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sh greycalled grisaille, formed the further side of the tiny apartment.Madame Poulain, turning a key, revealed a large roomy space now fitted upas a cupboard. "It's a way through into our bedroom, monsieur," she saidsmiling. "We could not of course allow our daughter to be far fromourselves." And Dampier nodded. He knew the ways of French people and sympathised withthose ways. He stepped up into the cupboard, curious to see if this too had been apowdering closet, and if that

start, he noted it and halted his pony after reaching the level to look about him.There was no sign of any cattle. But he reflected that perhaps a new range had been opened. Thirteen years is a long time, and many changes could have come during his absence. He was about to urge his pony on again, when some impulse moved him to turn in the saddle and glance at the hill he had just vacated. At about the spot where he had sat--perhaps two hundred yards distant--he saw a man on a horse, sitting

Raynold Cobham, and their company rode out on the one side and wastedand exiled the country, as the lord Harcourt had done; and the kingever rode between these battles, and every night they lodged together.OF THE GREAT ASSEMBLY THAT THE FRENCH KING MADE TO RESIST THE KING OFENGLAND Thus by the Englishmen was brent, exiled, robbed, wasted and pilledthe good, plentiful country of Normandy. Then the French king sent forthe lord John of Hainault, who came to him with a great number: alsothe king

dmirably patient person. Fully fifteen minutes elapsed before the return of the motor-cab was signalled unmistakably by the blatant bandbox bobbing back high above the press of traffic. And when this happened, Mr. Iff found some further business with the steamship company, and quietly and unobtrusively slipped back into the booking-office.As he did so the cab stopped at the curb and the pretty young woman jumped out and followed Mr. Iff across the threshold--noticing him no more than had Mr.

exquisitely pure skin, and her tender blue eyes. On the other, he would have discovered a bright little creature, who would have fascinated and perplexed him at one and the same time. If he had been questioned about her by a stranger, he would have been at a loss to say positively whether she was dark or light: he would have remembered how her eyes had held him, but he would not have known of what color they were. And yet, she would have remained a vivid picture in his memory when other

e of the road. But the second hind, having heard my name, loosed from the tiring-maid, and ran for his life; and, indeed, my strength was known all about that part.And I caught Mirdath the Beautiful by her shoulders, and shook her very soundly, in my anger. And afterward, I sent the maid onward; and she, having no word from her Mistress to stay, went forward a little; and in this fashion we came at last to the hedge-gap, with the Lady Mirdath very hushed; but yet walking anigh to me, as that

lain the matter to his mother and sister? For they might return before he did, and would be sure to ask innumerable questions.And the girl--would she go with him? If not, what should he do with her? And about her dress? Was it such as his "friend" could wear to one of Mrs. Parker Bowman's exclusive dinners? To his memory, it seemed quiet and refined. Perhaps that was all that was required for a woman who was travelling. There it was again! But he had not said she was travelling, nor

the time-- and suddenly smiled and said, as he sat down again:"Sorry. But, of course, you don't understand such things." Then he went on talking before father had time to say a word. "Let us get back to business. As you do not seem to follow me, let me explain that it is BECAUSE I do not forget that I wish to do this. I remember my dear mother's wish to make Aunt Janet happy, and would like to do as she did." "AUNT Janet?" said father, very properly sneering at his