» Romance » When Hottie Met Junkie, Adam Woods, Ishita Garg [the alpha prince and his bride full story free txt] 📗

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asked her, trying to remember about it.

“You bought it last year,” she said, smacking her head. “How could I forget you wouldn’t remember about it...”

“Oh, it’s okay. Wouldn’t harm discovering clothes I never knew I had,” I winked at her.

I saw Mr. Reynolds walked into the class and said “Good morning, everyone. Please take your seats.”

Lauren went back to hers, passing me a smile. Mr. Reynolds looked at the empty stool next to me. Matt was late for class, as usual.

“So, I am going to give you all a microscope each for a table and some slides, along with a worksheet. Work in pairs and answer the questions asked in the sheet. And Ms. Johnson, you can start before Mr. Miller comes.”

I nodded. “Yes, Mr. R.”

He took out a bunch of keys from his black trousers’ pocket and opened the brown wooden cupboard in a corner of the lab. One by one, he started to take out microscopes and a guy wearing red spectacles stood up to help him by keeping one microscope on each table. He came to my table, smiled at me and said, “Hey, C.”

“Hey,” I said, not really remembering his name.

Mr. R gave us four slides each. Just then Matt appeared on the door of the lab, standing there in his navy blue jeans and green T-shirt, his hair still wet from the morning shower.

“Thank you for joining us, Matt,” Mr. R said, giving him an icy look.

“Um.... Sorry, sir.” He gave Mr. R an apologetic look and hurried to my table awkwardly.

“Hey,” I said to him. He looked distracted.

“Hi,” he replied absentmindedly.

That’s weird.

“So, you’re coming to Ramona’s pool party today?” I asked him.

“Pool party?” He blinked at me. Slowly, recognition dawned on his face. “Oh, yea, that. Of course. You’re coming?” He asked me with a smile, looking more like himself now.


“When can I pick you up?” Hope was visible in his voice.

“No, actually, I am going with Lauren.” I said with an apologetic smile.

His face fell. “Okay...” he said in a sad voice.

Poor guy. Sometimes I feel bad for him.

“So... What all did you do while I was away?” I asked him.

He looked bewildered. “Umm.... What do you mean?”

“Never mind,” I said.


I turned the key in the lock of my house and pushed open the door. It was dark in there and I searched for the switch board and turned the light switch on. Yellow light filled the room. I made my way up to my bedroom, climbing the stairs, humming to myself.

Just then, I heard a sound from the kitchen and froze in my tracks. Silently climbing back down the stairs, I walked in to the living room, grabbing Jenna’s baseball bat, signed by Justin Verlander himself that she loved so much. I made my way to the kitchen, walking slowly, making sure I wasn’t making any noise. I held the bat in a defensive position, ready to attack if someone was actually there. I switched the kitchen lights on. No one was there. I looked around. A saucepan had fallen on the kitchen floor.

Must be rats, I thought to myself.

I looked around again, just to be safe and undrawn the curtains to peeked outside the window. I couldn’t see anyone. I sighed with relief and went to the entrance door of the house to check if the door was locked. Yes, it was locked properly. I checked again, just to be sure. No one.

After keeping the bat where it should be, I made my way to my room again and threw myself on the bed. It felt so good to be back on my soft bed after such a tiring day. I kicked off my shoes, slid down my jeans and slipped under the sheets. The tension of the day was slowly oozing out. I untied my hair, letting it fall around my pillow. My mind drifted, thinking of things that brought me pain. I tossed and turned for a while but fell asleep gradually.

I heard the door open and close behind me. He slid right next to me on the bed and whispered in my ear, “Hey, baby..”

A shiver of pleasure ran down my spine. His hot breath tickled my cheek. It was surprising how he could easily make my day better, without any effort.

 I turned around in my bed and squinted up at him. His eyes looked so beautiful to me, even in the dark. I brushed away a perfect curl that fell in his eyes with my index finger. He stared at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his whole life, and that made me sigh. Sigh with contentment. Feeling my cheeks get warmer, he stroked them with his thumb and I drew closer to him. I melted in his embrace, slowly drifting to heaven. His touch was soothing, wanting me to stay this way forever. Forever, in his arms, never wanting to get off this now cosy bed. His fingers moved along my bare waistline, his touch warm against my cold skin. I kissed him, gently at first. His lips were soft and wet beneath mine, like the inside of a ripe plum. He pulled away and looked at me with that adoring look. He played with a strand of my hair and I murmured slowly in his ear, “I love you...”

A smile formed on his lips, the smile I admired so much, the smile that could make my crappiest day better. He took in a deep breath and exhaled, his breath hot and heavy. “And I love you,” he said back to me, loud and clear. The words seemed to make me so happy, I felt blissful. Like the world was a perfect place to live in. Away from all the problems, all my worries.

Suddenly, the dark room flooded with lights, making my eyes burn. He disappeared. I blinked hard, unable to see because of the blinding light.

