» Romance » Heart of the Underage, Astrid R [best books to read in your 20s TXT] 📗

Book online «Heart of the Underage, Astrid R [best books to read in your 20s TXT] 📗». Author Astrid R

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and saw him winced to the look that I gave him.

“Oh dear,” I gasp, backing away from the dress “Don’t tell me, that this dress… is for- for” I asked with teary eyes.

Mitchell smiled and nodded his head while looking at me. My eyes watered even more and I felt my tears rolled down my cheeks. I know you’re thinking that I’m over dramatic but seriously, I’ve never had a dress as beautiful and expensive as this one, since I left my family and live the life that I chose. I always mention that I missed my old life back in L.A but I never missed my golden dresses, shoes and some of my things. But the thing is I never thought that Mitchell of all people would buy such a luxurious dress for me. Yea, we’re best friends but this is too much.

Mitchell sighed and walked towards me, “Come on, and don’t be dramatic. Just wear the dress because I want you to be my partner tonight at the ball.” He hugged me and wiped my tears.

I stared at his blue eyes and shook my head, “I can’t,” I choked. Mitchell looked at me confuse. I cleared my throat and gulp, “I can’t wear that dress.” I stated, eyeing the dress.

Mitchell frowns and looked at me pleadingly, “Why not? That dress wouldn’t bite, you know.” He joked and I chuckled.

“Yea, but I can’t wear such a dear dress, Mitch. I felt like I was still living in my old me!”

Mitchell walked me in the edge of my bed and we sat there in silence before he speak, “Don’t you miss your life, Gabby? Don’t you miss wearing a dress that you used to wear every fucking day?” he asked and I keep in silence looking down at my hands. “I know you miss your life back there and I know it’s really hard for you to live a new and very different life from what you were before because of that bastard. But you have to live a little, Gab. You’re beating yourself because of it. Let yourself loose a little and be happy.” He continued.

He placed his hand on the top of mine, “Please… Just wear the dress for tonight and I promise that you’re not wearing that dress anymore.” He pleaded. I looked up at him and saw him looking at me with those creepy puppy dog eyes of his. “Just for tonight.” He added.

I nodded my head, “Dude, don’t do that again?” I cringed at his puppy look. He really doesn’t know how to do it.

He laughed and nudge me at the side, “It’s not THAT bad,” he muttered and his face turned a bit red.

I laughed at him, “Aw, look at you, your blushing.” I poked his cheek and he quickly stood up and walked to wear the dress was placed and handed it to me.

“Just hurry up and wear dress. We only have 3 hours left and we still have to go to the salon for your hair and make -up.” He muttered.

I giggled and grab the dress before walking to the bathroom. After wearing the dress, I walked back to my room and motion my index finger to Mitchell to come.

“Could you please zip the dress up? I couldn’t reach it.”

He nodded and zipped the dress. I looked up to my reflection in my closet’s mirror and gawked at how the dress perfectly fit into my body. The strapless, sweetheart style makes my boobs look bigger and it showed more cleavage than I wanted. The dress showed every right curved of my body and I felt cold because my back was absolutely naked. The back of the dress was formed into a V-shape that stops just above the line of my undies.

“You look beautiful, Gab.” Mitchell murmured in my ear.

I shivered lightly and looked at him, “Thank you.” I smiled and he smiled back.

We walked down the hallway of the condominium and out of the sudden Carlo pop out of my head. I stop walking and Mitchell looked at my horror face.

“What’s wrong?” Mitchell asked worriedly.

“I can’t leave the apartment,” I said frowning.

“Why not?” Mitchell said, raising his eye brow.

I looked up at him and poked him in the stomach, “Do you know that Carlo would be mad if leave the room without his permission?” I raised my brow back at him.

Mitchell looked at me for a second and then laughed like a maniac. I looked at him now confused, “What’s funny?” I queried.

He stopped and stood up straight before poking me back to my stomach. “You really cared about what he thinks, do ya?” he asked.

I crunched up my nose, “What? What are you talking about?” I asked back, really confused.

He shook his head, “I thought Gabby doesn’t care to anyone’s opinion, either bad or good?”

I rolled my eyes, “Of course, but I just don’t want to get into trouble, you know. What if someone break in the apartment and stole Carlo’s things? Of course, he would blame me because I live in there too and that no one was at home instead of me. Heck, I don’t want to be in jail for the rest of my life.” I throw up both of my hands for dramatic effect and Mitchell rolled his eyes.

“Don’t be such a worry wart, my dear. I have already asked Carlo for taking you with me.” Mitchell explained and I sighed in relief.

