» Romance » First lie, Mush . [i wanna iguana read aloud txt] 📗

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who was now checking his watch a look of satisfaction was on his face, he gave him an approval look. He entered anyway as he knew what he was doing, no sign that he was running or walking fast to reach the class the look on his face was steady like he calculated every movement he did.

Oh I was the one supposed to impress him not the other way around I checked him from down starting with his black boots little up his black jeans fitted perfectly around his boots, around his waist, little more up he wore a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket that fitted him in a way that it was made especially for him, a bit more up and was caught by his gaze.

His hazel eyes caught me of guard he saw me checking him out, saw me bite my lips in response, instantly and again stared at my desk which was now more colored than my lips. Once he reached his seat a smell of fresh sweet mint invaded my senses.


Suddenly he passed a paper back to me, the boy with a piece of paper.

"Like what you see" he wrote. Ohhh he exactly knew what to say and how to tease

"It depends on what do you mean? " I acted like I didn't know what exactly he meant.

"well you pretty much know what I mean" he said *I do I do*

"focus on your class Oliver " Oliver sounds nice I passed it pack and with that he kept silent.

The class passed and all I could think of was him, his silky black hair suck in the lights, his white ear shone through his hair. The way he run his fingers through his hair all the way around his head is delicate. I have seen many boys do that but the way he did it was different like enjoyed it. It was like slow motion. I didn't think I could notice all of that just by checking him from the back calm your tits Alia.

I tried to concentrate on what the teacher was saying but his body his scent block all the way.

As the teacher gave us approval to leave, he took his stuff and left without turning around without finishing what we started a while ago, he acted like something had never happened.

How dare he do that, without knowing I followed him out of class checking where he went, there. Oh how could he walk all of that distance in such a short time, well his legs played a part in that. As I reached him I taped in his shoulder to have his attention, a thought to call him by his name but I wasn't in the mood foe that, I was ready to fight

He stopped for a sec before turning around as if preparing himself for the annoyance

He turned around having a stern face but as he saw me his expression totally changed I noticed how his eyes moved on me starting from my lips. All the power in me vanished even the word I was going to say my lips just kept parted ready to talk but nothing came out. I felt my mouse dry as his eyes went lower and he bite his lips in response to what he saw, yes this was my original plan but It wasn't supposed to have an effect in me as well.

I cleared my throat, couldn't stand the dryness in my mouse, with that he came to his senses.

"Mrs/ Styles, how can I help you" he said straightly

Mrs/styles I thought we have passed this formality stage but I was wrong

I was sad, mad at myself for overthinking what we are.

"it's nothing, sorry for bothering" I said with cracked voice and turned to leave

"A...Alia wait what's wrong" he said grabbing my hand, I tensed from his touch it felt weird, it felt new. My name he said it, it was nice I relaxed, turning to face him again

"I am fine" I said, he should work harder

"okay.., you wanted to say something" he added

"I forgot" work harder

"You forgot????" he protested

"yeah, you know people forget all the time" I replied

"old people and not all the time plus you are far from being old young lady" he said

"well consider me an exception then" I hit back

"well, well we shall discuss that while you are tutoring me " he said , well that caught me of guard.

"wait what" I inquired

"oh didn't I tell you, I need you to tutor me in biology" he said with a smirk on his pretty face.

"HELL NO" I attacked

"I have already got the teacher approval" he continued , Excuse me don't I have part in that.

"still it's a NO" I confirmed

"so you refuse to help your classmate who is having trouble and is pleading for your help" he said acting like he is not the bad guy after all which he is. But his eyes it held sincerity in them either he is saying the truth or he is making all of this out.

Well I am interested to say what all of this will lead to.

"okay I will think about it " I said with a sigh.

"fair enough, see ya later then " he replied taking a step back and leaving.

Quickly I took a pen from my pocket a paper from my note and wrote.

"Oliver" this time I called him buy his name *since when calling someone by his name was so special and delicate.

