» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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father said to him. Gosh, he does need to get his grade up. He did do his worksheet Wednesday too. God, I was a total bitch to him this morning. What if he was telling the truth? Jake can't just be friends with girls though, there is always some benefits thing going on then. I think at least. I shouldn't have brought up his dad either that was crossing the line. Maybe he does have bad parent problems! Worse then what I heard last night.  "Hey, I gotta get going. I forgot I was a speech to do." I say, grabbing my things. 


"Okay. Later." He says, packing all of his stuff. He must be leaving too.  I sign my name on the board next to my flower I drew, and wave leaving.  I stop by my locker putting away my history book and grabbing my Speech notes. I do have a speech to write.  I drive to my dorm, and go inside in a rush trying to get all my things up to my room. Once I have everything on the ground I turn around heading to the kitchen. I have a stash of Hershey's Cookies-in-cream bars. I'm craving one at the moment. Stealing one, I rip open the package and break a piece off. I hear the creaking of the front door opening and closing in the distance. I get up, and stuff the boxes I have back into it's in a break in the cupboards, it's a spot I only know about apparently.



"What are you doing?" Jake's voice drifts into the kitchen. I jump up banging my head on the top of the counter. I hold my head, muttering swear words.  "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He adds. I mumble more sitting back down in the chair and breaking off more chocolate.  He stands across the table from me, just watching me. What is he doing here? Anne's room is right down the hall if that why he is here. 


"What?" I finally ask, breaking off another piece of chocolate and offering it to him. He takes it, and eats it before he replies. 


"Can we go somewhere more private maybe?" He asks, and I shiver. He wants to go somewhere private with me? That's not good. 


"Like outside... not my room." I say, and he smirks a second. 


"Well, where ever. Just private." He informs me. I stand up bringing my chocolate with, and I lead him outside to the back patio that none of us ever use. It's for bonfires, but we never need to have one because other dorms beat us to it.  "This is fine." He sits in one of the chairs, I sit in the one next to him. I lean back trying to not be so tense. 


"Well...?" I say, looking at the sky. It's quiet a second still, I look at him. He is looking at me. I sit up, clearing my throat. "Hey.. I'm sorry about this morning.. I shouldn't have said some of the stuff I did." I apologize. 


"Apology accepted." He replies, smiling. I give him another piece of chocolate. "I actually wanted to talk to you about the whole tutoring thing." He says. "I was wondering if next week we could have two sessions. I wont be around for spring break, and Mr. Parker said I need do something about it." 


"Depends what day." I say. "Wednesday and either  Monday or Thursday will work for me. I'm busy Tuesday and Friday." 


"Oh?" He says, giving me a questioning look. "Gotta date?" 


"No. Tuesday after school I have a dance thing, and Friday, I'm leaving to go home." I tell him, and he still gives me a confusing look.


"Dance thing?" He raises an eyebrow, and it makes me laugh. 


"Yes," I say, but he wants more information. "I've been in the dance club since I was little.. and now I'm not as interested in it.. I'm doing my farewell recital." I say, looking away. It's odd to be telling him this. No one at school knows about my dance career other then Robbie and Mr. Parker. I have no idea why I actually told him, I'm guessing it has something to do with me feeling bad for this morning.


"You can dance?" He laughs. 


"Ballet." I nod, crumpling up the wrap to my now finished chocolate bar. It's some what embarassing for me to talk about it. Everyone thinks ballet is dumb nowadays, it's all about hip hop and all that stuff. But I love it, I just have to much going on to keep it going, and I just do it for fun, so I can still just go to a studio when ever to just mess around. 


"Really?" He asks, his interest peeked. "You've been in it since you were young... and it sounds like you're gonna miss it so why quit?"


"I guess I'm just not as into as I was before, but yes I will miss it." I say, and I can't help but like the fact that we are having a normal conversation. "Anyways... Monday or Thursday.." I say changing the subject. 


"Oh! Right.." He says, "Hmmm Monday." He says. I nod. Monday it is.


