» Romance » My boss is my freaking Ex??!!!, Kenzhie A. [e reader pdf best txt] 📗

Book online «My boss is my freaking Ex??!!!, Kenzhie A. [e reader pdf best txt] 📗». Author Kenzhie A.

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Wilson. I didn't know you were such a reliable and sensible secretary. I'm glad I hired you,” he mocked and grinned at me like he was telling me that my plan to piss him off backfired.


“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked like a dimwit while glaring at him.


“Well, you've just chased away that woman so easily when I tried everything, but couldn't. You are such a gem and you're not late. Keep up the good work.” He winked at me and got on the elevator as soon as it opened. “Aren't you getting on?” He asked when I just stood there, in front of the open elevator. “I'll see you upstairs then.” I heard him say and he must have clicked the close button since the door was slowly closing.


“H-hey! Wait!” I called out when I finally got back to my senses, but the bastard just smirked at me as the door was closing in. “Asshole!” I yelled and kicked the already closed door out of annoyance.




Work was finally over and I got just too excited to go and party since it was Friday and most especially, tomorrow would be a weekend which would mean there’d be no work. No work means No Xander. No Xander means Peacefulness. I sighed a breath of relief as I waited for the elevator.




I turned my gaze to the tall man who appeared beside me.


“Oh, Hi! You're Mr. O'Keeffe, right?” I smiled brightly as I remembered him. He was the newest client of the company. He was the Irish guy Sally had been talking about the whole remaining working hours. Well, I couldn't blame her. He was drop dead gorgeous with vivid grayish-blue eyes that seemed like they sparkle whenever he would smile.


“Oh, please. Just call me, Craig,” he said and gave me one of those killer smiles. If he did that to Sally, she might die. Poor Sally, if only she hadn't gone home first.


“Craig, it is. I'm Abby.” I offered my hand for a handshake and he took it gallantly.


“I know. You're Alex's secretary. How can I forget that beauty?” He gave my hand a squeeze before he let it go. I  knew then that the guy was a player, but still I gave him my sweetest smile. I could handle guys like him. It’s a game I’m good at…


“Why, thank you! My beauty is indeed unforgettable. Even in your dreams, you'll remember me,” I jested and winked at him with a matching sugary smile.


“Damn, I like you!” he said through his laughter.


“Not quite surprising since I'm very likable.” I grinned at him smugly.


“Are you free tonight?” He asked afterward.


“Well, that depends.” I raised my perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.


“How about a drink?” He stared at me with a hopeful look and I was about to say yes when an annoyingly familiar voice interrupted us from behind.


“It's bad for the baby.” I whisked my head harshly at Xander.


“What?” I asked, surprised.


“Alcohol is bad for the baby, isn't it?” He looked at me innocently. I almost smacked him in the face, but I held it in. He was doing this to get back at me for sure. But didn't I get rid of one of his women? He was even thankful to me. He was just being an asshole, I concluded.


“You're pregnant? But, you're not married, right?” Craig interjected, looking shocked and disappointed.

I just ignored him and glared at Xander.


“What? You did say it this morning,” said Xander with a serious expression, masking his smirk. You're really gonna get it. I flung my bag in his face as soon as the elevator door open and got in immediately. Then, I hurriedly pressed the close button and stuck my tongue out at Xander as the elevator door was closing in, leaving the two men in shock. What I did was childish, but I wouldn’t argue that he deserved it. I laughed as I got out of the elevator when it opened in the basement and walked toward my car, but my smile disappeared when I remembered that I threw my bag at Xander. “Shit,” I muttered. “So much for my stupidity.”


“Looking for this?” I turned around and saw Xandr  raising my bag. I was about to rant when I saw blood dripping on the side of his forehead. The metal decorative on my bag must have scraped it. “What?” He asked afterward, when he heard me gasp.


“Ah.. Um.. Well..” I felt guilty looking at him, so I took my hanky from the breast pocket of my cream blazer and went in front him. Without a word, I tugged his necktie so he could lean toward me.


“What the heck are you doing?” He asked in confusion.


“Just shut up and lean closer,” I ordered and thankfully he followed. I wiped the blood off, then I took my bag from him. Good thing I always had a small bottle of alcohol with me in my bag. I took it out and pour the liquid in my hanky, then I pressed it in his small cut.


“Aw! What the hell---”


“Stop whining like a baby.” I snapped at him and placed a band aid on the tiny cut. “Good thing I'm a girl scout.” I smiled, but my smile disappeared when I realized he was staring at me intently and our faces were inches apart. I could even feel his fresh breath on my face. It was quite tempting looking at his sexy lips. I didn't even back away when he slowly brushed his lips to mine. It was brief, but enough to burn me.


