» Romance » Just tonight, Delenatwinflames [ink book reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Just tonight, Delenatwinflames [ink book reader .txt] 📗». Author Delenatwinflames

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He looked nervous for a second . And he almost spilled his drink .

" What do you remember ? " his voice was a bit shaky .

" How I tried to kill myself . Why I tried to kill myself . I remember that whole day . And I remember you . You saved me . "

He was glaring at me with shock .

" How .. ? You were suppose to forget all that ... I compelled you . "

" Obviously you didn't - I was sipping vervain everyday in case I forget to put on my necklace . " I said , waiting for his reaction .

I could see that he was angry and in shock at the same time .

" You were suppose to forget all that . " Damon repeated and drank the whole glass .

" No . I wasn't suppose to forget all that . However , I am glad that I didn't . Because I now know what I need to do . Something I should have done a long time ago . "

" Yeah , and what would that be ? " he asked in with a bitter tone , turning his face to me .

" This . " I moved closer and landed my lips with his . They were soft and tasty , just like I imagined them . I could sense his surprise - it took him just a few seconds to kiss me back . I plunged my hands in his hair . He was holding my back with his . He moved his lips slowly and gently . I parted his lips a bit , letting the delicious breath come into my mouth .

" Well , isn't this just sweet ? " I suddenly heard a sarcastic voice saying . I broke the kiss and looked up . And I saw him , standing in the doorway that was leading to the cellar .

Stefan .

Author's note: O-o , Stefan's here . What's going to happen next ??? Next chapter . So , what do you think ? Was it good or bad ? Tell me . I know exactly what to do with the next chapter , so it's going to be up soon . Kiss
Some flashbacks and some bad headaches

Author's note: I wanted to upload this chapter sooner , but my block was stopping me . This is the first time I wrote this story in Stefan's P.O.V. , so I don't know if I got it right . Be good and please tell me what you think . Anyway , this pick ups where the last chapter ended . Enjoy!

Stefan's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what have I just witnessed . Damon and Elena kissing . Damon didn't kiss Elena . She kissed him . Elena kissed Damon . And the way she was kissing him ... And just the fact that she kissed him , made me realise that my nightmares had come true - Elena have moved on . I officially lost her . I knew that I lost Elena the day we found Damon's letter . And since then I kept losing her every day more and more . Even when Bonnie cast that spell on her , I could see that she was still miserable . Of course she was-she was with a man who she didn't love .

That wasn't completely true . She loved me , it's just that she wasn't in love with me . I wasn't the one which her heart desired . I just couldn't face that . That it wasn't like when we were dating in high school . I wish it was like that . Yes and no . She would be in love with me , but then Damon would suffer again . Damon . He must be gloating now . He stole away Elena from me . Mission accomplished , brother . Now , I could finally realise how'd he felt when he was watching me with Elena . He had to suffer this every single day for a year . If this was like someone stacked me , I couldn't imagine what he'd been through . And , right now , I felt like my heart was shattered in pieces . I could bare to look at Elena when she was with Damon . When she was looking at him like that . Like she was stroking him with her eyes .

Usually , when we were together , she would control her feelings towards him . She was pushing them aside , only because she felt guilty because of me . But , she could control her looks and glances , or at least what they were showing off . She could never really hide her feelings for him . Like that day when she was kidnapped by Rose . When she was standing at that staircase , I knew that she wanted to hug Damon , not me . And I stolethat hug from him . I was that jealous .

I wanted Elena just for me . I was selfish . I loved her , but I never considered her happiness . What she really wanted ... Who she wanted ... Not me , but Damon . I had to brace it that I lost her . For good this time . No spell and no compulsion would fix that . And when she was under that spell , I knew that she was unhappy . But when I let myself realise that , the deal was sealed - she was under that spell and it will take years to fade away . Because there was no countercurse . I did that to her . I messed up her life . I messed up her conscience . But nothing could make her fall in love with me again . That spell was just an illusion of love , nothing more and nothing less . And , not even that spell could make her hide , in the back of her conscience , her feelings for Damon . Her love for him . Nothing could do that . Their love was too powerful .

I could never imagine how'd she felt these five years - she thought that she was in love with me , when she was actually with Damon . She must have been suffering ; all that conciance messing . I hurt her and I didn't even know how much . I remember that night when I came home from Bonnie's. After I made her cast that spell on Elena .

" Elena ?" I called her after I came in .

"Yes ? " she appeared in front of me . She looked like she had been crying . Maybe Bonnie was right . Maybe there were side effects after all . I walked up to her . I took a deep look to her face .

" What's wrong ? " I asked her .

" Nothing , it's just I have this huge headache . Almost like a migraine . I don't know why . It started just a few minutes ago and it won't stop . I took three aspirins , but there was no use of that ." she said , closing her eyes and massaging her head .

I sighed . It must have been because of the spell , I just knew it . I felt bad because of that . Once the spell was cast , there was no coming back . I felt guilt . And it was written all over my face .

" What's up with you ? You look like you ran over someone's cat . " Elena said , trying to cheer me up . Not that running cats over would cheer me up .

" Nothing . I just feel bad . I don't know why . " I lied . I knew why did I felt bad .

" Oh , poor thing . Don't be . I love you . Just you . " she suddenly said . I was surprised by her words.

" Why did you just say that ? " I wanted to know . This was weird .

" I don't know . " it was like she was confused by her own words . " It just came to my mouth . "

" But , it's true . I love you . " she said caressing my cheek . I wanted to scream because of so much guilt that was a response to her words . But , when her hands touched my cheek and that look in her eyes ... The way she didn't look at me in months . The look I thought it was forever gone for me .It somehow made me feel less guilty . It made me feel like I was wanted .

" This headache won't stop any time soon. Let's just go upstairs . " Elena said and smiled .

" Sure . "I said smiling back at her .

We went upstairs to my room . We laid on the bed . She was holding on to me and I liked that feeling . When we were usually in bed , she would just turn to the other side . And now , she was cuddling in me . Just like that .

" Kiss me . " she suddenly said . I looked down at her . She really expected me to kiss her . And , I don't even remember the last time we kissed . On the lips . She would kiss me on the cheek sometimes , and sometimes when I wanted to kiss her on the lips , she would just turn her head , and my lips would just end up on her cheek . I hated when she did that .

" On the lips?" I asked , feeling like a complete idiot .

" Yes . " she said and turned her head to me . She was still having that look . Like she really wanted me . Like she was truly in love with me . So , I leaned towards her and kissed her . Her lips tasted more sweet than ever and she was moving them like before everything happened . Before she fell in love with Damon . It was like our first kiss when we were watching the comet .

She tried to take off my shirt . I didn't resist . And , that was the first night we slept together after a long time .

But , I knew that it was all a lie . The feeling , her sudden desire for me .It was all because of

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