» Romance » Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author S. J. Evans

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before Bryan and Johnny, the days when everything was peaceful yet still broken, the days when it was just her and Leah the two of them happy enough with each other. Those were the days that would always be special in her heart. She never knew her biological father, but even he would be in her heart and memory with calm stability. Her thoughts drifted off to Jules so that she could calm down, thoughts of his grin, his laugh, his voice, and his unbelievably mesmerizing eyes. Her breathing calmed and she felt that she could finally face Johnny, face him alone.
Without speaking, she spit in his face and ducked away from him, running as fast as she could with her aching body. She spun around to the driver’s side of the car and quickly yanked the door open. She started to get in but strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist and tugged her back. She flailed her arms, the pain eclipsing her entire body and slicing down her skin. “No, let go!” She screamed and the sound traveled out into the muggy air, filling it generously.
“Same thing here, Princess, you have to be quiet.” Johnny said dropping her to the ground and pinning her down with his knees.
Skye screamed out in pain, as the pressure seemed to crush a few ribs, and pushed against him; trying desperately to be set free but failing—he was all too strong. “No, I won’t.” She breathed, slamming her hand into his neck and trying to choke him. “Help, somebody please!” She screamed as loud as she could.
He covered her mouth and laughed roughly. “Princess, I told you not to be quiet. Now, it’s our little secret, right

?” He whispered, glancing in the way of the open end of the alley. He managed to get a hold on her struggling arms and pinned them down, his breath raggedly panting out. “Skylar! Stop if you know what’s best for you and Leah!” He growled.
Her heart sank for a moment and she stopped fighting against him. The pain was causing the world to fade out around her but she couldn’t let it take over her; she wouldn’t give in and let him do whatever he wanted with her. “Don’t hurt her, I won’t tell anyone, I swear! Please just don’t hurt my mom, I—I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, just don’t harm her.” She begged, tears staining her cheeks. The world was slipping away, the corners of her eyes being dotted with sheer blackness.
“Good, so we have an understanding then?” He replied gruffly around a dark grin.
She felt her body shutting down as she whispered one last thing, her body giving in, “Yes.” The world went into foggy darkness and she lost consciousness, Johnny smiling with perfect contentment.
Skye awoke to being in a hospital bed. She glanced drowsily around the room with confusion. Here, again. Does he ever stop?

She thought within a daze.
“Skye, oh honey, you’re okay!” Leah said hastily, getting up from the chair she had been sitting in, and hurrying over to the bed.
Skye tried to get up but felt a pinching pain in her chest and stopped. “Mom,” she breathed, staring into the concerned eyes of her beautiful mom. “What—” she stopped herself, pain piercing her weak body.
“Skye, sweetie, do you remember what happened?”
“No, I don’t.” She lied, feeling guilt for pretending. She wondered what excuse he could possibly have used this time.
“Johnny said that you fell down the staircase, and he had to rush you right over. You were banged up pretty badly. You have a concussion and a couple fractured ribs; but amazingly, you’re going to be okay, my baby’s going to be just fine.” She stroked Skye’s hair gently and carefully, just as how she would always do when she was younger and upset. She smiled at her daughter and kissed her forehead.
Yeah, I’m going to be just fine, no thanks to your “ever so loving” husband.

Skye searched inside her mom’s eyes for something to tell her that it was all too unreal, that her mom really understood what was going on, that she knew about Johnny’s cheating and abuse. But that was all a dream, a wish waiting to be fulfilled. She sighed as she thought about how they were in two separate worlds formed into one.
“So, Johnny brought me here?” She asked her mom, wincing as she pulled herself into a sitting position and holding Leah’s hand.
“Yes, he did. It’s a good thing too, if he hadn’t, you could’ve—well, you could’ve—” She broke out into tears, her trembling sobs ringing a painful and heartbreaking melody into Skye’s ears, locking that place of despair inside her forever. You’ve really done it now Johnny, you almost got what you desired, a life filled with destruction; and a life without me.

“It’s okay Mom, I’m here now, and I’m okay. Nothing’s going to take me away from you, nothing.” That is unless that same “nothing” takes me away from you because of his anger.