“What are you two doing over there?” I saw Craig approaching us so I pushed him immediately after finally waking up from the trance. “Don't tell me you two are dating? Is he the father of—”


“God, no!” I denied right away. “I'll get going,” I said in a hurry and got in my car. What the hell is wrong with your brain, Abigail?! That guy is your enemy! He broke your goddamn heart and you let him kissed you?! You even frigging liked it! I castigated myself as I hit the gas pedal into acceleration. I had to be more cautious whenever he’d be near me since I couldn't trust myself as much as I didn’t trust him.




I gazed at the beautiful sunset as I walked on the sandy beach, feeling relaxed and contended inhaling the salty air into my lungs. I didn't mind getting my expensive flats soaked by the small waves. In fact, I loved the coldness it brought to my toes. Then, suddenly I jolted, yet giggled when two strong arms wrapped around my small waist from behind and slightly lifted me up from the wet sand, then put me down just a few steps away from the seaside, but his arms remained and wrapped around me. I leaned more closely to him, feeling his warmth engulfing the bit of coldness I felt because of the cold breeze of the evening had brought. I felt a tingling sensation when he leaned even more and kissed the side of my neck while his hands started to caress my flat stomach and I couldn't stop myself from moaning when one of his hands slowly went up and massaged my left breast. His deft fingers felt like a spark that was lighting a fire within me. Then, all of a sudden, it sunk in to me that a man had sensually embraced and touched me. Why the heck am I here with a man anyway? He then slowly turned me around and my eyes widened in utmost shock.




I woke up with a start when the doorbell rang like a siren wailing continuously. “What the hell...” I murmured in annoyance when I saw the clock on my bedside table. It's just 6 in the frigging morning! Who could it be? I got up, thinking that Eloise must have had an early flight instead of the late flight she informed me about last time. Did she forget her key? I sleepily look into the peephole and my drowsiness left me when I saw who it was. What is he doing here? Don't tell me, I'm still dreaming... I cringed at the thought of that sensual dream. It was like a Nightmare on Elm street. Who are you kidding, Abigail? You liked it and you dreamed about him cause you were thinking of him... My ever so evil subconscious taunted me. I shook it off my head and focused on my current dilemma. Then, I decided to go back to bed and act like there was no one home when Xander spoke up behind the door just when I was about to step on the stairs.


“Abby, I heard you coming down. Open the damn door already,” he commanded with a hint of irritation in his voice. My blood started to boil in an instant. This bastard really knew how to piss me off. Acting like a King giving orders to his servant. Ha!


“Who the hell are you to order me around in my own house?” I hissed through the door.


“I'm your boss and this isn't your house, by the way. In case you've forgotten,” he said nonchalantly, but I could sense that he was smirking.


“Whatever and today is a weekend so you're not my boss,” I said relentlessly. “What are you doing here anyway?”


“Will you open the door so I can talk to you and not to this damn door?”


“No way. Why should I? I'm not even sure whether you're a psychopath or not.”


“Abigail, are you going to open this goddamn door or do I have to call my lawyer—”


“What does your lawyer have to do with you, pestering me here early in the morning?” My irritation level was rising to the top because of this arrogant man's presence.


“Well, I have told you before that if you do something that might annoy me, I will pursue my lawsuit against you. I still have my medical certificate with me. Physical injury isn't that big, but with your current situation right now—”


“You're a real bastard, don't you know that? Blackmailing me and such.” I gritted my teeth as I tried to speak as calmly as I could. I really wanted to kill him right at that very moment.


“I know,” he answered back coolly which made me more annoyed. “Are you going to open it or not?”


“Fine!” I opened the door harshly. I was ready to curse him, but instead, I swallowed the words that I was about to say, seeing how handsome he looked. He was just wearing a casual black leather jacket over a gray crew neck shirt, wash off jeans and a pair of black sneakers, but damn, he was smoking hot! He looked younger and boyish. A complete contrast from his usual classy, executive look. My eyes went up to his face when I realized that he was quiet. I caught him staring at me darkly. “What?” I asked, a bit confused at his odd expression.


“Are you trying to seduce me or something?” He asked while his eyes roamed over my body like he was mentally undressing me. I blushed and looked down at my clothes which made my face flush even more seeing how little I was wearing.


“Oh, shit!” I blurted and instinctively covered my almost naked self since I was only wearing a piece of thin lingerie that didn't leave anything to the imagination. I grabbed my jacket at the foot of the stairs that I must have thrown last night when I came home drunk and quickly put it on and crossed my arms on my chest like a protection from the beast in front of me. “Now, what is it? Hurry up and tell me so I can go back to bed. If you haven't realized yet, it's my precious weekend and you're interrupting my—hey, what the hell are you doing?” I uttered in a panic when he moved closer to me, closing the distance between us. I stepped backward, but stopped when

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