» Romance » Unclaimed Love, E.J Belle [manga ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «Unclaimed Love, E.J Belle [manga ereader TXT] 📗». Author E.J Belle

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ended up walking through the various parts of the forest as if I was going on a little adventure of my own. I stopped after a while of wandering through the forest and decided to climb up one of the trees only to sit down on one of the large strong branches.



I carried a book in one of my hands and decided to open it up so I could read it. However I didn't get very far in the book because before I was able to turn the page I noticed a boy of maybe eleven or twelve years old gazing at me.



He had dark brown short hair, dark brown eyes almost black and pale skin. He looked about five ft six; he wore a dark blue navy hoody, a white long-shirt underneath it, a pair of blue trousers and a pair of white sketchers.


A smile had been plastered upon his red vibrant lips as if he knew something I didn't.


"What is up with you?" I questioned him.



"Nothing I was just wondering why a pretty girl like you would be wasting her time reading silly books when you could be doing something useful." He replied.


"Hmm I could be doing something useful like what?" I answered back.


"Hmm like playing hide and seek with me." He winked at me.


"I'm too old and mature to be playing games like that with a child like you. Being flirty doesn't work with me, and I'm too old for you. Find somebody your own age to flirt and to play with." I advised him.


"You're no fun at all. Grownups are so boring." He muttered.


"What is your name?" I asked since I didn't know him.


"Daniel, but my friends call me Danny." He responded.


He continued to make his smile even warmer by showing off his pearly white teeth. Seriously when will this kid cut it out?


"What's your name?" He questioned me.


"Allie." I smiled at him.

"Nice name." He complimented me.


"Thank you; I really like your name too." I admitted.


"Please, I really want to play hide and seek with you." He begged.


"Okay I'll play with you, on one condition, it is only one game." I stated.


"Okay I agree." He said climbing down the tree only to go and run off I assumed he was going to find a place to hide.


I covered my eyes and began to count to one hundred to give him plenty of time to find a hiding spot in the forest.


I woke up slowly from my nap, well at least that wasn't a nightmare, but it was one strange dream.


I checked the time on my watch that I was wearing on my wrist; it was 8.00 pm an hour after my usual dinner time.


I sighed leaving my bedroom only to go downstairs and into the kitchen to try and find myself something to eat.


I opened the fridge to see a margarita pizza. I licked my lips in delight; I took it out before setting it down upon the small black island.


"Have you everything ready for tomorrow?" I heard my mother questioning me.


"Yes I do." I turned slightly to see that she was standing next to the small black island gazing at me lovingly.


"That's good honey. Honey you know your father and I never really wanted to agree to this arrangement, to be honest I wish you weren't going to live with this man, after last night's events." My mother admitted.


"If you ask me the man is very temperamental." I stated.


"Well honey just be on your best behaviour and do everything they tell you to do and you should be fine. Just make sure you have everything packed for tomorrow." My mother smiled at me.


I watched her put the pizza in the oven for me and turn it on to full heat. I took this time to notice what my mother was wearing. She was wearing a light vivid green short-sleeved dress that stop at her knees, and the sleeves stopped at her elbows. Her hair had been tied back in a bun and she had a black coat to keep her warm.


"Are you working tonight?" I questioned her.


"Yes I am Allie." She answered truthfully.


I sighed I wish she wasn't going to work especially on a Sunday night. Sometimes I thought she worked too hard.

She smiled warmly before walking out of the kitchen and leaving the house locking the door behind her.

After a while, I took out my pizza and began eating it savouring the taste of it.


After I had finished it I made my way back upstairs to my bedroom only to go into my dressing room and find a decent-sized suitcase in there. My dad must've put it there.


I sighed as I lifted the suitcase up with my hands and placed it on the edge of my bed opening it only to put all of my clothes that I had in my drawers and in my dressing room into the suitcase.


I really didn't want to go to live with this man not to mention with two boys living there as well.


Tomorrow would come all too soon I knew that much since it was already 11.00 and I still had to dump a few other things into my suitcase.


There was perfume and a few other things that meant a lot to me.


After sometime I had finally finished packing my suitcase. I was about to set my alarm on my mobile until I noticed a message.


See you tomorrow sweetheart x


I didn't recognise the number so I didn't bother to respond to whoever had sent the message.


