» Romance » Satisfying Bigfoot's Nightly Desires - Book 1, Layla Sparks [top rated books of all time txt] 📗

Book online «Satisfying Bigfoot's Nightly Desires - Book 1, Layla Sparks [top rated books of all time txt] 📗». Author Layla Sparks

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“Who is it?” I called.

“Joyce! Who else?”

I groaned and opened the door. Her bright orange leggings complemented her blond highlights. Her frame was small and pixie-like compared to me. She pranced into my apartment like we were about to have a party.

“What’s up?” I said, closing the door.

“You can’t live like this. You can’t be moping around and not doing shit,” said Joyce. “You should come with me to the Halloween party tonight.”

I completely forgot it was Halloween. I checked the date on my phone. Usually, we would go to parties on Halloween.

“Na,” I said, plopping back down on the couch.

“What if you meet a hotter guy than Evan?” she asked. “Why’d you dump him anyway.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t feel like looking for a man right now.” I thought about Evan’s bigfoot cock and how no one could compare to it.

“Then why not go to forget the pain?”

I thought about that. I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself. Evan was probably banging Alondra at this very moment.

“Okay,” I said. “Lemme shower quick.”

“Yay,” said Joyce. She grabbed the remote and switched it to Tyra Banks. “Change out of the sweats and put on a sexy dress.”

After my shower, I rifled through my closet to look for something to wear. I found a silky red dress that I haven’t worn in years. I picked it out, slipping into it over my red bra and thong. I looked in the mirror.

My cleavage shown in immense amounts in this dress, but the dress showed off my curves pretty nicely. My hair hung in long curls down my back. I grabbed a pair of black heels and looked for a nice set of jewelry. Joyce opened my room door without knocking and gasped when she saw me.

“Girl, you are sooo ready to party! Look at you,” she exclaimed as she admired my dress.

“It’s not too much?” I asked. “It seems a lot.”

“No guy is gonna ignore you tonight. That’s for sure,” she said.

I smiled. I found a pair of long silver earrings and put those on. I grabbed a red glittery clutch, and I was ready.

“Let’s go,” I said. I felt a little horny and extra sexy when I wore a thong. It was time to meet some guys.

We left my apartment and got inside of Joyce’s van. It was already dark out. Joyce turned up the music, and we sang along. I was starting to forget my misery now. We reached the house and parked on the street. The street was full of parked cars. Some even double-parked on the driveway. People were everywhere, dressed up in various costumes.

“We should have dressed up like sexy kittens or something,” said Joyce.

“It’s fine,” I said. Seeing all those people around the house was giving me anxiety.

“I know you normally hate parties,” said Joyce reading my mind instantly as I watched everyone. “But you always have fun at the end. Remember?” I bit my lip.

“Yeah,” I said and opened the door. I was careful not to trip on my heels as we walked to Joyce’s friend’s house.

At the entrance, I nearly screamed when I saw a guy in a Bigfoot costume passing out drinks. I needed to get a grip, I told myself.

Joyce and I grabbed drinks. We admired the different costumes, as I slowly sipped my fruit punch. A man with a turban wrapped around his head was eyeing me from across the large room full of dancing sweaty bodies. I started to feel a little warm down below. This man thought I was sexy. When we made eye contact, he began to wade towards me through the throng of people.

“Ooh la la,” said Joyce.

He stopped in front of me and lifted my hand to his face. He kissed it with a soft brush of his lips. My pussy started to tingle.

“What’s your name?” he asked in a husky voice in my ear. He had to speak in my ear since it was so loud. His eyes were dark and outlined in black.

“Sandra,” I said.

“I’m Josh,” he said. “Do you want to go outside for a minute?”

I nodded, and I looked over at Joyce to see if she was okay. She winked, and I grinned.

Josh held my hand as we walked through the sliding glass of the back door. My body felt hot and horny for no reason. I wasn’t sure why. I set my drink on a random table we passed by. We walked under the stars and hid behind a wall of the house.

He laid his lips over mine, and we kissed. As soon as our kissing became intense and Josh’s hands groped my butt, we heard a low growl behind us.

I broke the kiss immediately.

I looked up to see a Bigfoot standing there. I recognized Evan. I don’t know how I did, but I knew it was him. When Josh turned and saw him, he grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me in front of him as a shield.

All I could think about was that Evan wasn’t supposed to be here. Alondra would kill me.

“Go, Evan,” I said. “I don’t want to be with you.”

Evan wasn’t having it. His large furry hand wrapped around my bare arm. Josh ran, screaming back to the house, his turban falling off. I tried pulling away from his grip but to no avail. Evan continued to pull me towards the trees.

“Let go!” I said. “I’m serious.”