I opened my eyes, slowly regaining conscious. I sat up suddenly and looked around, searching for him. It was just a dream, I realized. I sighed heavily and fell back on the bed. The dream felt so good, so real. But it was just a dream, completely unreal. It was just my subconscious playing with me. With a lot of effort, I tossed aside my sheets and got off the bed. I stretched and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. A girl with dark brown hair, big hazel eyes, slightly colored cheeks and pink, full lips stared back at me. I washed my face with water, trying to wash the pleasant dream off my mind. It didn’t work. But the cold water felt good on my hot skin, made me feel fresh. I went back to my room and drew all the curtains. It was four in the evening and Lauren was going to come over soon. I opened my closet door and examined all the clothes I have. My closet was a mess, rumpled clothes thrown inside, it needed serious cleaning. But I didn’t have time for all that. It took me time to find the pink bikini she was talking about. It still had its price tag on and was actually cute and I felt proud at my choice. In the process, I also found some clothes I never knew I had. A black Miu Miu baby doll dress, Rose red plaid mini skirt, and more.

Absorbed in examining my wardrobe, I heard the doorbell ring and jumped in alarm. 


 I hurried downstairs and opened the door. It was Lauren.

 “Heyy,” she said to me and gave me a big hug.

 “Oh, someone is very excited,” I said to her, hugging back.

 “I never miss a chance to flirt with cute boys or maybe more…” She said, winking.

 “Yea, I know, I know.” I replied.

 “It’s time you leave that ass of your boyfriend and find someone much better.” She said to me, following me to my room.

 “Want to eat something?” I asked her, trying to change the topic.

 “Nope, I’m not in a mood to eat. And I said something important.”

 “Yeah, I know… I am going to have to find a decent way to break up with Matt.” I replied to her.

 “Yes, you sure do. And you have to do it today.”

 “I shouldn’t have played with his feelings in the first place..”

 “Oh, honey, you don’t have to worry about that. He hasn’t been very loyal to you either.” She said.

 “I forgot about his hook up with Ramona. Thanks for reminding me.”

 “No need, that’s what friends are for,” she replied cheerfully.

 I opened the door to my bedroom and seeing my closet door open, she hurried and started to go through all my clothes.

“Here’s the bikini you love so much. I haven’t even worn it once.” I said to her, nodding towards the bikini that was lying on my bed.

Her eyes widened. “Don’t tell me you are not going to let me wear that,” she said to me and pouted, hoping it would work on me.

“I never said that”

She gave out a tiny yay and started looking for something to wear over the swimwear.

“What are you going to wear?” She asked me.

“Haven’t decided yet,” I shrugged casually, kneeling on the floor next to her.

“You better hurry up. Need my help?”

“Sure,” I said, giving her a tiny smile.

My mood was low, and I was unaware of the reason.

As if reading my thoughts Lauren asked me “Hey, are you okay?” She glanced at me, her eyes filled with concerned.

“Yeah,” I replied in a low voice. “I just don’t feel up for the party.”

“Oh, no, no, no, no. You have to come with me. Please, don’t bail on me.” She said in a pleading voice.

I smiled to myself.

“I really don’t feel very well….” I said, trying to bring in mock tiredness in my voice.

“Please don’t be like that…” She pouted again. “You know how boring Chloe and Jane can be.”

I chuckled. “Yes, I forgot about that. And of course I am coming.”

She narrowed her eyes at me, realizing I had been pulling her leg.

“Whatever,” she said poking her tongue at me and dug back in my clothes.

She chose a black see-through slip dress and got up from the floor. She stood in front of the mirror holding the dress in front of her and examined herself.

“What do you think?” She asked me.

“That’s supposed to be for you, right?”

“Yeah, of course.” She replied, as if I asked her a really stupid question.

“I thought you were going to look for an outfit for me?” I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

“Yea, I know, but I have to complete my outfit first right?” She rolled her eyes at me.

I sighed and got off the floor.

“Guess I’ll have to look for my clothes myself,” I said under my breath but made sure she hears it.

She tore her gaze off herself and looked at me with her dark blue eyes narrowed. She dropped the dress she had chosen for herself on my bed and sat by me. She sighed loudly.

“You owe me.” She said.


Lauren and I hopped off the taxi and made our way to Ramona’s mansion. It was huge. Her family had no financial problems, apparently. Ramona’s father fixed faces for money, he worked as a plastic surgeon in the city’s number one hospital, Maine Grace. Her mother, like all elite women, spent their husband’s money and also owns a charity home.

My Jimmy Choos crushed the grass beneath me, we were now in the gigantic lawn in front of the mansion. There were beautiful flowers planted on the sidewalk and the boundary of the house. I have been to Ramona’s place before but every time I visit her, there’s something new about the house. It looked more spacious somehow. Her parents were out of town. She had the whole house to herself and her little brother who studied in our school, fourth grade.

“You remember this place, right?” Lauren, who was next to me asked.

“Of course. I have been

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