» Romance » Unexpected, Kate Spellman [elon musk reading list txt] 📗

Book online «Unexpected, Kate Spellman [elon musk reading list txt] 📗». Author Kate Spellman

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the pillow. That creak sounded again and she heard it, her eyes widen and she pushed me off the bed. As I fell to the floor I heard my mum’s voice telling it to go away. My sister scrambled out of the bed and pulled me into our walk in closet.


“Don’t talk,” she ordered and I couldn’t help but to listen I was scared. My father’s voice boomed the house and I crawled over to my sister and hugged her with all my life.


“DON’T,” my mum screamed then her sobs came after it, all I could think of was my Daddy. Snickering came from outside our closet but stopped when a bright light filled our room.


“She’s not here,” a deep and mad voice snarled and my mum’s sobbing stopped. My head titled and I couldn’t think about my mum being hurt. I buried my head into my sister’s shoulder and waited for the light to turn off. Once it did the house was quiet and still just like before. Unburying myself from my sister I walked out of the closet to and through our room to my parent’s room. Jumping onto their bed I looked for them, where are they?


“Sissy, where are mum and daddy,” I questioned as she came into the room with red eyes and tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. She crawled onto the bed with me and just hugged me for a reason unknown.


“Gone,” she sobbed and my eyes widen and started to burn.


“B-b-bu-t-but- i-i-i- ne-need my mum and d-daddy,” I stuttered as hot thick tears came rushing down my small cheeks. She nodded and stopped making a noise when a pair of footsteps were to be heard. She sniffled silently and pulled me off the bed with her and pushed me under it. Looking from under the bed I saw the door swing open and two shoes, both big and like the army’s shoes, the ones that the guards wear.


“Come out, you’re parents are already dead, why not join them,” a male’s voice sneered and I held onto my sister for protection. I shook my head and pleaded god to make the man go away, and with that plead he did. My sister and I fell asleep laying under the bed.


 Shaking my head out of the scene I felt something hot drop onto my hand and looked to see a tear, I hadn’t even realized I was crying.


“Their gone,” I replied simply my voice cracking, sniffling I ran over to Daniela and stayed quiet. Everyone walked into our house and I noticed it was still all messy from our search. Everything scattered around the room, like a tornado hit.


“Really, you didn’t even clean Daniela,” I questioned as I fixed the couch.


“Hey you were the one who destroyed the couch I only made a tornado in our bedroom,” she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes as I took my mum’s locket. Studying it in my hand I sat on the couch and sat criss cross apple sauce.

chapter eight

“I miss her,” I stated out of the blue starring at the locket. Leaning back in the couch I wondered if there was some possible way they could be alive. Frowning I realize how absurd I’m being, of course that wouldn’t be possible. The spot beside me went down as someone sat but I was too entranced with the locket to see who it was. She can’t truly be gone, can she? I leaned my head on whosever’s shoulder was beside me and starred at the locket.


“You know, you’re mother misses you to,” Christian said from beside me. I looked up from the locket and over to him in confusion. She misses me, I’d hope so, but how does he know. Christian’s blue/grey eyes glanced into mine releasing off a lament feeling.


“How do you know,” I asked softly knowing the answer could only rip me into pieces. I closed my eyes and the worst came to mind, Christian had a close to death experience, well not exactly the worst I don’t know him.


“She’s alive, the Leader has her in the chambers,” he stated casually, how could he even say that casually. Hopping off the couch I stared at him with bulging eyes. My throat started to burn and I felt useless, I could’ve been saving my mum all this time but instead I’ve been mourning over her.


“Take me to her,” I pleaded him, my eyes blurring from tears. I have to see her, I thought to myself and blinked away the tears.


“No, the Leader will just take you and kill you,” Christian argued trying to seem more angry than scared.


 "I don't care, I need to see her," I begged grabbed his arms and shaking him out of desperation.


Annabelle’s p.o.v


She’s coming, I feel it, my beloved daughters. I can’t let this happen, she can’t. I wish she could come and free me; but if she comes it is the end.


“GET ME OUT OF HERE,” I scream causing chaos among the guards outside my door. The door slams open to reveal the very annoyed leader.