But the thought of the message never really left my mind, I wonder who had sent the message maybe it was Aidan since he had my number but then again it could've been anyone.


Without thinking about it any further I set my alarm for 6.00 am so I would be able to get up early for tomorrow before putting the suitcase down on the bedroom floor before putting on my pyjamas and getting into the bed pulling my duvet covers over my chest only to drift off into a peaceful night sleep.


Still at the back of my mind I wonder what tomorrow would bring along with college and moving into a house with a pair of strangers.


Chapter Five Welcome to Hell


Forwards and backwards, how many more times would I stir in my sleep? I thought before I fell out of my bed.

I groaned when the floor came into contact with my butt as I had landed on my butt on the brown-wooden- bedroom floor.

I rubbed my head before rubbing my eyes trying to get the sleep out of them. It was Monday and I wondered what the day would bring. I probably wouldn't learn anything new anyway. And like all teenagers I hated Mondays.


I was about to turn towards the bed that I had fallen out of until my eyes landed upon a suitcase that was sitting on my bedroom floor next to my chest of drawers.


Then reality had hit me, like a bolt of lightning. Today was the day that I was going to be moving in with Mr Thompson and his family. I groaned in annoyance as the realisation had come back to haunt me. I had packed nearly everything that I had needed and was precious to me last night into that suitcase that was now resting upon the wooden-brown floor.


If only the bank wasn't shutting down and if only someone hadn't robbed my father's bank account then I wouldn't be in this situation right now.


I slowly got off of the floor and sighed when I heard my alarm on my mobile going off. When I turned it off I wasted no time and rambled into the bathroom undressing myself only to have a quick shower.


The hot water that cascaded down my skin was relaxing. After five or ten minutes I turned the shower off and draped myself in a warm towel that had been on the rail. I brushed my teeth quickly and wandered back towards my bedroom only to get attired into a plain-white-short-sleeved top, a dark-green-checker-shirt, a pair of dark-blue-trousers and a pair of black shoes.


I quickly brushed my hair and didn't bother to do anything with it. I just decided to leave it down.


It wasn't long until I noticed the bed that I had fallen out of this morning, and the horrible realisation had struck me once again. Last night, had been the very last time that I would have slept in the bed that I had grown up sleeping in and getting out of in.

I couldn't believe how dark it was outside this morning after I had taken the liberty of pulling back the curtains and gazing at the black sky that was as black as bleak.


I quickly grabbed my college bag putting it on to my back and grabbed the handle of the suitcase that held all of my belongings inside.

It was strange though, normally my mother would've walked into my room to wake me up even if I had set the alarm on my mobile to get me up at 6.00 am. Even if she had been on nightshifts, she would always wake me up in the mornings no matter what.


I rambled out of my old bedroom after taking one last glance at it.


Questions started to swim through my mind would I have to say goodbye to Sarah? I hope that wouldn't be the case. I hoped that if I moved into the home of a man that I already had a massive dislike for that I wouldn't have to say goodbye to anyone that I was friends with.


A sigh left my lips as I ambled down through the hallway until I had reached my parents' bedroom that was at the other end of the corridor.


The bedroom had been made up carefully and neatly, and neither of my parents were there in the bedroom so I assumed that they must've been downstairs.


After closing the bedroom door quietly I carried my suitcase in my arms carefully as I made my way down the stairs until I had reached the bottom of the staircase.


Once again, I grabbed the handle of the suitcase and started to pull it until I had entered the kitchen. No smell of pancakes filled my nostrils, but then again I guess you couldn't have pancakes every day in the morning.


I stopped as I had entered the kitchen. I saw my mother and my father sitting opposite each other like they had always had.

My mother looked very pale with huge bags underneath her weary eyes, she looked as if she had been weeping quite a bit and she was still in her uniform that she had worn last night to work.


"What's wrong? Mum." I questioned her softly.


"Nothing dear, I just wish you weren't leaving that is all." She said as I enveloped her in a hug. But somehow I got the feeling that she wasn't telling me something. As if she was hiding something from me.


"Allie, I'll take you to college." My father told me.


I nodded in understanding before sitting down at the table and eating the toast that had been placed on a plate on the table for me.

I ate it quickly before giving my mum one last hug and letting my dad take my

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