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okay so i love jc caylen and kian lawely so what im not some crazy fangirl i just admire them but this was my second fanficton but i guess u can say its coming out again

Landon has a strange past, and within this past rests a love that cannot be swayed, even through the passage of time. When Tanya returns to his life, things have changed, and he's going to fix it, even if his past is haunted with the memories of their love.

Galadriel, a mute girl taken captive when her country is invaded, finds out she has great powers she never knew of. For the first time she has fallen in love-with the enemy, her captor Prince William. When an evil Queen threatens her love and her world as she knows it, Galadriel will have to use her newfound powers for the fight for her life.

stephanie who 15 years old is spending her whole summer holiday with family up at her aunts farm she thinks it going to be boring until she meets a dark eyed boy then everything started to change for her

This is about a girl name Danee The Hedgehog that was led to a new adventure find out here!!

Tristan had his heart broken and Anna too but they found each other when they most needed to find good love.

ही कादंबरी लेखकाकडून लिहली गेलेली पहिली प्रेमकथा आहे .आपल्या देशाच्या इतिहासात कित्येक प्रेमकथा होऊन गेल्या आहेत .काहींनी इतिहास बनवला तर काही इतिहासात हरवून गेल्या .आजही प्रेम करण्याचा हक्क प्रत्येकाला आहे पण आपल्या मर्जीने लग्न करायचा अजिबात नाही .

Everything in here life sucked, but not until Anastasia's best, and only friend Spencer left her to become popular. Sure, Ana was fat, but did that really matter to people? Yes. It's been a couple years after Ana left from her heart break because of Spencer, she's amazingly beautiful and every guy wants her. What will Spencer do? Or more importantly will Ana forgive her first love?

Melody has never been alone. Always surrounded by people, most would think she was happy, but that wasn't the case. There was only two people who were truly her best friends; Cynthia and Gary. Together nothing could stop them, that is until the day she had to move. A two years have past since then, and Mel decides to fix what was broken. But when her life turns into a tragedy, will she ever be the same? And could she find something more from the ashes?

Just because I cry it doesn't mean I'm weak it just makes me human just because I don't give a shit doesn't mean I'm being a bitch it just means I know my boundaries when it comes to people's personal business and just because I've been through more shit than you have and live a shitty doesn't make you better than me