“What,” he hissed, I dared to smirk although I wanted to flinch and hid in fright, but for my daughters I will do anything. Daniela and Dakota, the only ones left for me to love. Standing up I shook off the nerves I felt. The chains danced to a melody as I moved, and with such grace I walked towards the leader. He hates those who don’t fear him.


“The longer you keep me here, the longer my power grows. I will kill you in a matter of time, remember I also bear the birthmark of Atrides. This is your chance to live, let me go,” I snaked around him the chain clamping onto his feet, his anger grew inside you could tell by his facial expression and the glow of yellow in his usually black eyes. He slammed me against the wall his hand around my throat.


“You think you can fool me, why after all this time do you want to leave. WHY NOW, is she coming? TELL ME,” he screamed spit flying at me. I choked back the disgust I felt.


“She doesn’t know I am alive, and if she were to come why would I leave? I want to see my daughters.” I chuckle then continue my voice dropping a note, “I just was warning you. You know my power evolves the longer I am in one place. You should be warned. The leader grew stronger with every sentence I stated until he finally released his hold letting me gasp for air. My eyes stayed open an aware, and focused.


“You better not lie to me. Your life is in my hands right now, for your own good be a good little pet and don’t bite your owner Annabelle,” he whispered with a mocking smirk when he said pet.


“Heh, I won’t just bite, oh ‘owner’ of mine, I will kill you.”

Chapter Nine


Dakota’s p.o.v


The others were all hesitant, but my sister and I were swiftly gathering our essentials ready to embark on a journey to their leader and where my mother was. After collecting a bag full of stuff, I grabbed my bow and arrow and point towards the door.


“Lead the way,” I urged, gesturing them to get a move on. Elizabeth, bit her lip with her brows slanting in concern. Nathaniel just stood up and made his way towards the door, probably not thinking anything of the plan. Christian like Elizabeth was wary, but less concerned than her. Daniela was as prepared as I was regardless of what we were about to face. However, she doesn’t know the whole story yet, and well neither do I.


“Okay enough with the looks, we can slowly make our way to your leader. It’s not like the five of us alone can save my mother, we will need more people,” I coaxed, hoping they will stop worrying and help.


“I agree with my sister, all I know is that my mother is still alive, and for all we know is in a dangerous situation,” Daniela insisted, she too thought that time was against us. Finally they changed their expressions from concern to agreement and sighed before heading out.


“So what do you know about your leader,” I questioned, anxious to know the mysterious man who captured my mother and is threatening to kill my sister and I. Christian and Nathaniel ignored me, but Elizabeth looked back and forth between them and me.


“I don’t know what to tell you,” she murmured, all of them seemed tense at the question and she was obviously uncomfortable with it. Daniela not quite getting the vibe continued,


“Does that mean that you don’t know, or that you don’t want to tell?”


“Be quiet, if you want us to take you to your mother,” Christian warned his voice cold and dry. Daniela quickly simmered down and stayed quiet. We followed through from my house to the area where I first encountered them. Nearing the Alpha’s mansion, I got uncomfortable. It was weird, my mind, heart, and wolf all felt something different. My mind thinking only of my situation and how to save my mother, my heart beating at the thought of Aiden inside the mansion which was close, and my wolf yearning the mysterious guy that I just met and his wolf. All the different feelings were complicated to relax to. We kept north and quickly passed the mansion. Remembering the werewolf who tried to poison me and where he headed when he left, I realized they were taking me on a different pathway.


“Where are we heading, is there a city or town,” I wondered feeling that they were taking me somewhere away from the leader. Again the two guys ignored my question and Elizabeth looked back at me. Sighing shortly she fell into step next to me.


“It’s as you said before, just the five of us cannot save your mother, there are too many followers of the leader,” she quipped hoping I would drop the subject. Daniela opened her mouth about to say something, but Christian turned and gave her a glare, she quickly contracted whatever thought she had. Somehow the slight feud they have gave me a small smile, even Elizabeth enjoyed the exchange between the two. We walked for a long while before anyone spoke. Nathaniel was the first to break the silences that embraced us on our journey.


“We aren’t that far from who we are meeting, so prepare yourselves they aren’t werewolves like us,” Nathaniel informed with a

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