» Romance » Love with a Jerk, Nikki Plotner [best ereader for students txt] 📗

Book online «Love with a Jerk, Nikki Plotner [best ereader for students txt] 📗». Author Nikki Plotner

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that to get back at him for treating me like I’m nothing. He deserved every bit of it”. I said sternly. Margaret started laughing.
“I think I am going to like you”. She said in between laughs.
“How about you two sit at the table, dinner is ready”. We went into the dining room and sat down. The rest of the family came in soon after and joined us. Everyone served their plates and then began eating there food.
“Uh, dad where is Olivia going to be staying”? Neil asked, looking up from his plate.
“She is staying in your room”. Gavin said.
Neil didn’t look too happy about this, but he didn’t fight on the matter either. After dinner, Neil showed me the rest of the house and then showed me his room, where I guess I would be staying. It was a huge room, with a king sized bed in the middle of the room. Everything was in a cream color and royal blue. There was two door, one leading to a huge closet and the other leading to the bathroom. I noticed my things were already put away, in the closet and then Neil informed me that the dresser on the right is mine. I went to the dresser grabbing some pajamas and underwear and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Chapter Seven: Ignorance

After I took a nice hot bath, washing away the long trip that I had, I brushed my teeth and went back to the room. Neil, went into the bathroom with clothes in his hands. I heard the water go on, I decided to go downstairs and get some water to drink. I found Margaret in the living room on my way to the kitchen. I stopped and asked her where the glasses were, so I could get some water. She got up and showed me. I quickly got some water and made my way back to Neil’s room. I sat on the bed and then the bathroom door opened. Neil walked out with only pajama pants on. I couldn’t stop gawking at him, he was godly. Neil walked over to the left side of the bed and got under the covers. I did the same to the other side of the bed.
“I hope you know I really don’t like this”. Neil said.
“I turned around to face him. I don’t like this either. How do I know you won’t do something to me during the night huh”? I spat out, I was mad for some reason, but I couldn’t really figure out why.
“I do something to you. No, you are not worthy enough to even have me fully”. He said jumping out of bed, and leaving the room.
I couldn’t help but cry to myself. What he said really hurt; I was more worthy than he was. He was an ass from hell. I finally fell asleep crying. I woke up the next morning, someone yelling at me.
“Wake up, breakfast is in an half an hour”! Neil yelled. I could tell he was still mad. I ignored looked over at him giving him a dirty look and then turned back to the wall.
“Fine whatever, see if I care”. He walked out of the room, slamming the door shut. I got up out of bed and took a quick shower. Then I put on my black skinny jeans and red draped shirt. I found my red heels and put them on. I then went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, since I figured that’s were Margaret was at. She looked up at me in awe when I walked into the kitchen.
“How was your night dear”? She asked.
“It was fine”. I said lying because it was definitely not fine. It was one of my worst nights ever.
“Well that’s good; breakfast will be done in a couple of minutes”. She said going back to what she was doing before I interrupted. I walked out of the kitchen and went into the living room, to find the rest of the family, except of Gavin. I sat on the couch next to Brigit. I glared at Neil. He looked away quickly, after giving me a look of hate. Good, I hope he does feel that way because it is definitely how I feel about him.
“Olivia, how did you sleep”? Evelyn asked.
“Just great”. I said, unreassuringly.
“Really, and how exactly did Neil come to sleep in the guest room next to my room than”? She asked.
“He was being the ass he is and left the room. I’m glad he did to, so I don’t have to look at his ugly ass”. I said rudely getting up to go to the dining room, since Margaret told us breakfast was ready. I saw that Neil flinched at my comment.
“My ugly ass huh? You’re the one that has the ugly ass women. So stop being disrespectful to my family and live with it”. Neil said furiously.
“I am far from ugly, you asshole”! I yelled furiously.
I hurried up and ate my breakfast, and then I excused myself and went upstairs grabbing my purse. Then I left the house, not wanting to deal with Neil for the day. I didn’t care that I didn’t have a car to drive. I walked to the nearest market and called for a cab on the payphone. I got into the cab twenty minutes later.
“Where would you like to go miss”? The driver asked.
“I want to go shopping, so take me to the nearest shopping area there is”.
“What kind of shopping exactly”? He asked.
“Clothes and shoe shopping, expensive stuff too”.
The cab driver to the down town area of Dublin, I got out finding many cloth stores. I went into about five of them, shopping for a few hours. Then I went and grabbed something to eat at a dinner across from my last shopping area. I looked at the clock and it said it was almost six in the evening. I called a cab again, and told them to take me to the best bar in town. I grabbed my bags and went inside ordering hard liquor to drink. Then I ordered a couple of beers and drank them. I didn’t care if I never drank in my life; I had to go back to a house with a man that hated my guts. I needed to be drunk to deal with him. They were having karaoke, so I got up on stage and sang a couple of songs. I kept singing and drinking until they announced that the bar was closing in an half an hour. I found a clock and it read three in the morning. I had the bar guy call a cab for me and then told them that I needed to go the Donavon mansion, since apparently everyone knew where that was at. I arrived at the mansion around four in the morning, stumbling through the door. I made my way to the stairs, but noticed that Neil and his parents were in the living room with worried looks on their faces. Neil was pacing back and forth.
“Thank goodness, you’re not hurt”. Margaret said.
“Why would I be hurt”? I asked slurring every word.
Margaret took my bags and sat them by the stairs.
“Oh great she’s drunk”. Neil said sarcastically.
“Why do you care? I have to be drunk to deal with your ass”? I said with hate in my voice.
Margaret started laughing, but became very serious when she found out I wasn’t kidding around and when Gavin gave her a look of “it’s not funny”.
“You need to be drunk to deal with my ass? You’re the one running off, when you don’t know anyone in town. You’re the one that pissed me off last night and started this whole thing”.
“I started it, you need to check yourself. You were the one who started it, I just wanted to go to sleep without having any problems, but no your arrogant ass had to say something”. I slurred a little bit, but not as much because I became furious again.
“Fine whatever, you didn’t have to make things worse though”. Neil said stomping up the stairs.
Gavin picked me up and carried me to Neil’s room. I wasn’t surprised to find Neil absent from the room. Gavin put me on the bed under the covers, pulling my heels off. I feel asleep fast, really tired from the long, but fun day that I had ignoring Neil.

