» Romance » Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author S. J. Evans

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game to him anymore—he was willing to do anything to her as punishment, she knew. He’d made it very clear before that he wasn’t messing around.
Her heart was racing, the beat loud and erratic in her ears. Her voice kept catching in her throat as she stumbled around, throat gone dry from fear. Her palms were sweaty, slipping on near everything she tried to grasp. Eventually, she backed her way into the corner near her bed, yelling at herself inside for being so weak. She would be trapped if she didn’t try something.
Finding her voice, she shook her head, her gaze locked on Johnny, and spoke. “W—what are you going t—to do? Leah’s here. She’ll hear you, hear me.” She stumbled over the words, clenching her hands at her sides in fear and anger. He was getting closer, rounding the corner of her bed as he watched her, a heartless soul looking back at her.
“Oh, Leah,” he mumbled. “She’s taken care of. I gave her something to stay asleep, for a long while. So you won’t need to be screaming, Princess. No one will hear you anyways. I’m very careful.”
Her stomach lurched, twisted in a wicked knot. Tears welled in her eyes but she held them back, trying with everything she had to stay strong. “But,”—she gasped for air as he neared her—“W—what will you do to me? I don’t even understand why you’re doing this.”
There was a quiet sound that passed his lips and hung in the air, resembling laughter. It sent shivers throughout Skye’s entire body. “I caught you yesterday,” he said. “You were about to tell Leah about me, I heard you. And the other day, when you were talking to Rachel, I heard things. Let’s just say I’m going to do everything you deserve for that kind of betrayal, shall we? And for starters, how about I make you mine, officially?”
Her heart stopped beating. As soon as the truth came out—what he wanted, how he’d found out—she wanted to die. She’d rather die than give herself to that monster. He was nothing more than filth to her. He’d already invaded her by kissing her before—she wasn’t about to give into him more without a fight.
But she didn’t have time to think about fighting him.
Johnny, having seen the look of utter-most terror and disgust on her face, lunged for her. He grabbed her arms, roughly, and spun her around so that she was crushed against the wall, head hitting it with incredible force. He slapped her hard across her face, with so much force that she shrieked in pain.
Heat flared up her cheeks instantly, burning the skin. She couldn’t let him do this. Why was she letting him do it? Although everything in the room, including Johnny, was spinning and speckled with black dots, she managed to grab onto a pencil and stab it into Johnny’s side. She knew it wouldn’t do much, but she also knew she needed any time she could get to use as an escape.
As he growled in momentary pain, Skye pushed him aside and managed to scuttle a few feet away—only to have been caught again, with strong arms wrapped around her waist. She screamed, cried out, but a hand clamped over her mouth quickly, muffling the sounds.
“Where do you think you’re going, Princess?” He sneered, hot breath sending shivers down Skye’s spine. “We haven’t gotten to your punishment yet. You’re going to be mine, all mine. And nothing is going to stop that. Not you, not anyone.”
Skye sobbed, her breath practically lost, and tugged on the arm around her. She fought, with everything her crumbling body had—kicking, hitting, pulling, screaming—but it was all a loss.
“Hush, hush,” he whispered in her ear. “I know, I know, you’re scared. But don’t worry about it too much, Skylar. After all, you brought this upon yourself when you betrayed me by tampering with our secret. And now, now I’m going to betray you, you see. I’m going to make you scream and beg for me to stop. But the thing is…your screams won’t be heard. And I’m not going to stop until you’re mine.”
That was it. She couldn’t take anything more. She was fighting with everything she had to stay awake, to save herself, all the while Johnny brought her into the dark abyss of danger. He pushed her onto the bed in one swift movement, and, with an impossibly dark smile, followed along with her.