He stopped instantly turning around again but this time is different he turned eagerly to see me. I took my time walking to him *god he do have a quick steps doesn't like to waste time I guess again what does he do?* I saw the admiration in his eyes while approaching him. I gave him the note then left.

I bit he could have a boner from it.


I went to the main hallway to find my friend who definitely would be there flirting with someone or the other way around, that's if not her tongue was in someone's throat by now.

I texted her *where are you* while standing in there staring at people like a maniac.

*I am at the main hall as usual* she replied I guess she is not making out

*where* I asked

"right behind you dummy" someone said from behind

Of course it was here "why did you wait for me to text you, you could have done that little sooner" I said

"well I could have done that, next time sweet heart" she said

We both laughed "such a teas dummy" I said

"Am I?" she asked

"YOU are" I confirmed

"so where have you been?" she asked

"where the hell could I have been ,huh" I rolled my eyes and she laughed

"okay okay "she said and my tummy made the *I am hungry *sound

"take this" she gave me a chocolate ma girl, I took it opened it and started to eat as someone passed near me and it was the smell of fresh mint again, immediately I checked yes it was him and he was heading to a group of boys one of them I recognized from yesterday at the cafeteria the skinny one.

As the skinny was talking and they were laughing, he went there said something and the skinny was about to protest then he said something and turned to leave without waiting for an answer. The hall group was silenced then the skinny one immediately started following him, how intense he is, how sharp his existence over the other, like an alpha he ordered no room for arguing, he was coming again passing near me, I looked at him, he was a completely different person his eyes turned black he held no motion in them, his face was plank as if his mind was somewhere else. He passed me as I never existed. His eyes didn't drift left nor right with that he went out and the skinny followed.

"interesting" I was snapped out when I heard Ledya's voice.

"IT IS"...


Chapter V


Hi dear readers,

This chapter took a lot of time and work to be finished, all the information you shall find is real.

I spend hours studying it. I really hope that you enjoy reading it. 


Chapter v


Oliver pov.

Call me a hypocrite, call me the devil himself.

I don't have friends, I don't make friends or any shit related to it. I only make deals business deals and according to it I decide whom should I make a friend and who should I make a rival.

In my little group of friends there is mark the tech guy, why I picked him though he might be annoyingly silly most of the time. Well because he is good when it comes to tech field and that what is needed.

He installed the hall security system in all of my warehouses starting from the lock of the front door to the hall camera security system. You might be wondering why all the bothering I just could have hired a company to do that.

Have you heard about tax law, if you haven't then let me in light you. It's a law government apply to have a share from revenue of profit, weather it was commercial industrial activity or non -commercial professions or from real estate of natural persons as of tax.

Bottom line they nearly take profit from any revenue out of any business in the country's land, so the higher your income are the higher the taxes. Though it differs from continent to another like Africa and Europe, and from a country to another like UK or Germany. For example Taxes in Germany are levied by the federal government and many direct and indirect taxes exist there.

Enough with the introduction, that's why I didn't hire a security company it would draw the attention from taxes department and I can't let that happen so my friend here saves around one hundred thousand dollars for me each year.

Also instead of having a fancy building as a company. I do have a very fancy office in a fancy building with that I save a bit more but in the other hand saving is not the main target in my field, impressing the agent is quite important. That's why I spend a fortune in the office he is seated in and a fortune on the car I am riding soon you will know why.

So what do I do for a living that requires all of this details, car parts importing everything a client need about a car and not just any random car. I trade in high expensive brands such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce, Volkswagen and the list goes on.

But there are car maintenance agency for cars like that, true it will hurt your wallet if you took your car there but hell what am I talking about a man owns a Mercedes won't have enough money to repair it. That was a big challenge for me.

So what with a capital W * what do I have to offer for any client which won't find it in any car maintenance agency.

I did what Edward Lloyd did when he started Lloyd's insurance company. Lloyd's of London was one of the most famous insurance company on earth. It has made countless millions out of the tendency of everybody to worry about things that rarely happen. Lloyd's of London bets people

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