» Romance » To Taste the Fruit, Lorelei Sutton [types of ebook readers txt] 📗

Book online «To Taste the Fruit, Lorelei Sutton [types of ebook readers txt] 📗». Author Lorelei Sutton

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I don't think he hates me either. But I broke up with him because he's super annoying, and I don't know I could take him sitting at our lunch table every day after he asks you out." 

She's still staring at me. 

"Stop it, Ana." 

"When did you date him?!" She explodes, questioning me excitedly.  

"Oh, it was freshman year, before we were really friends."  

"How did I not know this?" She asks. 

The question was probably a rhetorical one to herself, but I answer it anyways. "I never told you. It's embarrassing." 

"No it's not! Matt is so cute, Noel!" 

"He's such an idiot." 

"Maybe, but he's hot and funny and popular and Sebastian's best friend!" 

"New revelation, huh? That I can get a guy to like me?" I ask, raising my eyebrows dubiously. She better watch it, getting so excited. 

"No, you know I don't mean that." She waves her hand, dismissing my words. "It's just a lot for me to take in at once. Here I am, thinking you have never had a boyfriend before, that Sebastian was your first crush... And you're actually an experienced woman!"  

"Don't say it like that. That's just weird."  

"Okay, okay. Fine." Ana sits back in her seat, calming down. "I wonder what other secrets you are hiding, huh?" 

"I got nothing," I say jokingly, "you've uncovered them all."  She looks at me probingly. "I doubt it." If I didn't know better, I'd think she was serious.  

"You know, I've dated someone else before Matt," I confess as we turn on Lindsay's street. Cars start to multiply along the sides of the road, and even in some lawns. "Did she freaking invite the whole school?" 

"Who was it?" Ana's eyes light up. I pull into a tight spot near Lindsay's house, marveling at my parallel parking skills as I do so. 

"Conner Walters," I snicker, watching Ana's expression morph into one of uncontrollable hilarity.  

"And when was that?"  

"Fifth grade. He wasn't so... crazy then." I turn the key, listening to the last wails of the engine. "And that is the extent of my love life." 

We laugh for a minute, because we both find the fact that I dated him ridiculous. Connor today is known for his pointless antics across town, his weird comments he makes in class, and especially his habits of running in front of moving vehicles to save bugs that may or may not be on the road.  

"Well, tonight the door is about to open to your brand new love life," Ana says jokingly, "so get ready!" 

I shoot her a glare, and then open my Jeep door. I peer at the car in front of me, a blue Nissan, and notice my lights flashing upon its back. Hurriedly I turn back to flip the light switch, and exit the car, nearly turning my ankle on the way down from the seat. 

By this point Ana is already halfway to the door. "Come on!" She calls, gesturing to me before she keeps moving. I finally look up at the building, and am alarmed to see literally crowds of people, way more than I'm used to seeing in any one space. This is a little ridiculous even for Lindsay.  

Hobbling over to the steps, a few people I vaguely know wave at me. I wave back, plastering a smile onto my far. "Nice to see you!" I call, to which they yell back something I can't hear. I think they are sophomores, and honestly I couldn't name them if I tried. But name or not, they're a vote.  

Ana is waiting for me at the door. Already I can hear the boom of the stereo, and the flash of lights illuminating the doorway. "What is this?" I murmur to her, walking up beside her. 

"Looks like they hired a DJ," Ana whispers back, "it's legit." 

Where in the world did they get a DJ? I know Lindsay's parents are rich, but this is ridiculous. This is turning out to be one of those stereotypical frat parties that I've read about in books. All they need is the booze and it would be all set. 

Here in Sunny Valley, there are no real frat parties. Well, not that I know of. Our town is generally the type to require all social gatherings to have an abundance of sweet tea and plenty of chicken fingers for everyone. I mean, there’s always alcohol, but we have a pretty distinct Southern way of getting drunk that differs from the banal norm.  

I jump backwards as the door is flung forwards, a guy stumbling out almost as terribly as me in my heels. He trips, but catches himself on the railing. 

"Uh... Joshua?" Ana asks, reaching out to support him. He straightens, turning back to look at her. "Is something wrong?" 

"U-uh, uh, nothing. I just needed some fresh air," he replies, grabbing his t shirt with shaky movements and lifting it to wipe the sweat off of his face. "I-it's hot in there." I watch his bronze hair fall into his face as he peers into Ana's eyes, most likely enamored. Or intoxicated. 

"He's drunk, Ana. We should get out of here," I say quietly. Ana catches my words, and hastily let's go of Joshua.  

"I never thought he would be the type."  

"Well, is anyone here really the type?" I ask her, and then grab her arm. "We're leaving." 

"It's just a little alcohol. Come on, let's just go in," Ana urges me, pulling me towards the open doorway. Over her head I can see tons of bodies, all moving awkwardly to some rap song.  

"My head hurts," I complain, placing a hand on my temple.  


"Hey! Ana! Noel!" A breathless voice erupts from the background music and chaotic conversations. "I'm glad you could make it!"  

I quickly remove my hand from my head. "Hey... Lindsay. Nice party you have going on here," I say, trying to act excited. "Here's a card from me." I hand her an envelope, and her bright blue eyes light  up.  

