» Romance » Jail Bird., Em. Z. [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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kiddo." I sat up, curling my knees underneath me, "You're not eating too much candy again, right?" I pointed at her.

She shook her head quickly. sitting on her knees in front of me. "Momma said I can only have three pieces of candy a day. We're making sand castles!" She pointed to where Harry sat with his Mom, making a really cool looking castle.

"Jesus." I muttered under my breath, too low for Lindsey to hear. "That is one awesome castle." I said, louder.

She smiled brightly, pride on her face. "I helped make it!"

I smiled and ruffled her hair. "Good job, kiddo. How's your Mom doing?" I asked.

"Good, she told me that if I see you again, that I had to apologize for throwing up on you. I'm sorry." She said, her big brown eyes turning sad and puppy-dogish.

How could I be mad at a face like that?

"Don't worry about it. I remember when I threw up on my brother." I whispered conspiratorily to her. "He didn't speak to me for a whole week!"

Her eyes grew wider. "Really? I hope I never throw up on Harry!" She exclaimed.

I laughed. I liked this kid. She was like a version of me. I bet she even sneaked a few more pieces of candy when her mom wasn't looking. 

"Lindsey! Go help your brother, he's going swimming!" Her mom called, coming toward us.

We watched as she ran to her brother, calling bye to me.

"Hi, again. I hope she wasn't bothering you." She smiled warmly at me.

"She was no trouble. Just talking about her addiction to candy." I chuckled.

She laughed softly. "I'm Malissa Fair by the way." She stuck her hand out.

I shook it warmly. "I'm Jane Harison. It's nice to meet you." I said.

"Honey! No! His head goes above water!" She called, getting destracted once again, as her daughter flipped him, butt in the air.

I laughed softly.

"Wow." I was destracted from the scene by Victor, who was staring at me with a strange expression.


"I knew it was an act." He said, crossing his arms with a smirk.

"Knew what was an act?" I asked, my defensive walls building back up.

"Don't play dumb with me. I saw that. Your face completely softened when that kid ran up." He accused.

I looked away out at the ocean. "So I have a soft spot for kids, sue me." I deadpanned.

He laughed softly and absently laid his hand on top of mine, making warmth fly through me, and my entire body tense.

You do not like Victor Price!

Yes I do.

I like him like no other. The feeling I got when he touched me was enough to prove that. Damn me for being so matter-of-fact with everything!

I looked at him, meeting his golden eyes. Why did I find that eye color so sexy? It's definitely not natural...but it was so good looking on him! My eyes drifted down to his soft, slightly plump lips that had met mine in a brief, hot, demanding kiss. Damn it! Stop! I noticed his small smile had disappeared, and looked back up at him, only to let out a quiet gasp at the intense look in his eyes.

This wasn't good. I needed to get out of here!

"We should head back." I said, my voice not as strong as I would have liked it to be.

"Yeah...sure." He cleared his throat.

We stood up, gathering our towels. He watched as I folded my towel, a strangely conflicted look on his face. I looked at him and gave him a small smile as I finished. He took my hand, making me hitch a breath once again, and lead me down the beach.

We were about halfway home, when he slowed to a stop. He stared ahead for the longest time, as I looked at him in confusion. He finally looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"If I were to kiss you right now, would you slap me?" Victor asked, his voice quick, and rough.

My heart picked up double time.

"Probably." I answered, eyes wide.

He let out a long breath. "I'll take the risk."

And then, without much warning, he took a step forward, grabbed my face between his hands, and crushed his lips to mine. I didn't struggle. As soon as his lips met mine my will crumbled to pieces. I melted into his arms, my own wrapping around his torso, to grip his shoulder blades. I was so glad he didn't put his shirt back on, as his hard body fit perfectly with mine.

In that moment, I wasn't aware of my own strength, as I pushed harder against him to deepen the kiss. We pulled away from each other, a yelp coming from me as we went tumbling to the ground, Victor below me. Our laughs died down after a few seconds, as we stared at each other, our intense gaze communicating so much more than words could. My hands, having a mind of their own, trailed his chest, roaming his perfect body, but never taking my eyes from his.

His golden eyes were like nothing I'd ever seen before, piercing mine with a constant gaze. He could see into my soul, of that I had no doubt. I wondered what he saw there. Apparently something good, because he gripped the back of my neck tightly, and pulled me down to kiss me. He didn't kiss me with the hot, demanding kisses that he usually delivered. This kiss was tender, slow, and utterly sexy. His other hand, the one that didn't have my neck in a vise-like grip, slipped into my hair, gripping it so he could deepen the kiss even more.

