» Romance » When It Comes To Love, YOU NEVER KNOW, sunshinehkl [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

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to actually express those feelings. It was …”


“Kiara stop! I really don’t think you should be…. I mean I’m not a… I mean… You must un…”


“Oh just shut up already Heather!” Kiara snapped as Heather interrupted her again. As if it was not already hard enough for her doing what she was doing without her continuous interruption! “I beg of you, just let me finish my freaking speech and then you can say whatever the hell you want. I’ll listen everything and do what you want. But for now, just let me finish first, okay? Please?”


Heather nodded, obviously dumbfounded. “Now where was I? Oh, yes,” Wearing once again her previous solemn expression, Kiara started her speech again. “It was love at first sight.” Heather gasped hearing it but Kiara chose to ignore that and continued with her speech. “As cheesy and stupid as it sounds to my own ears, it really was. And you have no idea about its depth, its sincerity and its intensity that’s been driving me crazy. I know what I’m doing is totally stupid and crazy but I just simply couldn’t take it anymore. I just couldn’t. And I just had to do something about it. So here I am, on my knees, desperately hoping that you’ll be willing to get me out of this miserable state. So, Heather Julienne Brown, will you please do me the honor of going out with my stupid best friend over there so he will stop driving me insane with his crazy obsession of you?”


Brian stood frozen on his spot as he felt that every single muscle on his body had stopped working. He finally realized what Kiara was trying to do and the panic that rose in him at the realization made him stop his breathing.


“Oh Kiara, it’s not possible! That’s why I was trying to stop you, I’ve been trying to tell you that I’m not a lesb…”, Heather stopped midway on her desperate explanation, her eyes going wide as what Kiara actually said suddenly registered on her mind, “Wait! Did you just say, your best friend? I mean you want me to go out not with you but with Brian?” She asked in a daze.


“Yes, of course!” Kiara grinned. “Why would I ask you to go out with me? I am not a lesbian either you know?” She winked laughingly.


“But why?” Heather asked almost in a whisper, still in a daze.


“As I’ve already told you, he is obsessed with you. That guy is so crazily in love with you that his every single thought revolves around you! He fell for you the moment he first saw you, and ever since then he’s been going all, Heather is this, Heather is that, and trust me when I say it wasn’t all that entertaining for me. I mean he drove me crazy enough to make me do what I just did just now!”


You know those moments when you’ll desperately wish that the ground would just open up and swallow you down? Well that was what Brian was feeling right then. Never in his life had he felt so embarrassed, so humiliated, and to think that this humiliation was caused by none other than his best friend, hurt him the most. He felt betrayed. How could she do that to him? Granted she was childish, granted she was impulsive, granted she meant no harm on her actions but actually was trying to help him, but still, how could she do something like that? Shouldn’t she have taken his feelings into consideration at least once? He didn’t have it in him to face anyone at that moment. So he just stood there, with his eyes lowered to the ground and his cheeks red with embarrassment and anger.


“But if that’s the case,” Heather finally responded slowly recovering from the shock she got earlier, “then why didn’t he ask me out himself? Why are you the one who’s asking me to date him instead of him?” And then she added doubtfully, “You are not playing any pranks on me, are you?”


“No Heather, I’m not playing any pranks on you. And to answer your previous questions, well he didn’t do it himself because he is an idiot, and stupid and frustratingly shy guy who only knows how to love someone but have no idea how to express it. I’ve been telling him to confess to you for a long time, but he is just far too shy for his own good. Every time I’d suggest this, he’d freak out saying he had no idea what he’s supposed to do, what he’s supposed to say and he didn’t want to scare you off. I just couldn’t see him suffering like that anymore so I had to take things in my hands. That guy has patience, but I don’t.”


“Is that true?” Heather asked Brian softly searching his eyes, but Brian didn’t see this as he was still looking at the ground. He heard Heathers soft voice asking a question but he just assumed that it was directed at Kiara as well. It was only when someone nudged him that he looked up to see his colleague Jack giving him a meaningful look. Brian couldn’t get it so he just stared back at him with confusion. “Heather just asked you a question, dude.” Jack explained as he indicated his gaze towards something. Brian slowly looked at the direction and was startled to see Heathers beautiful eyes directed at his. “Is that true?” she asked again.


“What?” he asked but only his voice didn’t come out. He cleared his throat and tried once again. “What?”


“Do you like me?”


Brian closed his eyes and took a deep breath and opened them with a new set determination. “No.” He replied emotionlessly.


“No?” Heather asked startled.


“No, I don’t like you.”


“You don’t?” She asked again seeming somehow dumbfounded.


