» Romance » The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗». Author Mahlatse Mokone

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young age, which made him seem less cold and calculating. It also made me want to help him.

“Not all women are cold hearted mercenaries Brandon, some of us can love unconditionally.” I whispered, truly believing it. I had been blessed and showered with it; he had not. He didn’t know what that was. He lifted his head to look at me and the emotion in his eyes hit me like a ton of bricks. His hand moved from my waist to gently caress my cheek.

There was an honest and sincere essence in the way he was holding me now, he was not the troublemaking heartbreaker, he was just Brandon and I was completely under his spell. My lips parted to let in a much-needed breath and his eyes fell to them. “I want to kiss you, please don’t stop me,” he said with a strained voice, he sounded like he’d get on his knees and beg if needed be. I nodded, I wanted to be kissed, I needed to be kissed by him.

He leaned down to press his lips against mine; they felt soft and amazing as they moved tenderly with mine. The kiss grew more urgent and my hands involuntarily went into his hair, what a bold move for someone who has never been kissed before. I wasn’t even sure I was doing it right; I just followed Brandon’s lead, which was slowly driving me crazy.

He pulled away but his lips lingered on the corner of my mouth then they travelled down my jawline. I tried to calm my heart and breathing, I heard his breathy chuckle “This was better than the one we had in my dreams.” He said and I blushed, knowing exactly what he meant, I’ve had a couple of dreams that he starred in. Though I was not brave enough to admit it.

“You haven’t done this before, have you?” he whispered against me then pulled back to look at me. I looked down, how did he know that? Was I that terrible at it? “Don’t make fun of me.” I said and he smiled.

“I wasn’t going to, I’m actually glad I’m your first kiss.” He said, “I’m I that bad?” I asked and his smile turned into a grin “You rocked my world princess, especially when you grabbed my hair, that was hot.” He said and I chuckled blushing violently. He touched my red cheek “Look at you blushing, I’ve scandalized you. The Gilbert men are probably going to skin me alive.” He teased “But you’re so worth it.” He added placing brief kiss to my shoulder. I laughed “Its just a kiss Brandon.” I said, its not like we were doing anything indecent.

“Yeah and my services are available if you want an extensive lesson on kissing.” He said, okay it was time to get out of this boy’s arms now. I chuckled pulling away from him and he let go “You’re bad. Bad for me.” I said and he laughed, “But you’ll have me anyway, right?” he asked and I shook my head at him smiling, it seemed like it, did I honestly have a choice? I don’t know. “Let’s finish this project.” I said walking back to the drawing table.


I found Tess waiting for me in the lot, we climbed into the car, she was eyeing me closely enough to make me slightly uncomfortable. I looked at her

“What’s up with that grin on your face?” she asked and I tried to frown. “What?” I asked and her eyes widened after a moment. Tess could read me too well sometimes “Oh my God you—”

I nodded sheepishly “I kissed him.” I said and she threw her head back laughing. “Well good for you girl, I hope you blew Mr. blonde and delicious away, someone had to.” She said and I chuckled “He said I rocked his world, is that good?” I asked and she smiled “That’s great.” She said then playfully pushed my shoulder “And how was it for you?” she asked and I sank in my seat, remembering “It was just…wow.” I said and she grinned.

“So are you two like a thing now?” she asked and I touched my lips absently, at the time I didn’t think about what outcome it could have. “I don’t know.” I said truthfully and she shook her head. “Well either way Mrs. blonde and delicious there’s no running away from him now.” She said and I pushed her this time around and she chuckled. Did I want something with Brandon? I’m not sure but against my better judgment I was going to let the chips fall where they may.






















The past four days have been rather interesting, partially due to Brandon and I spending more and more time together. With our project out of the way we got to know each other a bit more, and I found that we have a lot more in common than I thought. We would’ve made great friends if the crackling attraction between us weren’t a constant reminder that we could never be.

He also told me a bit more about himself; that he moved here from Stamford Connecticut, about his dad and childhood. I was flattered that he’d wanted to share that with me, I doubted anyone else knew some of the things he has told me. Tess and I sat on the lawn at the back of the school grounds; it was near the football field.

I saw Brandon approach us and I felt my mood improve like there’s a switch that can be flicked, he got closer “Hey girls.” He said with a smile at both of us “Hi Brandon.” Tess said standing up, “I gotta go see Mr. Franklin. See you later.” She said to me then walked away. My gaze followed after her; she was always so quick to leave me alone with Brandon. I wondered if deep down inside it bothered her that I’ve been spending time with him. It didn’t seem like it though, and besides at this rate we were both going to have to get used to it. Brandon replaced her beside me

“Guess who got an A on the art project?” He said with a smiled when my eyes widened “What? Us? No way.” I said incredulously and he only nodded. I delightfully threw my arms around him then quickly pulled away again “Wow, I so couldn’t have done it without you.” I said and his smile turned into a grin “Lets just say we make an awesome team.” He said “Agreed.” I said smiling too.

