My Heart Aches for You, Abbie Davis [best android ereader .txt] 📗

- Author: Abbie Davis
Book online «My Heart Aches for You, Abbie Davis [best android ereader .txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis
As I reached the window she laid in a ball asleep on her bed. I looked down to see the pack and told them to give me a minute. I went in and over to her tired sleeping form. She had marks to show that she was crying her eyes out a while ago. I should have been with her before that had happen. This is all my fault for even wanting to come back to her.
I took a seat next to her as she turned in her sleep. I put her head in my lap as she gave a sweet smile. At least she’s safe from them now. I petted her head as she slept peacefully in my lap. I looked around at the wolves on her wall and saw that she added one to them. It was on the wall her bed was up against and it was mine. She had me looking over the whole room as if watching them all.
“I should have told you about them,”I whispered to myself,”Then this wouldn’t have happened to you.”
I kissed her temple as the door opened up a little bit with a creak to it. Ace must have went out of the room or something. Catherine moved again and I gave a kind smile down to her. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I wish I could see that every night. Yep there the puppy dog moment again. I’m going to have to kill Paul for bringing that up.
“Alex what are you doing here?”Kristen asked at the door.
“I came to check up on her,”I said standing up,”I heard howls in the distance and thought one of them got her.”
“Well she is worried sick about you,”Kristen pointed out to me,”She has stopped eating for she wants to make sure you are alright and not hurting.”
“She stopped eating.”
“Yes and she can barely sleep at night. This right here is a miracle since she has been upset about you. You got to pull yourself together and make sure she is fine.”
“Watch out for her will you.”
“I do that.”
“This time she’ll need it more than you think she will.”
She looked at me dumbed folded as I went out the window. I landed perfectly on the ground and went to the others. I was going to make a round on the perimeter of the house to make sure they would be safe and no rouge could hurt her or her family.
“We’re going to make a run around the house,”I said.
They all nodded and we turned one by one. I was last to go and the first to start the run. I separated our group to make them little and more functionable. I had sent the girls and Layne home to make sure everything was fine there. I had the alpha job now and it has been tough. All I can do now is stay away from Catherine for her own safety and when I do that a rogue pack attacks her.
“Man it will be fine,”Luke joked,”She’ll be cool if you tell her the reason why.”
“It’s not that easy,”I said.
“She’s hurting,”Jacky thought,”We have to do something about it.”
“I will tomorrow but right now lets just make this round and I’ll go back to stay with her.”
“If you say so.”
It went quiet after that and we all ran in silent. I faced forward as I saw Josh walk up to the scene. We were still a good four miles away and he was near. I looked at the guys and they all went to finish the run. If anyone can watch after Catherine after what I’m going to do he would be able to do it. I turned back and went up to him.
“Josh I got a favor to ask of you,”I said with my hands up.
“Why should I do anything for you?”He asked holding up his gun,”All you did was take MY cousin from us.”
“It has to deal with her.”
“What happen?”
“A pack tried to kill her.”
“Is she alright? Did they bit her?”
“We got there in time from her screams of help.”
“Then what is it you want.”
“I need you to watch after her for me. Be the big brother she will need after I do what I got to. She’ll need all the support she can get.”
“Why are you asking that?”
“You’ll see.”
With that I turned back into my wolf and ran the rest of the way back to her house. Kristen had left and the lights were out in her room. I turned again and went up to her window. It was still unlocked and opened for me. She laid there staring at the ceiling as if in deep thought.
“You want me to stay with you,”I said as her head shot toward me,”Or I can leave you to the peace.”
“Please stay with me,”She said running to me,”I need you here with me.”
“I guess I can,”I joked as she wrapped her hands around me,”But just for you.”
She smiled and we headed to her bed. She laid down as I sat up thinking about all of this. I laid beside her as she put her head on my chest. I felt her ragged breathing from getting almost killed today. I took a deep breath as she seemed to have calmed down a lot from it all. Is this the right thing to do?
Chapter 10This morning I woke up to my wolf. He was looking at me with his beautiful green eyes that shine on my day. I smiled as he kissed the top of my head. I sat up slowly as he seemed to have let me get up. I faced him as his face seemed to have dropped to sadness and regret. I placed my hand on his cheek as he turn away from me as if he couldn’t face me.
I raised his head to my face and went to kiss him. He just pushed me away from him. What did I do to get this kind of treatment? I looked at him as he stood up to face me. What’s going on with him?
“You got to stay away from me,”He said with no emotion to his voice,”It would be better for you.”
“No it wouldn’t be,”I said getting up and walking over to him,”I want to be with you Alex.”
“But with me being Alpha now it’s too dangerous for you,”He said as I wrapped my arms around him,”I can’t risk losing you to something like that.”
“Then turned me to a wolf,”I said looking at him,”It would be easier for all of us.”
“I don’t think so,”He said pushing me away,”You got your life here. A life you got to live.”
“But I can’t with out you.”
“You’ll have to Catherine.”
“No I won’t!”
“Yes you will for I’m not yours any more.”
“Alex don’t say that! I need you in my life!”
“Good bye Catherine.”
“No you’re not leaving me again!”
He jumped out of the window leaving me there. I cried as my heart ached for him to come back to me. This is not fair to me. I just got him back and now he’s gone again. I want Alex to be here with me and not somewhere I can’t hold him. Where I can’t touch him. Where I can’t see him. I need him to be with me. I need his touch and warmth. I need his kind eyes and loving smile. I NEED HIM to be here with me.
I ran down the stairs and out the door as he was leaving. I ran as fast as I could but he was way faster than me. I dropped to the ground when I noticed he was to far off for me to catch him. The sad thing was he didn’t even look back at me like he did the last time.
I got to my room and found my cell phone on the charger. I unplugged it wanting Josh to be here right now. I need someone that know wolves to be with me right now. I quickly dialed the number and listened to the rings of the phone.
“Hello,”He said sounding sleepy.
“Josh,”I cried as my heart was broken.
“Catherine what is it?”He said sounding like he fell off his bed.
“Can you come over right now,”I asked as a tear fell down my cheek,”I really need you here.”
“I’ll come as fast as I can Cathy,”He said hanging up.
I threw myself on my bed as I let the memory of us play in my head on repeat. He just left as if it was nothing. I thought I was the one thing he couldn’t live without. He told me that he wouldn’t leave me like this again but here I am broken into many pieces once again.
I put on Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling as I laid there with my broken heart. I listened to the words as they played in my head. I began to sing as the hurt I was feeling rapidly increased with every beat to the song. I flipped onto my back as I was crying again from it all.
“Catherine,”Josh said at my door.
“Josh,”I said running to him with tears,”You were right.”
“No I wasn’t,”Josh said,”You were about him.”
“What do you mean,”I said sitting on the bed with him,”He ended up hurting me.”
“But he did it because he cares for you,”He said as I leaned my head on his chest,”He left you for your own good.”
“But it hurts.”
“I know Baby girl. But you got to know that we are here for you.”
“Just don’t shoot them.”
“I won’t.”
“What Catherine?”
“Why does it hurt so much that he left me.”
“Because you both were in love Cathy.”
“He didn’t want to turn me.”
“Then none of us will have our Catherine then.”
“He didn’t even look back at me as I tried to stop him.”
“He did that to stop you from getting hurt more than you are now.”
I nodded as he held me on his lap. I let all my tears go as he calmed me down from what I had just went through. I was now broken and I wanted him to be here. I wanted him to stay with me. For MY HEART…
It hurt to leave her but my heart will always ACHE FOR HER.
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