» Romance » Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author S. J. Evans

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a little more, confusing her. Wasn’t he supposed to be less worried that she was okay? “It’s okay, Jules—really. You don’t have to worry about me.” She squeezed his hand reassuringly.
He wrapped his arms around her. “I just want you to be happy, safe. Is there anything you want? Anything at all?” His breath was hot against the back of her neck, tickling her. “I want to help.”
“Will you take me to see Bryan?” she blurted out. “I mean—see his grave

. There was already a funeral for him, wasn’t there?” It was odd, saying those words about someone she cared so much for, out loud, with witnesses; but, even odder, she didn’t cringe or weep. She’d started accepting the fact that he was long gone by now. And she had no need for tears and pain, though she had to fight for the freedom. “I need to say goodbye. He was my hero that night; he deserves that much.”
From the look on Rachel’s face, she could tell she’d struck a broken cord, talking about Bryan that way she imagined, but she tried to ignore it. Bryan was her hero. She didn’t want to think of him as anything less.
Rachel’s expressions softened in a quick moment, a warm smile resting upon her lips. She put a reassuring hand on Skye’s shoulder and nodded her head slowly. From the water in her eyes, Skye noticed Rachel was holding back tears, faking smiles all in her favor. “They did,” was all Rachel uttered.
“Then I’d like to say goodbye. I have

to,” she whispered. Turning around to face Jules, she looked deep into his wide emeralds. “Would you go with me?” Her voice was strong, unwavering. So unlike what used to qualify as her voice. But that was just it. That night changed her. And this time, the change was for the better. Maybe she still hated—feared—Johnny, but she was no longer under the painful hold of grief and sorrow with Bryan. She only felt the love that they had once shared; and she treasured it deep inside her heart, allowing herself to shed only tears of joy for him if she needed.
When Jules smiled, it surprised her. She knew he must hate

Bryan. After all, he had been the one who abused Skye; and Jules was witness to the aftermath. But he must have heard the other side to the story too; she was sure it would be out there by now, and just that could change his feelings towards the guy at least in the slightest.
“Of course I’ll go with you, Skye,” he told her. Cupping his hands around her face, he kissed her softly. “I’d do anything for you.”
Heat spread up her face, radiant blushes pinking her pale skin. The heat was good this time, comforting. Warmth spread in her body from the brush of his lips against hers and Skye had to calm her beating heart before it erupted from her chest. Though her heart was racing, her face was on fire, it felt good. It wasn’t from fear or pain this time—but from love. It was a love that burned a kindle spirit in her heart.
Pulling away, remembering Rachel, Skye laced her fingers together behind Jules’ neck. She gasped for air, having lost it from the soft touch of his lips, and smiled.
“Bring me to the dining room?” she asked. “You said anything.”
“Won’t Johnny be upset? I don’t think he likes me very much,” Jules replied. Though he seemed entirely serious, Skye saw a smile playing about his lips. “I couldn’t imagine why not either. I mean, don’t you think I’m pretty incredible?” he added teasingly.
She gave him an incredulous look, which he only returned with laughter. Holding back her own laughter, she ignored his last comment. “If he has a problem with you then he’ll just have to deal with it. You’re not getting away from me that easily, Jules.”
He shrugged, withholding his laughter. “I’m good with that.”
“Good.” She glanced back at Rachel, smiling wider. “Invite Victor for supper, Rachel. I don’t mind,” she paused, looking back at Jules, “I’ve got my own partner right here.”
Jules grinned. “Yes you do,” he said loudly, swopping her up into his arms. “And I’ve got mine. How could I get so lucky?” Skye giggled, trying to ignore the blushing that spread across her face again.
When she looked at Rachel, hands tightly holding her against Jules, she couldn’t help but notice how Rachel’s expression changed. She looked thrilled, almost to the point of disbelief.
“Are you serious, Skye? That’s okay?” Rachel cooed.
“Positive,” Skye said. She returned Rachel’s happiness with her own amount of glee, surprised by how free she felt. Jules had something to do with it, she didn’t know what, but she knew he was the reason she felt the way she did. He made her worries and pain slip away into the shadows.
“Great! I mean, I’d love to hang out with you, but you’re obviously…busy

. And I don’t mind it one bit, honest.” Rachel grinned, pulling out her cell. “Just give me a minute, I’ll be right back.”
Skye nodded, as best she could having been in Jules’ arms, and chuckled. “We can go into the dining room, you know,” she told Jules. “It’s not like we have to wait right here

for Rachel.”
Jules chuckled, carrying her over to the dining room. “I’m aware.”
She couldn’t help the warm tingling sensation that spread through her body when she looked into his emerald eyes, separating the rest of the world from her. She could take on anything with him around, even the intensity of Johnny and the strange feelings towards Victor. She could handle lunch, no matter how difficult it could get. As long as she had Jules by her side, she could do anything.

