My Secret, Breanna Davis [thriller novels to read .TXT] 📗

- Author: Breanna Davis
Book online «My Secret, Breanna Davis [thriller novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Breanna Davis
"You can't live with me! Not until you changed! And I'm not even a hundred percent sure you will, Amelia! I cannot hurt you. Move on . . . forget about me!"
I gasped as the picture shattered. It broke into a million pieces,.
I sat up straight in my bed. I was breathing hard and my heart was beating fast. "Jake," I whispered. "I can't . . ."
"Amelia. . . shut up," grumbled a voice.
I turned and saw my brother sleeping.
I closed my mouth and laid back down.
"Sorry." I whispered.
My brother squirmed around until he got comfortable. Moments later I heard his loud snoring.
I laid on my side and placed my hand on the necklace. I sighed and closed my eyes again.
"Amelia, wake up."
I opened my eyes and saw my brother, dressed looking at me.
"Time for school."
I looked down at myself and I still had my school clothes on.
"I'll go in these." I said getting up.
He scrunched up his face.
"At least brush your teeth."
I shook my head. "Nope."
"That's gross, Amelia."
I smiled.
"I know."
Blaze picked up my backpack and I followed him out the door.
"So, you're not going to comb your hair either?"
"Hell no."
Blaze chuckled and shook his head.
I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked inside of the school building. Blaze was walking next to me protectively. I shook my head.
Then, Stacey, one of Blaze's ex girlfriends, came up to me.
"Hi, Stacey." I said politely.
"Are you crazy or somethin'? Girl, don't you know better to not have a scene in front of the school?"
I almost forgot about her annoying western accent.
I was about to say something but Blaze said, "Get your cowgirl ass out my twins' face or I will get every cheerleader here to beat your western ass. Now, bye."
Stacey's face twisted in a ugly scowl, but she turned and walked back from where she came.
"Thanks, Blaze."
He flashed his crooked smile.
"Anytime, sis."
And that was how the day was. Blaze cursing out everybody that talked about my break down yesterday. Pamela was the only one who understood me. We had skipped Biology and went into the bathroom and cried our eyes out. We held each other while we cried and passed each other tissue.
"I miss him, Amelia." Pamela sniffed.
"I need him." I sobbed.
We held each other again and cried harder.
I let her go for a second.
"He wants me to move on."
Pamela eyes widen.
"Don't. Well, at least not yet."
I nodded.
"Sounds like a plan."
Then, we cried again.
Sweet Dreams
The meadow looked the same; beautiful. I went back to the stream. The water was dark blue, and made the meadow look even more breath taking.
The same beautiful Amelia looked back at me as I stared at the stream. I smiled and plopped down on the grass to admire myself some more.
I touched the chain again, and so did beautiful Amelia.
"You are beautiful Amelia, why don't you get that?"
I looked behind me and I saw Jake, once again, looking like prince charming.
"Jake," I murmured.
I felt a smile spread across my face as I stood up and faced him.
"Hi." I whispered.
He looked down and when he looked back up his eyes were red.
"Wake up. Move on. Stop thinking about me." he said and started to walk away.
"Jake! Wait, please. At least let me enjoy my dream. I mean, when I wake up I have to face the reality that you are dead, so please I beg of you, let me enjoy this dream. Stay." I wiped away the tears that formed in my eyes.
Jake turned around and his eyes were the glowing green again, but this time it was filled with tears.
"I can't, Me-me. You'll get attached."
I shook my head and looked down.
"Don't you love me? At all?"
In a blink of an eye Jake stood before me and before I could react I was in his arms.
"Of course I love you Amelia! Don't you ever question it!"
I snuggled into his arms and sniffed in his smelled. I sighed happily at the familiar scent. I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled.
"I miss you so much." I admitted.
He held me tighter.
"I miss you too,"
I looked up at him confused.
"Aren't you dead?"
He smiled.
"I guess."
I was about to ask him what he meant, when, in a swift movement, we were laying on the grass and I was on top of him.
