» Romance » She's Feisty, R.E. Cooper [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗

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five years huh? I would have thought your dad could shorten it." Well he didn't bother, he's going to break me out. When I looked at Sam I felt a pain of guilt. I haven't even been here for a whole day and I was already anxious for the break out. While here before me was Sam. He's been here for two years, and isn't getting out anytime soon. The worst part was that he was innocent! Could I help get Sam out with me? 

"Uh yeah, he decided not to bother with it." I could tell the wheels were spinning in Sam's head as he began to figure out my father's plan. Rather than ask more questions he smiled and pulled me into a hug. I sighed in relief that he didn't push the subject further. Too soon for my liking, we pulled apart. I stared into his deep icy blue eyes, as he stared into my honey golden brown ones. My eyes searched his before roaming over his face, ending at his lips. He took in a sharp breath and I looked back into his eyes. I saw love and wanting, no not wanting but a needing. Before I could chicken out I moved in to kiss him as he did the same.

As our lips touched I felt a spark of heat and emotions flow through me. He pulled back and searched my eyes for a moment before we kissed again. This time the kiss was hungry and passionate, unlike the sweet and warm one we had just moments ago. As we continued to kiss, I climbed onto his lap straddling him. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I gladly obliged. His tongue fought me for dominance and I sighed, letting him take it. We explored each other's mouths as I pulled closer to him. One of his hands held my waist as the other slid into my hair deepening the kiss. 

I trailed my hands up his muscled chest and wrapped them around his neck, as my fingers ran through his hair. We both pulled back for a moment to catch our breath. He stared into my eyes as I stared back. He pulled his hand out of my hair and rested it on my check. I leaned into his hand and blushed a scarlet red. "Mel, god I don't even know what to say. Ever since the day we first met, I Knew you would be someone special and important to me. The more I got to know you the more I loved about you. Since the day you snuck cake into a box and sent it to me for my birthday I knew. I knew right then that I loved you. I love you so much Mel. I always will." I looked into his eyes searching for any doubt, and I found none. I leaned in closer so our noses were touching and we were breathing the others air. "I love you Sam. I love you so much." I could feel his smile as he kissed me again. 

As we kissed Sam leant back on the bed. I leaned above him kissing him deeply, with everything I had. He quickly spun and then I was underneath him. He kissed me lovingly as I arched my back to be closer to him. He began to kiss me on the corner of my mouth, planting kisses along my jaw. Careful of my injury he kissed along my jaw and down my neck, nibbling on my earlobe. He went down planting kisses on my collarbone as a moan escaped me. He went back up to me and looked into my eyes before kissing me on the lips again. I wanted him, all of him. I wanted him so badly. All I wanted was to be hi and for him to be mine. 

I pulled back trying to convey what I wanted through my eyes to him. He searched my face four any doubt. When he found none he whispered, "are you sure? This would be my first." I smiled and nodded before whispering, "and this would be my first as well. Sam I want to have a million first with you and then millions more." He looked at me smiling. He undid his pants and slowly entered me. It hurt a bit at first but I held back any whimpers. A few moments later the pain quickly became pleasure. I let out a soft moan as Sam kissed me deeply. 

He began to move in a bit deeper. Then a few minutes later he went faster. He moved in and out quickly and I felt myself begin to shake slightly. I suddenly remembered all of the guys outside the room and thanked the gods Sam locked the door. But they would still hear us if we were any louder. As I reached my climax and looked into Sam's eyes as I knew he was right there with me. We both let out muffled moans as we came together. 

Sam stopped inside of me as we caught our breath, shaking in pleasure. We were so close our noses touched and we were breathing the same air, looking into eachothers eyes. Sam let out a shaky breath as he pulled off me and laid next to me. We pulled our pants up and cuddled close to each other. Sam wrapped his arms around my waist and I pulled closer to him, laying my head on his chest. "I love you Mel." "I love you Sam." With that I took in one last whiff of his honey smell before I fell asleep. 