My gaze fell to the ring on his right index finger, it was square shaped with a grey moonstone. It was a nice ring and I wondered what it meant to him because he never took it off. Probably a gift from a loved one, or some girl the jealous voice taunted me. “Nice ring.” I said and he was taken aback for a moment then glanced at it “Nice necklace.” He said looking at it this time.

“So did you hear about the hiking and camping trip?” he asked, I heard about it but didn’t put much thought into it “Is it like a school thing?” I asked, did that mean he’d be going too? I was suddenly very interested. “That’s the idea, are you coming?” he asked and I nodded reluctantly “Are you?” I asked and he gave me a sly smile.

“Would it matter either way?” he asked, I tore my gaze away from him and looked at the clearing “No.” I said and I heard him chuckle “Lair.” He said softly and I stifled a laugh of my own.

I noticed his St. Josephs high school Alligators duffle bag “You going to practice?” I asked and he nodded. Ever since his match-winning touchdown he’s become a vital player in the football squad. “I could use my own personal cheerleader.” He said and I chuckled playfully pushing his shoulder “Yeah right.” I said. He gave a fake sigh “Well a guy can dream.” He said then he kissed my cheek before he stood up, I tried to stifle a blush but he started walking away.

“See you later alligator.” I called after him and he turned and flashed me a gorgeous smile “After a little while princess.” He called back. I watched him until he disappeared around the building wondering what was up with this nickname or endearment he gave me.

I wasn’t sure what kind of relationship we had; weather or not we were exclusive. Well his female acquaintances were never far away, but I took pleasure when he’d blow them off now. Should I place any meaning into that?

I shook my head at myself, I was totally falling for him and it was too late to try and do anything about it. With a sigh I stood up.



I looked around the trunk of my Dad’s Mercedes SUV to check if I left anything for the camping trip, well if I did then I’ll burrow from JT. He’d be annoyed but he wouldn’t refuse. I said goodbye to my parents and Janie, “Come on Katie.” JT called after me from the front seat and I stuck my tongue out at him, a signature move so he says, and I climbed into the car. Tim closed the door after me and got into the driver’s seat. Tim replaced Jeffrey when he retired as our butler, he’s maybe in his mid thirties; I guessed. We quickly made it to school; other students seemed to be arriving as well.

I was glad to see that most of the school was not going on this trip; I saw a few faces I recognized and a few that I hoped wouldn’t go altogether.

Honestly spending three days with Adrianna and her posse was not going to be pleasant, and I didn’t see them as the outdoorsy types. Either way, I wasn’t going to let them rain on my parade, especially if I’m with the crazy girl walking towards me.

“Katelyn, I’m so glad you decided to do this.” Tess said after hugging me, “Or do I have to thank Brandon for that?” she added quietly. I shook my head at her

“He’s not the reason I wanted to come okay?” I said a little too defensively and that wasn’t lost to her. “Whatever you say princess.” She said mocking my nickname and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Tim loaded my things into the enclosed cargo trailer behind the school bus and when he was done I thanked him and he nodded cordially and drove off.

We got into the bus, it was almost full and it was the only one scheduled to leave. I looked around the bus as Tess and I looked for empty seats. There were about seventy students in it. We finally found two empty seats and I looked at the back of the bus and I saw the group of jocks and I spotted Brandon. He was in conversation with them but his gaze was on me.

He smiled and winked at me, I returned the smile before settling in my seat next to the window and Tess followed. JT went passed us to his teammates no doubt.

The bus started to fill and then finally we began to move, slight excitement crept into me, surprising me. I’ve gone camping with my family many times before, but I at leased had to admit to myself that Tess was right. Spending the whole weekend with Brandon in the great outdoors was the exciting part.

I pulled out my iPod and settled comfortably in my seat.

I didn’t know I had drifted off until I woke up; the bus was still on the road. I pulled out my earphones and I turned my head to see Brandon occupying Tess’ seat. He smiled at me looking up from his iPad. “Hello, sleepy head.” He said.

I shifted uncomfortably, a little chagrinned that I fell asleep and that he was here the whole time. How long was I asleep anyway? I didn’t feel that groggy.

“Don’t worry

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