» Romance » LITTLE GIRL LOST, SARAH BETH LEE [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗

Book online «LITTLE GIRL LOST, SARAH BETH LEE [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗». Author SARAH BETH LEE

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wondered why this guy had picked her and why she had opened up and shared so many intimate details of her life to him a complete stranger.


Zach wasn’t sure what he had expected when he followed Hannah home from the bookstore but he was pleasantly surprised at what he found. She was like sugar and spice but no one ever got close enough to see who she really was. He had watched how she had opened up to him as she answered his questions but he was sure if she had known there was a chance in hell that he knew who she really was or that she might ever see him again she wouldn’t have been so candid with her answers. He felt bad for lying to her but he had to know what Nick was getting himself into with this little project of his.

Zach walked to the elevator and punched the down arrow. He thought about Hannah and her answers to his questions and realized that she wasn’t anything like he had expected. She was bright and funny without even trying to be. She wasn’t one of those smart people who didn’t have people skills or common sense; she was well rounded and really nice.

Zach reflected on the questions he had asked at random having not been exactly prepared for her to open the door. She had described Nick to a tee when asked what her perfect man would look like, so she did remember him. He was surprised by that, Nick must have left his mark imprinted forever in her mind. She loved Linkin Park the same as Nick and how odd that peanut butter was their favorite food. Nick could just sit with a spoon and eat it right out of the jar. He was brought back to the present as the elevator doors opened and he made his way to the front desk.

“Hey Carson I checked all the cameras on the fourth and fifth floors. I found a couple of loose wires on the top floor so I’ll be back next week to replace them.”

“Thanks Zach I hadn’t even noticed any glitches on the screen.”

Zach smiled at his college friend and owner of the apartment building, “No problem it was time for a routine check and I was in the neighborhood.”

Carson offered his hand across his the desk, “Thanks again, so tell Beth I said hi.”

“I will and give my best to Mackenzie.”

“You know we should all get together one night, maybe we can even find a girl for Nick.”

“Yeah well you know Nick says he’s never going to settle down. I am however hopeful that he may have been bitten by a bug that isn’t going away.”

Carson raised his eyes at Zach, “You’re serious? Well let me know how that goes.”

“Oh somehow I think you’ll know if anything comes from it.”

Zach waved over his shoulder as he walked to the front entrance, “See you next week.”

“See you then.”

Zach walked around the block and unlocked his Ford Explorer still thinking of Hannah. He wondered what to do now. He wasn’t sure if he should tell Nick of his little visit or see how things progressed without his help.
Chapter Four Guardian Angel


Once again Nick found himself floating through time and space with no idea where he was supposed to be going. He was helping Lucas out with some test and maintenance issues. He could feel the turning and the speed slowing down as his feet thudded to the ground.

The first thing he noticed was the sudden drop in the temperature and the fact that he needed a coat. He shoved his hands in his pockets and began to walk down the street. He found a store on a busy corner and stepped inside. He noticed it was a department store perfect for buying a heavy winter coat. He reached in his back pocket and found his wallet he had a few singles, a ten, a couple of twenties, a hundred dollar bill and an American Express Card. Nick made his way to men’s clothes and began the tedious task of finding a coat. He noticed that all of the clerks kept watching him. He supposed that if he had seen a man who looked like he was completely crazy dressed in a flimsy tee shirt in the dead of winter he would stare too. He grabbed a brown leather bomber jacket, thinking that he had had one just like it in junior high school. He laughed as he realized that junior high wasn’t that long ago considering the look of the store. He walked to the register. He waited behind a man purchasing a scarf and gloves; he decided maybe he should grab some gloves as well. As luck would have it there was a display at the end of the counter. He picked a pair at random and laid them with the coat on the counter. As the man rang in his purchases he handed him his credit card. He waited as the transaction failed to go through. Nick had forgotten that he was somewhere in the past and his card was dated in the future. He looked around the store trying to determine what the date might be. He saw a receipt lying on the floor by his foot so he bent to retrieve it. Nick straightened and glanced at the ticket, it was December 24, 1993. He sighed okay so he was back in 1993 but why? He noticed all the poinsettias, tinsel and garland it was definitely Christmas and found himself wondering how Hannah was coping with her first Christmas without her dad. He longed to whisper in her dreams that all was right with the world and that he was watching over her as she slept but he knew he couldn’t talk to her this time. He was pulled out of his muddled thoughts by the short crisp voice of the salesclerk.

“Sir is this some kind of joke?”

Nick looked at the man who was holding his credit card and waiting for a reply. Nick reached in his wallet and handed him a hundred dollar bill. He then snatched his card out of the clerk’s hand as he looked at Nick questioningly.

“Does that cover it?”

The clerk accepted the money and finished the transaction. He then smiled at Nick and offered an apology.

“Sir I am so sorry there must have been a glitch in the system. It said there was no card registered with that credit card number or name. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience?”

“Don’t worry about it my brother probably switched mine with one of those preauthorized ones that come in the mail.”

Nick smiled to himself because that was so something that only Zach would do. He accepted his change and receipt before turning to leave. He walked along the isle looking at the dozens of Christmas trees that were scattered throughout the store. He stopped next to a 15 foot tree with twinkling multi=colored lights and decorated with hundreds of angel ornaments. He saw how intricate the designs were and how they glittered in the hue of reds and greens he was swept back to a different time and place. He could see his mom with cookies and hot chocolate as he and his sisters sat by the Christmas tree and listened as their dad read The Night Before Christmas. He had been the oldest by three years and at the age of six the twins had been three. He remembered the joy of the holiday and the magic that seemed to be in the air so thick he could almost taste it. He wished that life was still as simple as it had seemed back then.

Nick drew his attention back to the ornaments and realized how unique each one was. He saw a sign telling about the designer and how each one was a one of a kind. He saw how they varied in shapes and sizes but all of them were sprinkled with gold and trimmed with tiny diamonds that glistened in the lights. He found one of an Angel looking over a babe as it slept. He picked it up and looked at the price tag; it was discounted to 75% that would make it $25 dollars. He took it to the counter and waited impatiently as the sales clerk rang in the ornament.

“This is lovely sir is it for someone special?”

Nick thought of Hannah how hard this Christmas was going to be for her without her dad there. He looked at the young lady and smiled, “Yes it is.”

She smiled back at him, “Why don’t you let me gift wrap that for you?”

Nick nodded and watched as she placed the angel in a box then placed it in a red gift bag with silver and gold tissue paper. She then slid a card and envelope across the counter, “Here you can sign the card.”

Nick took the pen that she held out to him. He looked at the blank card and wondered what in the world to write. He then scribbled on the ivory card,

I know how hard this Christmas is for you, the first of many without your daddy, but I am watching you and hoping that you remember that I am always as close as your dreams.
Merry Christmas & Sweet Dreams always
Your Guardian Angel

Nick placed the card in the envelope and sealed it. He then thanked the lady and took his gift. He made his way to the front entrance that led to the bustling sidewalk out front. He walked along the sidewalk looking for a messenger service he found what he was searching for on the next street. Nick pushed open the door and approached the counter.

“Hello how may I help you?”

“I need this delivered to Hannah Roberts and I don’t know the address. She is the daughter of Veronica Roberts and the late Davis Roberts, can you help me?”

“Of course sir I know the address we make deliveries there quite often.”

Nick smiled the first real smile in ages and he thanked the man. He wondered if the man would be willing to help him with one more thing.

“Will there be anything else

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