» Romance » This Is What Happens When You Live With 8 Guys, Me :) [best books to read for beginners .TXT] 📗

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a girl who stays with you would ditch so they wouldn't need to socialise with you in the morning.” I answered. Blake opened his mouth to say something in response but then closed his mouth and walked out of the room. A girl walked passed the kitchen and towards the front door. Her hair was a mess and her shirt was on backwards. “Hey.” I said trying to get her attention. She turned around towards me. “Which guy?” I asked.

“What? Why?” she asked.

“I just started living with these guys and would like to find out which ones are the real players. So, which guy and tell me your name to see if they remember it.” I said to her.

“Tyler and my name's Emily.” she said and left. About 10 minutes later, Tyler came downstairs. “Hey, where's your girl?” I asked him.

“She left.” he said.

“I know.” I answered. “I watched her leave.” I said and smiled.

“Thanks.” he said sarcastically and gave a fake smile back.

“You're welcome.” I said with another smile on face. I playfully kissed him on the cheek and went back upstairs to my room. I laid back on my bed and realised that I don't even remember half of last night. I closed my eyes trying to picture the last thing I could remember. But I don't know how I even got into bed. I don't know if anything happened with another guy. Oh god, I don't know if anything happened between Xavier and I.

Concentrate, Olivia, concentrate. Okay, so I got a drink. I danced with a few guys and I'm pretty sure that nothing happened there, just some intense dancing. I had a few more drinks and that's when the dancing got intense. Then, I remember. I saw Xavier surrounded by girls and... that's all... I snapped and got drunk and now I can't remember a thing. One of the guys probably put me in bed. I hope I didn't sleep with someone and they left before I woke up.

I heard people going downstairs, so I decided to join. I got up off my bed and went downstairs. Matt and Dani just came down along with Kyle and Angelica.

“It's the two cutest couples of the house!” I said. But everyone groaned in response, once again. “Okay...” I said and handed everyone a bottle of water. I went to the living room and sat down along with everyone else. Everyone was here except for Jackson and oh god, Xavier. Did he sleep with another girl last night? Is that why he isn't here now? I'm pretty sure that he didn't touch me last night, or did he? I need to ask someone that I trust and that would most likely remember something. I trust Matt but he was probably with Dani the whole time and wasn't paying any attention to Xavier and I. Maybe Jacob, he isn't really a party animal and was probably sober the longest.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realised that I was muttering my thoughts out-loud and was doing hand gestures along with my muttering. All the guys plus Dani and Angelica were standing around me and a few of them were waving their hands in front of my face.

I blinked my eyes a few times and they moved their hands away but they were all staring.

“What?” I said.

“You were like, talking to yourself...” Blake said.

“Oh... How long have you guys been standing there?” I asked.

“A while...” Tyler answered.

“Oh.” I said softly. This is what happens when a hot guy gets into my head. I start talking to myself and people think that I'm crazy. “Jacob, come here.” I said to him and grabbed his arm to the kitchen.

“Yes?” he said/asked.

“How late did you get drunk last night?” I asked.

“Surely long after all you guys. You all got wasted within the first half hour.” he said and laughed.

“So, I need to ask you something then...” I said.


“Did I do anything with anyone last night from what you saw?” I asked kind of awkwardly.

“Uh... you danced with a few guys and-”

“Yeah, I remember the dancing and then more dancing but after that, I have no memory at all.” I said.

“Okay, let me think. Yeah, you were dancing with a few guys and then you were dancing with a lot of guys and then with a few guys and girls on the table and then after a while you were way too drunk and could barely stand so one of those guys that you were dancing with put you upstairs in your room, I think...” he said with pauses between every few words when retrieving his memory.

“Okay, thanks.” I said and went upstairs to my room. I laid back on my bed and thoughts were flooding my brain. So nothing happened between Xavier and I last night. Nothing happened between any guy and I last night, well I hope so.



12/31/2014  -> Happy New Year to all the Bookrix users!

Chapter 8:




<<If your lips are movin', if your lips are movin', then you're lyin', lyin' lyin'. >>


“Ugh, where's my phone.” I groaned. I found it and hit the 'Dismiss' button which should say 'Shut the F*** up, I want to SLEEP' instead. I snuggled back into my blanket and closed my eyes.