When we ended up behind the trees, and away from everyone’s view, I stood there defiantly, arms crossed. Evan faced me with his hand still around my arm.

His large cock swung like a pendulum between his legs. I felt my own arousal drench through my thong. He sniffed the air, sensing my arousal.

Without caring what I thought, he kissed me hard on the lips. His familiar scent of the wild filled my senses, making me weak at the knees. The fur on his face brushed against my skin as his firm lips dominated mine. My lips opened, and his tongue swirled in my mouth, tasting me.

His hands fell to my waist and groped beneath my short dress. When his warm hands touched my thighs- gliding upwards, I whimpered against his mouth. I missed him. My hands grasped his thick penis. Then he lost control, breaking the kiss.

He tore my thong off from beneath my dress. He squeezed the thong to his face, breathing in my scent. Then in one swift move, he pushed me against a tree and lifted my left leg. He gazed at my pink wet slit and growled.

Evan kept my leg raised with his hand as he brought his Bigfoot penis closer and closer to my open pussy.

My vagina throbbed with need. His large penis rubbed against my slit and my folds, teasing me.

“Evan, please,” I said. His penis was still teasing and rubbing my clit. My hole burned and ached for him. “Please, Evan. I’m sorry for everything.”

Then he roared and pushed his cock inside of me.

Opening me. Owning me.

With every thrust, he went in harder and deeper as if making sure I knew I was his. My pussy gushed, and the moisture allowed his cock to get inside of me entirely. He pulled back and slammed into me as he lifted my leg higher.

The tree branches poked my back through my dress, but I didn’t care. My stomach and pussy tensed. Then a glorious release came over my body as I spasmed around his pulsing thrusting cock.

My scream and his roar collided into the night. His cock squirted hot cum inside of my womb, filling me. His teeth gnashed together until his orgasm subsided. His cock stayed inside me even while his body shook against me as he slowly transformed. His hand shook as he still held my leg upwards. The fur on his body was shrinking, and his hand on my thigh became smooth.

Evan’s face came into view when the hair disappeared, and he kissed me hard on the lips again. He pulled back and released my leg as his penis shrank to his standard human size.

“Evan,” I started to say, but he shushed me with another kiss to my lips.

“I missed you,” he breathed against my lips.

I pulled away, my back pressing into the tree even more. Should I tell him about Alondra? Then I decided just to be honest. “I can’t be with you, or else Alondra will kill me.”

Evan’s naked body tensed. His eyes narrowed with rage.

“Did she threaten you? That day when you were both in the forest?”

“Please don’t tell her I told you,” I begged. Tears brimmed in my eyes. She terrified me. “Where is she now?”

“She ran away again after pretending to cooperate,” he growled. “If she touches a hair on your head, I will kill her.”

“But you won’t tell her I told you?”

He struggled with himself, “I won’t.”

I nodded, relieved he wouldn’t say anything. I looked at his bare chest and strong naked legs.

“You better get some clothes on,” I said, smiling.

“Oh. You’re right,” he said, covering his flaccid penis with one hand. “Do you want to come to my place later?”

“Another round of sex with human Evan?” I said, pretending to think. “I prefer you’re Bigfoot form, but it’ll have to do.”

He smirked. “I will pound that ass of yours until you can’t take it and beg me to stop.”

“Oh, really?” I challenged.

He spun me around, and his hand spanked me on the rear. My butt cheeks burned as I squealed.

“My car is parked on the other side. We need to run before anyone gets a delicious glimpse of my ass,” said Evan.

A thrill went through my body as we ran in the dark towards his car. I was happy again, and any moment spent with Evan was pure joy.




Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek of:


Stalked by Bigfoot’s Mate (Book 2)

Chapter 1

My heart raced as I stood in front of Evan in his Bigfoot form. He leaned against the door waiting for me to undress. He wanted a show today, and I was nervous as hell. I’ve never done a strip tease before, and Evan never experienced one while living in the mountains almost his entire life.

I wanted to show him the human experience, but I was slowly regretting it now. With my last boyfriend, almost everything was done in the dark. My hands shook as I slowly lifted my tight blue shirt over my head, exposing my lacy bra.

I flung the shirt behind me, swinging my hair. I made eye-contact with Evan, hoping my eyes looked sultry enough. I walked over to him. He looked surprised when I grabbed his hand and led him towards the edge of the king-size bed. He sat on it, and I unclasped my bra, letting it drop to the floor. I wanted my boobs in his face as I was getting aroused.

He reached out to grab my breasts, but I swatted his large furry hand away. He smiled with all his fangs showing. I pushed my boobs in his face, feeling the fur rub over them and his hot breaths hitting my bare skin. I could tell he was deeply amused, but I didn’t care.

I turned, my back facing him, and pulled down my jeans. I knew

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