"Is that all?" I ask, he nods. I stand up, roling shoulders. It's a beautiful spring day out side. I might just bring my speech stuff out here and do it! That's a good idea. I'm going to! I walk with him back to the front of the building, he has his hands in his pockets, and he is looking at his surroundings. I still can't help but wonder... we just had a a nice civil and normal conversation. He didn't hit on me or anything. Maybe he was telling the truth about the friend thing. "Hey... last night.. did you say something as I was leaving?" I ask, and I stop in front of the stairs, waiting for him to reply. 


"What?" He says caught of guard. The door opens and Rachel and Anne come out. 


"Jake!" Anne smiles, and I back away. I don't want to see any of this shit!


"I'm busy." He says to her, and she frowns, and I can feel her glare at me. I look him up and down trying to understand him. "I did." he says and pulls me back to his face. I make an O shap eiwht my mouth, now still feeling Anne's raging stare. 


"Well, I' guess.. I better get my speech done." I sigh, then say goodbye. I walk away before he can really reply. I run into the living room, and peek out the windows. I see Anne interogating him, and he looks tired. I close the curtains, and go to my room. Jake didn't look one bit into her at all. She got friendzoned!

Chapter 7- Soft

Jake's POV


She left before I could even say goodbye. I send Anne a glare, she is getting on my nerves. She has been all over me, and I don't like that in a girl. I like being all over the girl, not the other way around!


"What are you doing talking to her?" she snips at me, jealously. I smirk at her and she roles her eyes. "She woont go for it."


"I'm not in it for that." I say, "I had some questions about drama." I lie easily. She lets out a breathe and then she tries in her own weird way to look sexy. It doesn't work for me. I've never looked at her as good looking. Sluts aren't attractive.  


"Jake the only reason you ever talk to a girl is to get something arond that area from them." She smiles, and pulls her friend away with her. I stay there a minute, she is right. I never just want to be friends with girls. I can see why Paige is the way she is with me. I want to do her, no doubt about that. But the fact is she wont, and that's something I've never came across before. She is different with me. She tells me off, and she isn't afraid to be blunt with me. She is still nervous around me though, and I've seen her little blushes. I have an effect on her that's for sure. She is a new thing to me. I for some reason am fascinated with her.


I get in my car, I head back to my dorm. Wyatt is there, with out Carmen. 


"Sup dude! you been with a girl?" He smirks at me. 


"Yeah." I reply,  I've been talking to Paige. 


"That doesn't sound like the I just fucked Jake." He says, and I shak e my head. 


"Because I didn't have sex with her." I inform him and he actually spits out his water. Is it that hard to believe? 


"So you were with Anne?" He asks, not understanding. 


"No, I did see her though. I was with Paige." I say, and he smirks. I grap myself an apple from the fridge, and sit next to him in the kitchen. He is still smirking. 


"Paige..?" He says, "Carmen's friend?" he sits up. I nod that would be her.  "Oh come on dude why you even trying, you aren't going to get anywhere." I  take a bite of my apple. I know that.


" I know." I snap. He doesn't know about the tutoring stuff. No one but Mr. Parker, Paige, Mr. Wilson, and my parents know. " I had some questions about drama." I say trying to get him off my back. He laughs, about me being in drama and I wait for him to shut up. "How are things with Carmen?" I ask changing the subject. 


"Great, she talks about Paige.. and from the sounds of it Paige doesn't like either of us." He brings it back to her.  "So... why are you really talking to her?" He aks. I shake my head.  "You're not getting soft for her are you?" He asks, and he is smiling like a baboon. I toss the apple core in the garabage. Getting soft for Paige? I'm not am I? I've never really liked liked girls. If they're hot, I have sex with them and thats it.  "Is Jake going soft?!" He stands up laughing, and I send him a glare.


"No I'm not!" I tell him, "I've just gotta focus on grades for a second." I say. He studies me, and I let out a breath. Me going soft no way! I shake my head, and go to my room. For him even ask means I am going soft for her. Well, no more. I need a girl this weekend.




I pause, what just happened. I think about it. I don't need a girl. I just want one. I know who I want as well, but that so far doesn't sound like it's going to happen. 

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