I woke with a strong arm over me, then I remembered the last 48 hours. I got drunk, and stole a car. I was in a car chase when I crashed to save a cat. I went to juvie. I found Sam, more like he found me. We caught up, and then confessed our feelings. Then we made love. I sighed inwardly to myself, he was my first. I love my V card. He was even my first kiss. The first time I held hands with a guy I wasn't related to was the day we first met. He's always been my #1, the first and only. I kept my eyes close as my ears adjusted and I heard talking. There were four male voices. The only I recognised was Sams. Well if Sam was awake then I knew I was safe. I tried to go back to sleep but failed.

Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to listen in on their conversation. Sam whisper yelled, "you guys don't know her like I do! She would never hurt me. We love each other, okay?" "You've never spent more than a few hours together at a time, how can you be sure?" "Because, when I look at her I see my whole world. There was a period of time around the anniversary of my fathers deaht that I wanted to commit suicide. You guys remember that don't you? No matter what anyone said or did, until she came to visit me. That day I remembered why I kept on going. For months, the only thing that kept me going was knowing she would come to visit me every two weeks." I didn't know that.

Suddenly feeling like I should stop listening I twisted and moaned a little, to announce my waking. Everyone stopped talking and I opened my eyes slightly, looking up into those blue eyes I love. "Hey morning Babe. You didn't wake up after... yesterday so I decided to let you sleep here tonight." I smiled wide and then turned around to come face to face with three guys. They all looked the same as me and Sam, and they were reasonably built. Not a lot, but pretty good for a 16 year old guy. One had brown hair and green eyes, he was the tallest in the middle. On the left had blonde hair and brown eyes, he looked like a guy me. The guy on the right was the shortest, with red hair freckles and brownish eyes.

The middle one spoke, "does anyone else feel like she's sizing us up right now?" He let out a nervous laugh and I smiled. I sat up, glad I put my clothes back on last night, and took off the sheet. Sam sat up with me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and put his head on my shoulder. I put on my right hand and spoke. "I'm Melany, Sam's girlfriend." I could feel Sam smile against my shoulder.


Last night was by far the best night of my life. The love of my life was here, with me. Not only that but she loved me. I was now the happiest man alive. I mean sure I was still in Juvie for murder. But I was doing it to save my mom. Sure I have to constantly worry about guys hurting Mel, but she can handle herself pretty well. And the guards here don't give a rats ass about us so I can't rely on them, but the plus side is that Mel can sleep with me and the guys instead of with some random other dudes. 

I looked over to my right and there sleeping was Mel. She's beautiful, it's a miracle she even talks to me. I traced her full lips with my finger and I heard the door open. I walked my friends. Carlos was a ginger, so we often called him carrot. George had blonde hair, but we called him Geo. Lastly was Al, he had brown hair. His name isn't really Al, we just call him that. When his mom was pregnant with him, she was hoping he would be a girl. So she named him Alice, when she found out he was a guy she just kept the name anyway. Whenever people call out Alice, he says it's pronounced Al-ick.

Last night I locked the door, and then unlocked it later. But my friends/roommates never showed up. I assumed they were in the games room or hiding in the kitchen. Now here they were in front of me. Bloodshot eyes with dark bags, and messed hair and clothes. Geo spoke first, "woah, who's the hot babe and what is she doing here?" "Yeah, and what happened to the whole 'I already love someone and will only give myself to her' plan? Huh?" Carrot pointed out. I brought my finger to my lips and shushed them, worried Mel would stir from the noise. "Uhm, so you guys remember that awesome car chase? How they said they were bringing her here. Well this is her, she was brought in yesterday." "Really!?! Damn, she's either a fucking badass, or a plain ass idiot!" Al exclaimed. I shushed him again and he apologized.

"Well that's cool and all, but you still didn't answer me about your, i'm in love plan." Carrot brought my attention back to what I knew I had to tell them. "Oh yeah, you told us a lot about the girl you love, she sounded cool," Geo added. "Well guys, this is her, she's the girl I told you guys about.

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