She thought bitterly.
“I know, it’s just, I can’t lose you. You mean so much to me, and we’ve been through so much together.” She blinked away a tear and trembled.
“Yeah, I know,” and I’ve been through so much more than you even know about

, she wanted to speak aloud. She wanted to tell Leah everything, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t let Johnny hurt the only person she really loves, the only person she has ever known entirely. “Did he tell you anything else?” She looked at her mom with ease, trying to let the thoughts of his anger and violence slip away.
“No, he didn’t. Is there anything else I should know about?”
“Um, no, there isn’t. I was just asking.” Skye has always hated lying to anyone, especially her mom, it makes everything so much harder.
“Are you sure? Sweetie, you know you can tell me anything.”
“I know that, I’m sure.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
“Positive.” Skye brushed away a stray hair and a pain pinched her wrist. She gently touched it with her other hand and examined it; it was purple and the bruise was almost noticeable; it was obvious that someone

had caused it. She instantly but casually hid it under the thin hospital sheet.
“How are things with Bryan? He came by earlier, but he left with Johnny to talk a little while. Johnny’s such a caring father; he really looks out for you and wants what’s best for you.”
Skye practically choked on her own saliva. What? He left with Johnny! What could they possibly be talking about? If only you knew how little they cared about me, Mom.

“Everything is awesome, Mom. And, Johnny sure is something…” She let her words trail off and hang in the air. She couldn’t believe her mom was so completely clueless about everything that has been going on for so long. But how could she know? It’s not as if anyone has told her. No one else could

tell her, no one even knows besides Johnny, Bryan, and Skye.
“He sure is. Skye, you’re not still upset that I married him, are you?” Leah stared at her daughter with a sincere care that was heart-breakingly beautiful. Skye lived to keep her mom happy, she lived to keep her mom safe; her own personal life didn’t matter as much anymore, everything would be about Leah. Leah looked into the eyes of her daughter, but no matter how well she knew her daughter, she couldn’t see how much Skye’s breaking inside.
“Of course not,” She said casually, as if lying wasn’t becoming the problem but believing the lies was the actual problem. “Seeing you happy is what’s important to me, and I could never disregard that for my own feelings towards him. Besides, I think we have never been closer

than we are now.”
“That’s great, sweetie.”
She wrapped her arms around her mom and embraced her, feeling all of her emotions bubble up inside of her. If she was younger and life was how it was back then, than she could hug her mom and express everything she feels in a moment; but things aren’t how they had been, they’re much more complicated. She closed her eyes and sighed, letting all of the pain not affect her. She could see Jules’ hurt face flash across the back of her mind and a muted sob escaped from her lips.
Leah could tell that something

was wrong. “Hey, sweetie, what is it?” She said calmingly as she pulled Skye around so that they were staring at each other. “Oh no, honey, you’re crying? What is it?” She wiped at a stray tear but Skye pushed her gently away.
“It’s nothing. I just can’t seem to understand why Dad left before I was even born. Didn’t he care about you? Didn’t he want to know his baby girl?” Her voice started faltering, changing the subject was better than the alternative but it still pained her. She wanted so much to have known her father, to have seen how he really was, to have known the life she could have had, the life that would have saved her from the one she has now.
“I’m not sure if he really ever did. He left without saying goodbye, and I’m sure it was all for the best.”
“You never told me what happened though, I mean, what was he like?”
“Well, he—” Leah was cut off as the door to the room burst open, Johnny’s and Bryan’s voices suddenly very loud in the previously quiet room.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” Bryan said cheerfully, the side Skye loved to see him on.
Johnny walked in behind him and carefully sat down in one of the chairs, his lips hitched in a smile and his eyes intently on Skye.
Leah stood up from the hospital bed when Bryan reached down to kiss Skye on the forehead, and she moved to sit with Johnny.
“Hey, babe, how are you feeling?” Bryan’s voice was calm and filled with sincerity, and after the awkward silence they had had the afternoon before, it was almost reassuring that there was something

good in Bryan. The something she had fallen for back when she met him.
“Well, I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck; but other than that, perfect

.” She said calmly and very sarcastically. “Mom, do you know when I’ll be let out?” She glanced over at her mom and for a moment regretted it; there she was in Johnny’s lap, the lap that—who knows how many times—Maria had sat on.
Johnny grinned up at her and looked into her eyes, the calm and bright yet weary

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