He pulled back after a few seconds, getting a whimper of complaint from me. I didn't expect him to take hold of my bottom lip with his teeth and bite down, not too hard, but enough to cause pleasure to radiate like blood through my veins, as I moaned. 

He flipped us over, my back meeting hot sand as his weight came down on top of me. He slowly tipped my head back with his grip on my hair, trailing soft kisses down my neck. When he found precisely the spot that would make me arch beneath him, I could feel his sly smile curve at his lips.

"V-Victor...we need to get...oh!" I gasped as his tongue circled my collar bone, writhing underneath him.

"We need to get what, Baby?" He asked, his voice deep and husky.

Normally, when people called me Babe or Baby, I'd slap them in the face. But with sounded so sexy!

"W-we need to get home." It was almost a moan in of itself, as his fingertips trailed my sides.

"You're right, we need to get home...but do we want to get home?" He asked, trailing kisses back up my neck.

"Y-yes." That was a lie.

"Liar." He chuckled, nibbling at my ear.

"Mom will-" Mom will what? Mom will what? I couldn't think, my mind was in overdrive. 

"Hmm?" He asked, his expert fingers trailing my collar bone.

"She'll be...worried!" I finally remembered.

"No, she knows you're fine when you're with me." He whispered, grasping my ear between his teeth and pulling slightly.

I wouldn't say that.

"We can't do a public place!" I said breathlessly.

"You're right, let's continue this in my room." His warm breath tickled my ear, making a shiver wrack down my spine.

Suddenly my entire body felt cold, as he stood up. His eyes were full of desire as he took me in, and he reached down to grab my outstretched hand, helping me up. I felt utterly lost in my desire, as he lead me the rest of the way down the beach. The five minutes it took to get there wasn't nearly enough time to tape back together my shredded thoughts, and realize why this was wrong.

I noticed that the car was gone, and realized with a sinking feeling that Mom and Kent were out somewhere...and possibly Logan...

We were alone. All alone. No one to stop us from doing something really stupid...not even myself.

So as he lead me into the empty house, I felt nurves and anticipation curl and clench my stomach. I swear I'd have abs by the time we got to the bedroom. He picked me up bridle style, and threw me on the bed, making an involentary giggle escape my lips. He crawled on top of me, his eyes taking in my body with an intense look. I began to feel nervous as he leaned down to kiss me again, taking his time to run his hands along my body. His lips moved to my neck, nibbling at my sweet spot.


He put his finger to my lips, pulling back to look into my eyes. "I won't make love to you tonight, Jane. I just want to feel you." He whispered.

I felt goosebumps rise on my arms, as a blush colored my cheeks, and I began to feel a bit self-conscious. What if he saw something he didn't like? What if he decided he didn't want me? What if-

My thoughts were cut off abruptly as he kissed my sweet spot yet again. 'What if' nothing! I didn't care what he found, this felt good!


Someone clearing their throat awoke me from a deep, comfortable slumber. I opened my eyes groggily, glaring at the person who dare inturrupt my sleep. Why was Logan in my room this early? Better question, why did I have a strong arm wrapped around my waist?

Wait a minute...this wasn't my room!

My God! I slept in his room last night! Victor's arm was wrapped around my waist! I gasped, sitting up and pulling the covers around me. "L-Logan!" I said, running a hand through my messy hair, "This isn't what it looks like, I kind of is but...not really, I mean-"

"Relax, cupcake. Your mom doesn't know." He rolled his eyes, still grinning.

I sighed in relief. She'd kill me. "This still isn't what it looks like." I insisted.

He raised his eyebrows. "Then what is it really?"

I opened my mouth to answer, holding up a finger, but all that came out was a big breath of air and my hand went limp, falling to my side. I had nothing. Victor and I had showered (seperately, get your mind out of the gutter people!) and changed into pajamas, and then he held me close to him like a teddybear as we fell asleep. He'd explored my body, but he hadn't made love to me, just as he promised. I couldn't very well tell Logan that!

"Just get out." I sighed heavily.

He left with a laugh, closing the door behind him. I rolled my eyes, lying back down and cuddling into the still-sleeping Victor's arms. He mumbled something in his sleep and held me tighter to his chest, nuzzling my neck.

I sighed happily, pressing a kiss to the top of his messy head.

"Best, night, ever." I whispered.

The Flight.


I was sitting in the kitchen, eating cereal, when my phone rudely interrupted me. I sighed heavily and answered it without looking at the ID.


"Jane, it's me. Listen, I don't want you to listen to a word he says, alright? Don't listen to him-!"

"Dad?" I asked, hearing a lot of shuffling, "Dad!" I yelled when he didn't answer.

"Hello, Jane. Your father can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep."

My blood ran cold, and I gripped my spoon

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