* * * * * * *

Outside the gates of the graveyard, Skye and Jules stood, hand-in-hand, looking past the gates. After supper was over, Rachel and Victor had left together and Johnny had gone upstairs and into his office. The supper table wasn’t as awkward and awful as Skye had imagined it to be, and everything seemed to go a lot smoother. And as the two—Skye and Jules—stood before the gate, they contemplated their next move.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Skye? You don’t have to say goodbye. I’m sure he knows how you feel,” Jules said. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, pulling her closer to him. There was an unusual chill in the air, nipping at the both of them. The clouds above were gray and eerie, rumbles of thunder echoing behind them.
Skye exhaled, digging herself into Jules. “I’m sure, Jules,” she whispered. “I have to have some closer.”
He pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head. “Alright,” he said. “Just stay with me.”
She nodded her head, snaking her arm around his waist. As they walked away, into the graveyard, the air seemed to get colder and colder, despite the time of the year. It didn’t bother either of them though, only encouraged them to go in further and find Bryan’s grave. When they came to a small gravestone, engraved with the inscription Bryan Wesley Echols, they stopped short, the breeze around them picking up.
Skye gasped, a sudden pain as sharp as a needle piercing her heart. She read over the inscription over and over again, trying to take it in. It seemed so unreal to her. Even though she’d been there when he died, standing there and seeing his name engraved into a gravestone felt incredibly wrong. Her knees instantly went week, buckling from underneath her, and she covered her mouth as she broke out into sobs. It was real, all of it. Bryan was gone, really gone. And the stone in front of her was liable proof to it.
Her heart ached. She thought she was ready to say goodbye, to let him go the right way, but as she sat, doubled over, beside his grave

she felt a whole other wave of emotions envelope her. Breaking down hadn’t been something she’d expected herself to do at all.
Someone kneeled down beside her and, for a moment, she’d forgotten Jules was with her. “Jules,” she whimpered. Her hands fell against the muddy ground, clutching for support. She sucked in breath after breath, dark images of the night he died flashing before her eyes. She remembered everything about him there, beside his grave, so close to his corpse. Everything went darker, threatening to swallow her up. She fought off the darkness, the pit of grief that tried to consume her, closing her eyes and imagining Bryan’s charming smile that she loved instead. She reached out to touch his face, though part of her knew he wasn’t there, and found Jules’ warm hand instead. She grasped it, whimpering. He was with her, wanting to help.
“Skye,” his low, beautiful voice spoke. “Bryan’s watching over you right now. And did you know that he’s crying with you? Do you know why?” Skye shook her head. “He’s crying because he doesn’t want to see you so sad. He loves your smile and the way your eyes twinkle when you smile. He loves the way you laugh, the adorable giggling sounds you make. He loves it when you blush a bright red if someone compliments you, or when you’re embarrassed. He loves each and every part of you, everything

about you. And he doesn’t want you to be unhappy; he never wanted you to be unhappy. He wants you to say goodbye and remember those good times you had together. He doesn’t want you to think about how he died, or that he died—only the memories of treasured moments. He loves you, Skye, he really does.”
Catching her breath, Skye managed to stop crying. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at Jules. As he stared back at her, a small, fragile smile on his face, rain started pouring from the clouds above. Thunder echoed in the distance, startling Skye. Lips quivering, she tried to respond to Jules but failed. She’d thought about everything he said as he said it, reliving all the times when Bryan was her friend and there was never a better moment between them, and realized he was right.
She watched Jules through the sheets of rain that cascaded off her lashes, sniffling. Shuddering, she quivered a smile and caressed Jules’ face. He watched her every move, studying her. She liked it when he looked at her like that, so carefully. It assured her that there was something more between them. It assured her that everything was okay.
“You’re an angel,” she whispered. Brushing her lips against his, she shivered, gripping his shirt for support. She kissed him then. It was a soft kiss, mixed with the fresh water of the rain, and the moment their lips parted, she longed for more again. “What’s your secret for making someone feel better? It’s like you change me.”
His eyes fluttered open, along with hers, and their eyes met again. His heart was beating normally compared to Skye’s restless heart, and his hands rested gently on her hips, holding her close. “I’m certainly no angel,” he murmured,

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