“No I don’t.” He insisted again and then with a shy smile he added, “My emotions for you are far deeper than just liking someone, Heather. I don’t like you, I love you. Have been in love with you for the past three months. Everything Kiara has just said, is the truth. I really love you. But, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. It’s okay for you to not accept my love. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable. Please, don’t feel pressured. I don‘t expect anything from you. Loving you is enough for me to be happy, it doesn’t matter if my love is returned or not.”






Monday, 12:00 am.




Kiara groaned and rolled on her side.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


“Ahhhhhh!” Kiara screamed in frustration and hid her head under the pillow.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


“Urgh!” Kiara screamed again and jumped off the bed. She switched on the light and cursed as she saw the time.

‘Who on earth…?” but she didn’t need to finish that thought as she already knew the answer. Pissed off, she stormed down the stairs towards the door and reaching their yanked it open.


“What?” She screamed.


“What what?” Brian asked getting startled.


“What’s your problem? Why can’t you never just let me sleep in peace? Why do you always, always have to disturb me whenever I’m in deep sleep?”


“You were sleeping? But why were you sleeping at this time?”


Kiara gritted her teeth. “Brian James Dickerson, exactly what is wrong with you. If I sleep in the day you cpmplain, if I sleep at night , you complain, why do you have such a huge problem with me sleeping?”


“Hey, relax kid! I wasn’t complaining, I was simply curious since you don’t usually sleep at this time.”


“Urrgh! I was just tired okay? Even the mighty Kiara Jones needs rest, you know?”


“Okay, I get it, now move.”




“Move aside from the door.”




“What do you mean why? So I can get inside of course. Don’t tell me you want me to stand here all night.”


“No, I just want you to go home and let me sleep! And why are you here at this time anyway, don’t you usually snore at 10:00?” Kiara complained although she moved aside so Brian can enter.


“I don’t believe you! How can you expect me to sleep after everything you did tonight at the party!”


“Oh that.” Kiara looked at Brian guiltily as he settled down on the sofa.


“Yes, that!” Brian said pointedly. “Seriously, how could you do that to me? To your own best friend?”


“Hey, I only did that to help you, okay? Kiara said defensively.“I know that, Kiara. But you should’ve thought of my feelings. Do you know how hurt, how embarrassed I felt? I felt as though you’ve betrayed me!


”Kiara felt as though someone had stabbed her. “Betray you? I had no idea, I mean I didn’t think, I mean I could never!”


“Hey, it’s okay!” Brian got up, and hugged her as she hugged him back. “I know that you never wanted to betray me! I’m sorry that I hurt you. What I meant to say is, the things you’ve said at the party, about my feelings towards Heather, those were my secret feelings. I only wanted to share them with you, because I trust you, because I’m comfortable with you, because you are my best friend. I don’t want my feelings to be broadcasted in front of the whole world, and that’s why when you announced my feelings towards Heather in front of everyone at the party, for a while I felt betrayed. But it’s okay, now. I know that you didn’t do that intentionally. I know that my Kiara would never betray me.”


“I am sorry Brian, I really am. I never thought of it that way. I just wanted to solve things once and for all. I just couldn’t see you hanging in the middle anymore.”


“I know Kiara, I wasn’t accusing you.”


“But it sure sounded like you were!”


“No I wasn’t. Why would I accuse you when in reality I should be actually thanking you?” Brian broke into a grin as he said that.


“Yes exactly! I don’t believe you haven’t done that yet! It’s thanks to me that everything turned out so great for you! I never knew that you were such an ungrateful b******d!”


Four hours ago:


“No, I don’t like you.”


“You don’t?” She asked again seeming somehow dumbfounded.


“No I don’t.” He insisted again and then with a shy smile he added, “My emotions for you are far deeper than just liking someone, Heather. I don’t like you, I love you. Have been in love with you for the past three months. Everything Kiara has just said, is the truth. I really love you. But, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. It’s okay for you to not accept my love. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable. Please, don’t feel pressured. I don‘t expect anything from you. Loving you is enough for me to be happy, it doesn’t matter if my love is returned or not.”


Heather just stood there speechlessly. Every eyes present at that party were now focused at her as they were all curios about her reaction. Inside, Kiara was dying out of curiosity as well. ‘Say something!’ she screamed inwardly and as if hearing this Heather suddenly looked at her. “Yes.” She said to her.


Kiara was startled. “Yes?”


“Yes. I accept your proposal. I’ll go out with Brian.” She said and then added shyly, “that is, if Brian wants to date me as well.”


“You want to date me?!” Brian couldn’t belive his ears.


“Yes.” Heather replied smiling shyly.


“But why?”


“What do you mean? Don’t you want to date me? But didn’t you just said that you loved me?”


“Ofcourse I want to date you and I do love you. But I didn’t expect that you’d want to date me! I mean it’s just sudden! I want to date you because I love you, but I don’t undertstand why’d you want to date me as well.”


“Well that’s because,” Heather smiled shyly, “I like you too, Brian. I really really like you.”


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