Skye, taken aback and full of fear, scrambled back on the bed. She clawed her way back, searching for something to grab in defense, but found nothing. Her heart was pounding, slamming painfully against her chest. Her breathing was choked, gasps replacing the natural inhaling and exhaling. Johnny was so close to her, his body causing the bed to creak and sink from his weight. Everything about the situation terrified her; she wanted a way out, a way out of the nightmare. He was trying to take advantage of her; she couldn’t let him.
Her back pressed into the headboard and she sucked in a quick breath. “Johnny,” she whispered, catching her breath. She tried to say something else, but he yanked on her ankles, pulling her across the bed so that she was underneath him.
He put his strong arms on either side of her, attempting to kiss her. But before he could, she twisted herself away and clawed for something to grab onto, something to help her get away, only to end up tugging the covers back with her feeble attempt. Whimpering, she spun back around, ready to lash out at him, but his strong hands gripped her wrists and pinned them beside her.
Crying out in discomfort, she squirmed and did the only thing her aching mind thought to do—she kicked him where it would count, as hard as she could.
He doubled over, grunting and sneering, and fell on her. Desperately, she shoved him away by the shoulders. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she rolled over, managing to get her aching and darkening body into a sitting position. She climbed off of the bed, stumbled in a sprint for her door, and yanked hard on the knob. It didn’t budge at first and she cried out, glancing back at the bed to make sure Johnny was still there.
He was looking at her, eyes dark and unforgiving, and was no longer grunting in pain. “Skylar…” he warned, voice heavy and low.
She shook her head and spun the knob, opening the door in one quick movement. Before she could tell herself to do anything else, she was running out of her room and down the hall—heading for the stairs. Her breath caught in her throat as she dashed down the steps, taking them two at a time. In her vain attempt at an escape, she tripped over the last step and tumbled to the ground.
Her body ached upon impact but she knew she had no time to waste. She had to run. Her life was quite possibly on the line.
Standing up, she heard screams coming from behind her; she couldn’t tell how close they were though. In a feeble attempt to escape Johnny’s tormenting clutches, she scurried over to the front door, unlocked it and tried to open it. Her hands were sweaty though and slipped on the knob.
It was too late.
Strong arms wrapped around her waist and yanked her back, sending her abruptly into something hard. Johnny had caught up to her again. And he was angrier than before.
“I told you Skylar,” he growled, chest heaving against her back. “You need to be punished. And for that little stunt you pulled back there, you’re going to suffer much worse than before. Princess, I was considering being good to you, doing things right, but now—now you’re going to wish you hadn’t tried escaping. This

is your fate.” His voice was gruff, full of rage.
She whimpered in his strong grasp, fighting him with everything she had. “No, please,” she begged. “Please don’t do this.”
He laughed, the sound dark and unsteady, and dragged her along with him, both arms wrapped around her waist. He carried them both up the stairs, into her room, and slammed the door shut, locking it. “You’ve left me no choice, Princess. I have to teach you a lesson. And if this is the only way to keep you silent, then let it be.”
She shook her head, gasping. “B—but it’s not the only way, Johnny,” she choked out. “I’ve learned my lesson. I promise I won’t tell anyone, I won’t betray you again. Just please don’t do this!”
He only squeezed her tighter, cutting off her air supply. “Your promises mean nothing to me.”
She couldn’t breathe; her head became heavy and foggy from the abuse it had taken and the lack of oxygen. She tried to struggle in his arms but she was so weak and worn down that it was hard for her to grapple onto any hope. He’d thrown her onto the bed, pinning her underneath his heavy body. She couldn’t stand it, couldn’t stand what he was doing to her. All in all, she couldn’t stand him—his presence, his hot breath bathing her face, his abuse, his touch—he was all monster. And she only wanted it all to end.
He pressed his hand against her stomach, crushing her, and used his other hand to hold hers above her head. Then he leaned into her and crushed his lips against hers, kissing her aggressively, more than once. Unrelenting.
Skye tried to tune out everything that was happening, tried to imagine herself in another place, but couldn’t. Reality had her in a chokehold, sucking the life out of her. Tears poured from her eyes as she squirmed underneath him, trying to get her lips away from his. Her cries and pleads were snuffed out by his lips at first, but when he lifted himself off of her, panting, she screamed as loud as she could, using as much air as she could get.
Johnny didn’t hesitate before pressing his hand on her mouth and chuckling, his eyes dark and unreadable. “There’s no point screaming Skylar, didn’t I already tell you that? No one will hear you. And you should probably save your breath—you’re not going to want to miss this. You’ll finally be mine

She could hear the disgusting pleasure in his words. He was enjoying it. He was enjoying invading her in the worst way imaginable. And he didn’t care that it was wrong.
Whimpering, she

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