Chapter Eight: Cuffed

When I woke up the next day, it was around three in the afternoon. I had a major headache from hell. Maybe, drinking was not such a good idea. I got up and went downstairs, still fully dressed in what I had worn the day before. I was starving, so I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. After, finding a turkey and provolone sandwich, I went into the dining room to eat it. I didn’t realize everyone else was sitting at the table eating their lunches. I just looked down at my plate eating my sandwich.
“Have fun yesterday”? Neil said pissed off and sarcastically.
“Yes matter of fact I did. Why”?
“Oh just wondering since you worried everyone in this house. You better not do anything like that again. Do you understand”?
“Seriously, you are such an ass. You are not my father and cannot tell me what I can and cannot do Neil”! I yelled furiously. I was pissed, if he thought he can just control everything I do. He has another thing coming for him.
“I am your mate and fiancé and you do have to obey me”! He yelled back.
“You cannot control me Neil. If you think you can, you have another thing coming for you”!
“Okay, the both of you stop it right now”! Gavin yelled over us.
We stopped and looked at him. We didn’t realize his mother was walking towards us, until she was right in front of us.
“Okay, I want you Olivia to place your left arm out. Neil, place your right arm out”. Margaret said.
We looked at her kind of skittishly, but we placed our arms out anyways. She placed handcuffs on us and locked them.
“What the hell mom. This is not okay”. Neil said furiously.
“It is okay. We are getting tired of your bickering and until we decided that you no longer need to be handcuffed together, you will live every moment of your lives like this”.
“So, how are we supposed

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