"Thanks Noel! Oh, and that's so sweet of you, Ana!" She takes Ana's present in the blink of an eye. "So, is there any reason why y'all are hanging around outside?" 

Lindsay is friendly, I'll give her that. Perhaps uncomfortably so. But at least she looks beautiful, with her blond hair arranged elegantly and her gold dress shining with iridescence.  

"You look gorgeous," Ana enthuses, her eyes glued to the dress. Lindsay laughs, smiling brightly. 

"Thanks! You guys should come inside!" She holds the door, gesturing for us to come in. Have I mentioned that she always tends to speak with exclamation points? For some reason, it makes it entirely too hard to refuse her and walk back towards my Jeep. Which is what I desperately want to do right now. The last thing I need is for everyone to get caught and for me to get in trouble by association. 

I follow her inside, noting the musk that immediately surrounds us when we do so. "Where's your parents, Lindsay?" I ask her in low tones, and she giggles. Giggling? Lindsay? She has to be at least a little tipsy. 

"On vacation. Why?" She asks, a slight drawl on the edge of her words. 

“Uh, no reason. Just wondering. How did you manage to put this party together?” I ask her, keeping my tone light, yet inquisitive. I scan the crowded room, Ana having disappeared into the darkness. My eyes narrow as I make out Wendy’s body, clad in a gorgeous red dress, heading towards a secluded looking hallway. 

“Well, it’s a funny story, actually…” Lindsay smiles, raising a hand to her hair bashfully, “I… uh… never really meant to have a DJ and all that, but since my good friend was coming into town, he helped me with everything.” 

“Good… friend.” I wink at her, and she blushes. Lightly I elbow her, at which her eyes widen in surprise. 

“You can see right through me,” She whispers, “Yeah… I think I like him.” She lowers her gaze to the ground in a surprising show of embarrassment.  

“He must be an amazing guy.” I grin widely. Lindsay smiles at me thankfully. 

“You’re like the nicest person I know, Noel,” She says. I smile back, trying my best to look the part.  

“Aw, that’s so sweet of you.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder in a half-hug, and then quickly pull away. “I’m going to find Ana, is that okay with you?” 

“Oh, yes. I hope you enjoy!” She replies, and is almost immediately swarmed by her posse. And by posse, I mean her many “male friends with benefits”. In the corner of my eye I can catch her winking at one of them, and I inwardly puke in the mouth.  

For a woman like her, what can the word like really mean? I can’t believe that she thought I believed in her crap, because even she knows that she will take anyone with a mouth and the right lower anatomy. 

And me? Nice? Those are pretty words, but are as empty as my own. 

I wander throughout the crowd, hating the feeling of bodies mashing close to my own, not caring to look at their faces. I hear murmured greetings, but I don’t reply, too mentally drained by all the noise to feel amiable. I knew I never should have come, and especially when it turned out like this. I can literally smell the alcohol, with it reeking off both people and even the furniture. I wonder who brought the booze, because there’s no way Lindsay could have gotten this at the local store where everyone knows she’s under 21. 

Up close to the DJ a couple people are grinding, and I laugh when I notice their faces. Jeanette, Lucas, and Andrew look so awkward, and Penn is actually much better than she should be, considering that she’s the minister’s daughter. It’s amazing how drinking can so completely change a person. I pretty much stare at the four for a good ten seconds, probably looking pretty awkward myself by standing still. 

“Hey, Noel,” A voice calls out to me, “what’s up?” I turn to see Sebastian sauntering towards me, the hint of sweat on his brow. I can tell he also feels a little out of place here, although it might just be me making things up on my own.  

“Oh, hey,” I reply nonchalantly, trying to act unaffected by the sound of my name on his lips. It’s not a big deal. We’re friends, and friends talk to each other. And look for each other in parties. 

He is wearing pretty casual clothing, which attracts my attention because he usually tends to wear more classy shirts to school. His dark brown Henley stretches across his muscular shoulders, enhancing the color of his eyes and his athletic physique. Seeing him like this sends a strange exhilaration through my veins that I can’t even try to explain. It reminds me that this isn’t the educational environment that I am so used to, and anything can happen. 

My gaze is almost immediately drawn to his hair, sweeping across his face in glossy locks that just beg to be swept aside. The style was different than normal, with the best word to describe it being untamed. That could just be because of the heat in this room, but it still sets my heart on edge. I try to stop my heart from beating so quickly, but I can’t help my reaction from being approached by him in this atmosphere. 

“Well, I…” He reaches up and rubs his hair, looking around the room before his gaze returns to my own. “I’m glad I found you. I thought you weren’t going to show up after a while.”  

“Ha, that mostly had to do with Ana. She was giving me a lecture on proper clothing and makeup at a party, and you know how long she can keep going on and on about stuff.” I laugh, taking a few steps towards the wall and out of the throngs of people. He follows me, and I can feel his gaze travel down my skin as we do so. “Were you looking for me?” I smile, turning around when I reach the wall.  

“Guilty as charged.” He raises his hand, “I want to say that I have an excuse for seeking you out, but I don’t. Well, not until next Friday.”  

“What happens next Friday?” I watch his eyes,

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