but I cut her off.
"I have a proposition for you then. If I can get you to fall for me before summer's out, you agree to date me." I say to her, switching the subject smoothly. She blinks at me, a perfect poker face on her perfect face. She grimaces, shakes her head a little, and opens her mouth to speak. "And, if I lose," I continue. "I'll never bother you again. Deal?" I finish, taking my right hand off the couch to hold in front of her face. She bites her lip, looks down, and takes my hand.
"Deal." She tells me, smirking. God, she's going to make this difficult. Good.
Before she left, I made her give me her address and phone number. I smile just thinking of her. I turn on the T.V. and watch American Dad. I'm pretty tired, I thought lazily to myself. I should really move, but was too comfortable to get my body to comply.
A ring at the door woke me up. I groan and get up to answer it. Lexi is standing there all smiles, and an indecent outfit. "Hey, Le-" I start to say but she just starts kissing me. I nearly fall with surprise, but am able to keep us both up. For once, I really don't want her kisses. I want Luce's. While both of theirs are aggressive, I feel no passion in Lexi's like I do Luce's.
She pulls away and hugs me. "Oh, baby. I just missed you so much while you were at school. At least summer school's almost over, and guess what I heard? That that evil skank was in your class, I'm so sorry." She apologizes to me, and I get mad. All of the rumors aren't true. Well, she isn't a virgin, but... doesn't mean she opens her legs for all the guys, like Lexi did. No, does.
"It isn't that bad, I hardly even notice her." Big lie. She's all I notice. She seems satisfied with that answer and kisses me again. She leaves soon after that saying she has to go. I don't question her. My thoughts too preoccupied with Luce already.

The next day I rise early, thanking that today's a Saturday. I hop into my car and head over to Luce's house, I'm oddly nervous. What if she refuses to go? That's just less time to win her over.
Her mother answers the door, and Luce is a spitting image of her mother, it's shocking. I thought she'd be suspiscious but she wasn't. She only smiles warmly at me and tells me where I can find Luce.
As soon as I enter Luce's room, I quietly laugh. All purple with posters of One Direction all over her wall. White as paper carpet on the floor. An enormous bookshelf filled with books and a cute little piggy bank. Two big dressers and right by it was a bed. A King sized bed. Where I found Luce.
My body hardens and I curse my body for giving in that easy. Her face is facing the wall, with one arm lying limply off the bed and another weakly gripping the ty-dye patterns of her blanket away from her body. Her shirt rised up during the restless night and I can tell that she doesn't wear a bra when she goes to sleep. I can see her tan skin, and her sleeping shorts are so short, they're basically underwear. Her legs are tan, long and slender. And wearing neon orange socks. Oh, how I wish I could just join her right now.
I take a deep breath and make my way over to her. I sit on the edge of the bed, and begin to shake her lightly. She yells and punches me in the face. I grunt in surprise and pain and get away from her. Her eyes pop open and she's breathing hard and covers herself with the blanket.
"Evan? The hell you doing here?" She yells at me. Then she notices my face. "Oh, my god. Evan, I'm sorry. Here let me take care of you-it." She blushes and gets out of bed. I try my best not to stare at her that much.
She takes my hand and brings me to a bathroom in her room. Her own bathroom! I look in the mirror and realize that I'm bleeding from my nose. "Shit." I say and she nods. She rips of a hand tissue and puts it under water. I hope it's warm.
"Okay," she sighs. "Hold still." She dabs it under my nose. I suck in a quick breath because it stings like hell. "Sorry," she mutters, cringing. "Lesson one: Never sneak up on me while I'm sleeping, I will soc you in the face."
I smile and that doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. "Fair enough. Lesson one: Better get up early from now on, because I'm an early riser." I tell her, quite happily. She groans, and my body hardens again.
"Just my luck, too." She dabs once more, and dumps it into the trash bin. "There. That should do it. Now, get out. I'm going to take a shower." She tells me hard. I raise my eyebrows at her, but do what she tells me.
I hear the shower start while I sit on her bed. Damn, I could use a cold shower right about now.

Falling Hard

(Luce's P.O.V.)

After I get out of the shower, I wrap myself in a towel and I realize that I didn't bring any clothes in here with me. Maybe I was too caught up in Evan to really remember. I take a deep breath and walk into my bedroom. There Evan was, lying on my comfy bed.
I want to join him right now. Just in this towel.
No, I don't. The hell? He hears me, and sits up. His eyes go up and down my body and stares at me lustfully. "I just need some clothes." I say to him, nodding to myself. I go into my walk-in closet and look through it for what I want to wear today. Why not torture him a little?
"Damn, you have too much clothes, Luce." He says from behind me. I turn around and find him really close to me. I back away from him, and turn back around slowly. "No, I need MORE clothes." I say back to him, smiling a little. I choose a light green tank top, some shorty shorts, and my green Vans. I'm gonna look good. I pick out some lacy underwear and bra, and head back to the bathroom.
After I'm dressed, I open the door and walk out. Evan's mouth pops open a little bit and looks at me till I'm uncomfortable. He bites his lip and makes his way over to me. For a little while, I'm scared. He's so

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