Then, my lips was pressed against his. I moaned. I wanted to kiss Jake for so long and I didn't care that it was just a dream, what only mattered is that my lips were on Jake's.
I started taking off my shirt when Jake's hands caught mines.
"Amelia, don't."
I set my face in a pout and sat up straight.
"Why not? You are dead in real life . . . I miss you being so close to me, Jake."
A tear slid down my cheek and Jake wiped it away.
"You always knew how to make me your slave."
And like that, we started making love, in my dreams.
I woke up in sweat and my heart was about to hop out of my chest.
I smiled remembering my dream. I sighed as I realized it really was a dream. Jake was not alive. And we didn't make love. My eyes filled with tears but, I wiped them away quickly.
I got dressed quickly, but this time dressing beautifully. I had to remember I am beautiful Amelia. Jake wants me to move on, in reality, and so I will.
Then, something hit me. The track game was coming up this Friday. I hadn't been to practice all week.
"Oh, shit . . ." I mumbled. "Coach is going to literally kill me," I shook my head and started packing some stuff up for practice.
I took out some shorts and a tank top and stuff them in a bag. Then, I grabbed my water bottle off my dresser and grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.
My mother was once again, there alone.
"Where's dad?" I asked as I reached into the fridge.
"Oh, sweetie, do you feel better? About you know, Jake?"
I turned to face her.
"You didn't answer my question, Mother. Where is dad?" I asked through gritted teeth.
She cleared her throat.
" New York."
"Another business trip?" I asked pouring water into the bottle.
"Something like that," she muttered.
I close the lid on my bottle and sat down next to my mom. She looked like she was about to cry.
"Mom? I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just that it's hard to accept Jake being dead, and I love him."
She smiled hesitantly.
"It's alright. But, it's not that,"
She looked into my eyes, and saw loneliness there and her usually light eyes, turn a slight red.
I gasped.
"I see danger coming, and I don't like it."
I looked away. I couldn't even look at my mother anymore. Her eyes were turning red, just like Jake's does in dreams. What the hell was going on?
"I have practice today, pick me up on time." I looked back into her eyes and they turn back to their light brown color. She smiled and smooth her hair back.
"Will do," she said and started typing away on her computer again.
I shook my head and stood up. I grabbed my keys and drove to school, trying not to think of my mom's red eyes.
I opened the door to my car and I heard a thump. I looked out the window to see what I hit and saw a boy rubbing his arm.
I gasped and got out of the car, careful not to hit him again.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
He looked up and smiled.
"Yeah, yeah. I was in your way it doesn't matter."
I gasped at his beauty.
He had light brown hair that looked messy on his head, yet hot. He had light crystal eyes that looked as if your were looking up at the sky. His looked handsome and I could he was muscular.
"No, no. It was my fault. Do you want me to take to the nurse?"
He chuckled.
"No, really, I'm fine. But, I do need help going to my classes. You see, I'm new here and well I just really want to get this school year over with."
I smiled.
"I'll help you get around."
He smiled back.
"Malcolm." he said holding out his hand.
I shook it.
I didn't want to let go of his hand. His firm grip made me feel a bit better. I wanted throw myself into his arms and forget about all my troubles. I looked at his muscular arms and my mouth watered. I could seriously do some nasty stuff to this boy.
I shook my head and cleared my throat.
"We should go get your schedule."
"I already have it," he said pulling out a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.
"Good, then I'll just tell you were your classes are."
It turns out that Malcolm had three classes with me. He told me about himself. He said he was always in a high achievers class and want to master in Art.
"Art. That sounds nice. I want to write books like my mom. Not sex novels, but horror novels."
He scrunched up his face.
"Horror? I rather write sex novels."
I chuckled.
"Why not horror?"
"Who wants to write things that scare people?"
I giggled.
"Of course." he said and smiled.
I smiled back and blushed.
I shook my head.
We were on our way to lunch. I walked inside the lunch room and all I heard was screaming.
I looked at Malcolm and gasped. His eyes were red. I backed away from him, when I heard that all too familiar coughing sound. It was coming from my Iris.
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