“Ah shit. It's the first day of school.” I said with my eyes wide open. I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I played 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars on my speakers and stripped out of my clothes. I turned on the shower while I undid my ponytail. I jumped into the shower and let the warm water rush down my body. Once I got out I wrapped a towel around me and went back in my bedroom and into my closet. I grabbed the clothes I needed and put them on my bed. I slipped on a pair of panties and a matching bra. I went back to the bathroom and started to moisturise and then brushed my teeth.

I went to my room and sat down at my vanity. I applied my primer and then a bit of eye shadow along with a small amount of mascara and a thin line of eyeliner. I added some pink gloss on my lips and grabbed my hairdryer. Once my hair was dry enough, I curled it and it looked perfect.

I slipped my clothes on and checked the time, I had to go. I leave a lot earlier than I should since I pick up all my girls on the way to school and grab coffee for each of us before. I went in my closet and grabbed a pair of shoes then grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my back pocket. I looked around for my purse and went downstairs. I quickly said 'Hey' to the few people who were in the kitchen while I grabbed my car keys off the counter. I rushed out the door and went straight into my car.

I drove to Starbucks and they already knew what I wanted. While I waited, I texted all the girls. Once I got all the coffee I drove off to Lissa's house, then Dani's, then Talia's and lastly, Syl. I gave each of them their coffee once they got in the car. Last stop, school.

“Hey Syl?” I asked.

“Yeah?” she answered.

“What's happening between you and Drew?” I asked.

“Nothing, it was just a summer fling, just one night, that's all, he knows it.” she said as I parked the car in front of the school. We all got out of the car and started walking towards our lockers.

“But would it be awkward if you saw him at school today and he talked to you?” I asked her.

“Of course not. Plus, he's a senior and all the other school sluts with be on him and the other guys.” she answered back.

“Actually, he's a junior, like us along with Blake, Tyler and Dani's happiness, Matt.” I said.

“What!?” she exclaimed as she slammed her locker shut.

“Yeah, you didn't know? Jackson, Kyle, Jacob and Xavier are the only seniors.” I said to her as I closed my locker.

Lissa decided to change the subject, “Oh, and talking about Xavier, have you told the girls our genius plan?”

“Actually I haven't yet.” I answered and one of the worst things of school, the school bell, rung. That means, class time. We all took out our schedules to see what classes we had.

“I have Geo with Ms. Santiago.” I said.

“Me too.” said Syl.

“Same here.” added Talia.

“Math with Mr. Freed.” Dani said.

“Same.” said Lissa.

“Okay, see you later girls.” I said and they answered back “See ya later.” and we walked our separate ways.

“So what's your genius plan with Xavier?” asked Talia.

“I'll tell you guys at lunch, when we're all together.” I said.

“Okay.” she answered back. We arrived to the classroom and only a few people were in there. I sat down first and my girls sat next to me. We talked until the teacher came in. Matt walked in with Blake and sat behind us. They said 'Hey' to us and we all said 'Hey' or 'Hi' back.

Once she came in, she told us her name and what we were going to do this year and all that shit that no one cares about. So instead of listening, I was lifted away by my cloud of thoughts. I started by thinking about Xavier, thinking about my plan. Maybe I should just tell Kylie that Xavier loves her. Now that would be hilarious.

Okay, so Kylie is a bitch who has been my enemy since 3rd grade. It all started when she stole my best friend, Samatha. It was always the three of us, the cutest three best friends since kindergarten but then things changed. She pushed me away and then I was alone. For the rest of 3rd grade. Then the next year, we weren't in the same class and I met Lissa and Dani. Kylie became a full-on bitch by high school. If being a bitch were a job, she'd be richer than me. But it's not, so sucks for her.

Kylie and I are the rulers of the school. We are the 'populars' but she's the school bitch, wait a second, if she's the bitch then that means I'm the slut. I'm not a slut, am I? I mean I kissed all those guys but I'm not a slut, right? Whatever, well I have my crew (Me, Lissa, Dani, Talia, and Syl) and she has her crew: her, Miranda which is her replacement of Lissa, Alexis which is her Dani and Lily which is actually her replacement of Talia and Syl together but no one can replace my girls. Samatha moved away in like 6th grade because her parents got divorced or something. I don't even know but whatever.

So if I told Kylie that Xavier loves her, she would get so clingy and he would hate it and it would annoy him so much. Players hate clingy girls but I think I'm gonna stick to my original plan. And that's when the bell decides to ring, once again.

“Uh, baes...” I said referring to Talia and Syl, “I completely zoned out in this class. Was there anything important?” I asked them.

“Nah, you're fine.” they

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