We continued walking to the parking lot and climbed in to Mitchell’s limousine. “Where are we heading anyway?” I asked.

Mitchell sat down beside me and pulled out his phone. “We’re going to my business ball. Everyone needs to have a partner, so instead of hiring someone, I decided to bring you with me.”

I nodded and panic takes over me when I caught his word. “So, you mean all of the business man around in America would be there too?” I gulp, “What if my dad will be there too, Mitch?”

Mitchell put his hand on my shoulder, “Relax, only the young business people would be there. It was a young business ball. You don’t have to worry about it, Gabby. Just relax and enjoy the night, Okay?”

I relaxed a little and smiled at him. He smiled back and before I could process what happen, we’re already at the salon. I was sitting in the leathered chair in front of a big mirror and Mitch sitting behind me reading a magazine.

After everything done, Mitchell stretched out his hand and I took it and we walked back inside the limo. The driver took off and after 20 minutes we arrived in the luxury looking hotel.

Lots of people were standing outside. Paparazzi were everywhere holding their cameras and there are some reporters as well. I rubbed my sweaty hands together and breathe heavily.

Mitchell saw my nervousness and smiled at me. “Don’t be nervous, it was just outside. As soon as we get inside the door everything will be back to normal.” He squeezed my hand and I nodded before we stepped outside the limo, ready to face the crazy paparazzi.

Chapter Eleven


Mitchell was holding my side tightly and squeezing our body together. I lowered my head to avoid the flashing cameras that was clicking multiple times, behind us, beside me and Mitchell and in front of us.

I felt really uncomfortable to the questions that people were throwing to us. Paparazzi and showbiz reporters were following our tail and snapping pictures every move we take.

“Mr Montgomery, is that your official girlfriend?” someone asked behind us, probably a paparazzi.

“Mr Montgomery, we heard that you and your father got in an argument yesterday outside your house, is that true?” a voice of a woman asked.

Mitchell stiffens beside me at the mention of the ‘father’. His hold on my waist tightens and his pace quicken than before. Mitchell and his father aren’t besties since we’re in high school. He despises his father and vice versa. His mother always has a problem when the two were put in the same room. They’re like lion and a tiger trying to bite each other’s flesh.

I squeeze Mitchell’s hand and he looked down at me with trouble expression. I offered a smile and he smiled back but doesn’t reach his eyes.

We walked a bit faster and I heard the voices of the crazy reporters and paparazzi’s were slowly fading and before I could blink, the door closes behind us.

I sighed in relief that we’re still in one piece. Though Mitchell in the other hand was still stiff and silent… very silent, I can’t even hear him breathe.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he flinch a little. I gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged. I want to ask him what happen about him and his father but I decided not to and leave it… for now.

I looked back in front of me and realised that the place looks really beautiful. In fact it looks like I was in fairy tale. Bright lights were everywhere like Christmas. Decorations match the theme of the ball. There were big printed sign of ‘Money for Perry’. I arched my brow at the theme and asked Mitchell.

“Hey Mitch, why does the ball’s theme ‘Money for Perry’?”

Mitchell followed my gaze and he smiled the smile that makes your heart skip a bit. “This ball was dedicated to the kids who were fighting for cancer. We always have this kind of event every year. All young business people in America gathered around and donate some money for the kids while enjoying the night and meet some new friends.”

I nodded and smiled. I never thought rich people could be such kind as normal people. I always thought that rich people were smug, cold hearted bitches and assholes, and only think of their self. But I guess I was wrong, maybe not all of rich people were like that.

Mitchell guided me further inside the hotel. Thousands of people were everywhere. Girls looked glamorous, jewelleries were sparkling in their neck, ears, and wrists and even in their ankles. Some wear short sequin dresses, others wears same as mine, floor length dresses. They are beautiful.

Guys look were really business like. The way they talk to their friends, the way they act, the way they drink and held their glass are so formal.

Mitchell grabs two drinks and handed the other to me. I muttered a ‘thank you’ before taking a small sip. We stood there and look around us. Then I realised that no one was walking to our direction or even have a small conversation to Mitchell. I looked up at him and found him looking around as well like we were in the cinema watching a movie.

I knew Mitchell since we were toddlers and he is always the friendly person than me. He has a bubbly personality and a very smart man. But I never thought of him being so quiet especially in a business party.

I opened my mouth to start a small conversation but he beat me to it. “I’ll just go to the toilet real quick, I’ll be back.” I nodded and watch him walk off to the corner.

I stood there awkwardly looking at everyone talking to their friends happily. I was too busy getting bored on

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